Memories of a Lost Season


Designer(s): e_is_cool, elara Match Type: MM (for 20 players)
Featured in: The Simulacrum
Awards: Best Themed MM 2024, Most Innovative MM 2024, Most Fun MM 2024

Main Match 1: Memories of a Lost Season

Each of you has entered a set of The Genius. However, it does not look like you were the first ones there. Upon arrival, you all got a small pocket watch, with an image of a skull on the front and a garnet on the back. You also received a notebook, for notetaking, probably.

The set consists of four rooms: a main lobby (which is directly connected to each of the other three rooms), a dealer booth, a dining room, and an attic.

The stopwatch you hold has special powers. You may travel to any episode of the game that was played, with one of four timestamps, labeled as 1, 2, 3, and 4. You are guaranteed that the scenes happen in that order.

This Main Match takes place over four rounds. The first round lasts 48 hours, while subsequent rounds last 24 hours each. During each round, you may send queries by requesting an episode and timestamp within an episode. You will receive a scene of what happened on the set. Each player has a voice, represented by a fruit. The same voice always corresponds to the same player.

Here are the list of voice identities: APPLE, CHERRY, FIG, GRAPE, KIWI, LEMON, LIME, MANGO, MELON, ORANGE, PEACH, PEAR, PLUM

Note that you will receive information from a query immediately upon requesting. Please ping dealers when you do so. You will receive two queries per round. If you do not use a query it carries over to the next round.

You are tasked to fill out this record of information:

Note that there are two tabs; either one is a valid submission format. The Episode-By-Episode Format is recommended since it is more intuitive exactly what leads to what deductions.)

You should submit your current understanding of the happenings of the season during each round. You will be scored based on how accurate you are. Correct information gains points, incorrect information loses points. You do not have to fill in all pieces of information; you may leave things blank, for zero points.

The following are the pieces of information you may deduce:

  • For each voice, assign a name to it. (6 points per name)
  • In each episode, assign a name to the matches played. Or, for FM3 only, state that the game was unplayed. (1 point per name)
  • For each player in the episode, state whether or not they were DM participants, immune, or neither. (2 points per name that is a DM participant or immune)
  • Additionally, you may be more specific, stating if someone is the EC or DMO, as well as if someone got immunity from winning or being gifted immunity. (1 point per name)
  • You may also state who lost the DM/FM. Or, for FM3 only, state that the game was unplayed. (3 points per name)

Furthermore, if you have a 100% correct understanding of what happened in the season (you have the maximum score), obtain an additional 20 points.

At the end of each round, you will be told the number of points you got this round, rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10. (So if you scored 37 points, you will be told 30.)

After four rounds of queries, all players’ final scores will be calculated, as a sum of the points you earned each round. Players will be ranked using this score, breaking ties using points scored in MM0.

Players will privately receive their final score. Additionally, the relative placement of each player will be publicly revealed. Note that players' final scores will not be revealed publicly.

The top three scoring players receive immunity. In addition, the highest-scoring player receives two additional ToLs to give to any that does not already have a ToL and is not an EC. The second-highest scoring player also receives one additional ToL. Thus, six ToLs will be handed out for this episode.

There are three Elimination Candidates in this episode: the three lowest scoring players. First, the player ranked third to last picks their DMO, then second to last, then last. (To save time, you may identify a ranked priority list of up to three players to DMO.)

Important: For this episode, you may directly copy and paste query result information from hosts, including images. Do not take screenshots.

Clarification: Please note that voice identities are NOT names. You will get no credit if you submit one of the fruity voice identities as your answer.
