Exodia, Obliterate


Designer(s): elara Match Type: MM (for 7 players)
Featured in: The Choice is Yours

Main Match 7: Exodia, Obliterate

In Exodia, Obliterate, players attempt to assemble a game-winning combo.

This game has 7 copies of each of 7 different cards. Each card is marked with its initial owner. Each player's goal is to obtain one card of each initial owner. This is an Exodia, and doing so will win the Main Match.

The Cards

The seven cards are as follows:

Steal: Choose a player, and choose a card they hold (a card is identified by both its initial owner and its name). If they attempt to play that card this turn, you take that card, and its effect does not trigger. You may not Steal a Steal. If multiple players Steal the same card (that was indeed played), it is discarded instead.

Force: Choose a player. Next round, they will be forced to discard one of their cards (but they may choose which one to discard). If a player is unable to discard as many cards as they have to because of multiple Forces, they discard all of their cards and are unable to play any.

Priority: If you play this card, you will have priority in the next Retrieval Phase, ranking you above all players who didn't play Priority.

Gift: Along with playing this card, you may choose a player to receive another card you hold as a Gift. However, there are two ways this can backfire: 1) If multiple players attempt to Gift the same player, then all gifts are discarded instead of played. In addition, if a player uses Steal on either you or the Gift target (even if it's unsuccessful), they take the gifted card. (If multiple players use Steal, the gifted card is discarded instead.)

Immune: Playing this card renders you immune from Steal, Force, or Gift for the next turn. If those cards are played on you, they are discarded without effect. (Note: This card does not render you immune from being targeted with Bomb.)

Meta: Playing this card moves it to the Discard Pile, but also helps you earn Garnets at the end of the game. In addition, this card is also used for the purpose of tiebreaking at the end of the game.

Bomb: While playing this card, either choose a player you think will play a targeting card on you (either Steal, Force, or Gift), or decide that nobody will target you. If you choose someone that you think will target you and are right, they receive this Bomb. However, if they do not target you, you receive a Strike and keep your Bomb. If you decided nobody would target you, and are incorrect, you receive a Strike; if you are correct, you lose a Strike instead. (You can go into negative Strikes.)

You may play multiple Bombs in one turn, and it is possible to receive multiple strikes in one turn for it. If you do not play any Bomb, while you hold at least one, you receive a Strike.

Playing Cards

Every turn, you may play as many cards as you'd like. When a card is played, it is moved to the Discard Pile, and its effect is triggered. All cards are announced when they are played (along with their targets).

You must always play at least one card per round, if you are able. You may not play the same type of card in two consecutive rounds, if you are able to avoid it.

Retrieval Phase

Every round in which the Discard Pile has at least 7 cards, a Retrieval Phase occurs. At this time, all players should rank the cards in order of most preferred to least preferred. Players may either rank by Effect or by Initial Owner, but may only do one of these.

Players will first be ranked in order of who played the Priority card. Then, players will be ranked in order of the number of unique initial owners they hold in their hand, in increasing order (so a player with only 1 unique initial owner will be ranked in front of someone with 3). Ties will be broken by the Retrieval Tiebreaker.

Each player will take their most preferred card that is still in the Discard Pile at that time. If there are multiple cards satisfying their requirement (e.g. if I chose Kitty as my most preferred initial owner, but there are three Kitty cards in the Discard Pile), then the card received is chosen at random among them.

The Retrieval Phase happens before playing in a single round. Initially, only one Retrieval Phase can happen per round. However, starting Round 8, multiple Retrieval Phases can happen in the same round. The number of phases is equal to the number of cards in the Discard Pile, divided by 7, rounded down. (Each Retrieval Phase is independent.)

It is not announced which player received which card.


When any player possesses at least one card from every initial owner, the game ends.

If multiple players have achieved this on the same turn, then first, the tie is broken by number of Meta cards possessed at the end of the game. If this is also a tie, then a joint win occurs. Up to three players can joint win; if more than three players are tied even after considering Metas, then the player highest on the Retrieval Tiebreak wins the Main Match.

If multiple players win, they each gain one Token of Life. The EC is the player with the most Strikes (who did not win). If this is a tie, then the player with the fewest Meta cards is the loser; if this is still a tie, the player lowest on the Retrieval Tiebreak is the EC.

If there is a single winner, that player earns two Tokens of Life. That player is able to select an EC out of any player holding strictly fewer Meta cards than them at the end of the game. If no such player exists, the above EC selection system is used.

Players earn Garnets equal to the number of times they played a Meta card, divided by two, rounded down.


Group Twist:

There are two possibilities here, for extra cards being put into the Discard Pile. You may choose one of them to pass, or neither:

1: At the beginning of the game, every player chooses one card to put into the Discard Pile. (As such, the Retrieval Phase will be triggered on Round 1.)

2: Every third round, every player must discard one card.

Vote on either of these (or on 0, which is none). The majority will be revealed. A tie will be broken by the Gamewide Tiebreaker, so the player with the highest Gamewide Tiebreak that voted decisively will decide the vote.

MM Winner Twist:

If you'd like, you may choose any card, and require that X copies of that card be necessary to win the Main Match, for some X that is at most 2. (In other words, an Exodia requires you to also have at least that many copies of that card in your hand.)

Because of multiple winners, it is possible, for instance, to be forced to have two copies of Card A and also two copies of Card B. If two winners use the same requirement, they are not added together. (If one winner requires two copies of A and another requires one copy of A, then the restriction is just two copies of A.)

DM Winner Twist:

You decide the ordering of the Retrieval Tiebreaker. Send a list of all alive players. (This list stays the same throughout, and will be revealed at the start of the game.)


Clarification: Players initially start with one copy of each of the cards. (Somehow I missed this, oops.)

Clarification: I used an old name for one of the cards in the description for Bomb; this is corrected.


Cards are always identified by both their effect and their initial owner.

MM Winner Twist chooses an effect of a card to be a requirement. The twist is revealed publicly at the start of the game.

If a card is Stolen, its effect does not trigger.


The Retrieval Phase happens before card playing is processed, but simultaneously with card playing.

It is always known which cards are in the Discard Pile.

Changing MM Winner Twist because when I made it I somehow forgot to account for multiple winners:

If you'd like, you may choose any card, and require that X copies of that card be necessary to win the Main Match, for some X that is at most 2. (In other words, an Exodia requires you to also have at least that many copies of that card in your hand.)

Because of multiple winners, it is possible, for instance, to be forced to have two copies of Card A and also two copies of Card B. If two winners use the same requirement, they are not added together. (If one winner requires two copies of A and another requires one copy of A, then the restriction is just two copies of A.)

Amendment: Retrieval and Priority and Steal interact weirdly, oops

When I said "Retrieval Phase happens before processing cards", this was to clarify that Retrieval cannot collect cards that were played in that round. As long as this part is clear, it makes more sense to have Retrieval happen after processing cards, so that Priority can work as intended. Sorry.


You may not play the same type of card in two consecutive rounds, if you are able to avoid it.

This restriction does not include Bombs. You may play a Bomb two rounds in a row.


Clarification: If you play Bomb while claiming nobody will target you and are correct, the Bomb is discarded. If you are incorrect, you keep the card.

Clarification: Playing multiple Priority cards does not give you super priority.

Amendment: You can't Steal a Bomb.


Priority: If you play this card, you will have priority in the next Retrieval Phase, ranking you above all players who didn't play Priority.

This card is worded badly; you must use a Priority Card the round that the Retrieval Phase happens in order to get the effect (you cannot bank it for the future).

Clarification/Amendment: If you do not submit, you will receive a Strike, and a random card that isn't a Bomb in your hand will be moved to the Discard Pile. (This will be announced.)
