In this Death Match, carefully maneuver through the movement restrictions to eventually connect all of your pieces together.
Designer(s): e_is_cool, elara | Match Type: DM (for 2 players) |
Featured in: The Genius: Contractual Obligation |
Death Match: Chromatic Collapse
This game takes place on an 8 by 8 board with its corners removed. Each player controls 12 colored pieces of their shape. The starting configuration may be different for each time this DM is played, but there is guaranteed symmetry between both players.
✏️ The starting configuration will always have the pieces along the edge of the board. The symmetry is among the top left - bottom right axis. The diamond player controls the pieces that start on the top and bottom, while the circle player controls the pieces that start on the left and right.
A player's goal is to form a singular continuous group with all of their pieces at any point during the game. Piece connectivity is 8-way.
✏️ A player does not have to finish their turn to win, and may also win on their opponent's turn.
✏️ If both players form a group at the same time, the player with the larger group wins; if it's a tie, the player who made the most recent move wins.
A player's turn consists of two moves.
A move consists of a friendly piece and a direction; that piece will move a number of spaces in that direction equal to the number of pieces along that direction (including itself). Pieces can travel through friendly units, but cannot travel through enemy units.
A friendly piece can capture an enemy piece by landing on it; a friendly piece cannot capture another friendly piece.
✏️ This means that a move is illegal if it would cause a friendly piece to land on another friendly piece.
A player's first move must be a piece of the same color as their opponent's second move. If a player has no pieces of that color that can move, they can move any piece.
A player's second move must be in the opposite direction of their first move, or 45 degrees off from it. If a player has no pieces that can move in that direction, they may move a piece in any direction.
A player cannot move the same piece twice in a single turn.
✏️ If you cannot make both of your moves in your turn, you lose.
On the first player's first turn, they only get one move (and their opponent must match its piece color on their first move).
✏️ The first player has no restriction on the piece they can move on their first turn.
✏️ If after 49 plies (25 turns from the first player and 24 turns from the second player) the game is not over, the game reaches sudden death. On every 5th ply (starting on Ply 50), the current player must remove one of their opponent's pieces before moving their pieces.
✏️ At the beginning of the Death Match, the board is revealed, and both players have 3 minutes to analyze the board. Afterwards, the player with the Advantage will select the starting player, and the game begins.
✏️ Players get 90 seconds for their turn (both moves), with 5 minutes of reserve time. Running out of time means you lose the DM.
Grid-based (The game involves play on a grid.)
Piece movement (The game involves pieces moving on a board.)
Piece removal (The game involves pieces being removed from the board.)
Strategy (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)
Turn-based (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)