Truth Deflector


Designer(s): elara Match Type: MM (for 11 players)
Featured in: The Choice is Yours

Main Match 3: Truth Deflector

In Truth Deflector, players attempt to hide the truth from others in a game of social skill and psychology.

There are 10 rounds in this game. In each round, each player claims a trait--either Power, Wisdom, or Courage. Players also secretly submit a trait, which may be the same one or may be different. If a player ever submits a trait different from the one they claim, they are considered to be a Truth Deflector, and will remain as one for the rest of the game.

(In essence, Truth Deflecting is a status gained by lying about your chosen trait at least once.)


If you believe that a different player is a Truth Deflector, you may choose to challenge them. Challenging is done as a submission (in your submissions channel), and you may only challenge at most two players in a single round.

All challenges are announced at the end of each round. However, in order for a challenge to be processed, at least three players must challenge the same player in the same round. If this does not happen, the challenges have no effect. (From this point onward in the rules, the word "challenge" refers to having at least three people challenge someone.)

When a player is challenged, it is revealed whether or not they were a Truth Deflector. If they were a Truth Deflector, they are eliminated from the Main Match, and may no longer submit numbers, but they may still challenge others. All players that challenged this player in the current round earn 5 points; the eliminated player loses 5 points.

If they are not a Truth Deflector, each player who challenged them loses 5 points, and the challenged player receives 5 points.

Earning Points

After each round, it is revealed how many players claimed each trait (but not who claimed what). Players earn points equal to the sum of the revealed values for the two traits they did not secretly submit.

For instance, assume there are 11 players alive. 5 players claimed Power, 3 players claimed Wisdom, and 3 players claimed Courage. if you are a player who claimed Courage, but secretly submitted Wisdom, you will gain 5+3=8 points (for the number of players who claimed Power and Courage respectively).

Eliminations due to challenging are processed before this is calculated in a single round. If you are eliminated, you are ineligible to gain points for that round, and do not contribute to the points of other players.

In addition, each trait has an effect:

Power: You receive 3 points if you choose this trait.

Courage: If at most 3 people claim this trait, you will earn 8 points.

Wisdom: The effect of Wisdom depends on the Twists. (Option 4 was picked; see below.)

If you submit and claim different traits, you will receive the effects of both traits. In the above example, you would receive 8 points due to there being 3 people claiming Courage, and you would also receive the effect of Wisdom.

Note that a corollary of this scoring system is that players are always able to calculate their own scores.

Endgame + Garnets

At the end of the game, all final point counts are revealed (but not whether players were Truth Deflectors). The player with the highest number of points wins the game and a ToL.

If there is a tie for first with 3 or fewer winners, all of those winners receive ToLs. If more than 3 players tie for the highest number of points, the Gamewide Tiebreak is used to choose which players receive ToLs (essentially Garnet counts; see the Rules). This will be used to break any ties to select the top 3 or fewer winners. If a single player wins, they receive two ToL's.

The player with the lowest number of points is the EC. If there is a tie for this, the winners choose the EC out of the possible losers.

Players receive garnets equal to the number of points they have at the end of the game, divided by 30.



There are two possible ways to spend garnets in this game; the Group decision decides which of them (if any) take place.


You may choose to activate Resurrection. An eliminated player may spend 5 garnets to return to the game, the next round. (For instance, if they are eliminated during Round 2, and spend the garnets during Round 3, their next point-earning submission is Round 4). Such a player is not counted as a Truth Deflector until they lie again.


If you are a Truth Deflector, you may spend 3 Garnets to cleanse yourself, which means you will lose your Truth Deflector status, for the purpose of challenging. (You will still get it again if you lie another time.)

This cleansing only applies to the next round onward. For instance, if you use it during Round 3, a challenge during Round 3 will still eliminate you (though you will be refunded your garnets). Only a challenge from Round 4 onwards will not eliminate you.

Submit Yes/No for Resurrection and Yes/No for Cleansing, separately.

MM Winners: You may add another wincondition to the game, which is as follows:

Out of all players who are alive at the end of the game, the player who submitted a different trait from what they claimed the most number of rounds wins a Token of Life. If this is a tie, the player with a lower score wins; if this is a tie then Gamewide Tiebreak is used.

(In this case, the four winners of the previous MM may discuss and privately submit whether or not they would like to pass this. If it's a tied vote then it does not pass.)

DM Winner: The DM Winner may decide the effect of Wisdom. It can be out of these options:

~~- You will be told how many players lied about their trait in the current round.

  • You will be told how many alive players are currently Truth Deflectors.
  • Choose a player; you will be told if they lied about their trait in the current round.~~

- Choose a pair of traits. You will be told the identity of every player that claimed the first trait but actually submitted the second in the current round. (If you chose Wisdom and then Courage, then you would be told about the player in the aforementioned example.)

By default (i.e. in the case of a nonsubmission), the first option will be chosen.



Trait choosing and challenging happen at the same time. This game takes 10 days total (barring unforeseen delays which hopefully won't happen).

Garnet earnings are rounded down.


The order in which things happen is as follows:

  • Challenges are processed
  • Points are processed
  • Resurrections are processed (if applicable)
  • Cleansing is processed (if applicable)
  • Lying (becoming a Truth Deflector) is processed

So, consequences of this include: cleansing and lying on the same round means you will still be a TD, and that you cannot lie for the first time and be challenged successfully on the same round.

Clarifications: The Wisdom effect does not allow you to choose the same trait twice. (So you cannot find the set of players who claimed and picked Power.)

Ordering does matter. Choosing Wisdom/Courage and Courage/Wisdom will give you different sets.

Clarification: If a player does not submit, their submission will be randomized among all non-lying submissions. Also I will be sad. So please submit.
