Astral Flow

In this Death Match, apply instructions to a given grid to correctly answer which cells do not have a star.

Designer(s): e_is_cool, elara Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Heaven and Hell

Great heroes and tragic characters alike are brought to the sea of stars, living an eternal life as constellations in the night sky. The stars ever shift and change, but if you wish to return, then avoid them at all costs.

This Death Match will take place over 10 rounds, with an additional tiebreaker round if required.

Each round consists of some number of grids, all of the same size. Each grid will have some cells filled in with stars, as well as a sequence of instructions showing how the stars might be translated, rotated (by right angles about the origin), or reflected (about any of the 4 compass lines going through the origin). The origin of a grid will be shown as a red dot. Note that stars will always be in the middle of a cell after the entire set of instructions.

An instruction is either a translation by 1 in any of the 8 compass directions, a rotation by 90 degrees either clockwise or counterclockwise, or a reflection in one of the 4 compass lines.

The final grid of a round is the resulting grid (of same size) of all of a round's grids, after applying each instruction, overlaid on top of each other. There may be cells that contain a star (maybe multiple), and there may be cells that do not contain a star.

A cell is safe if it does not contain a star. During the round, you may name a safe cell, or declare that there are no more unnamed safe cells.

A cell is considered to have been named if it has been correctly submitted before, or is connected to a cell that has been named. Two cells are connected if you can travel from one to the other through sides only passing through safe cells.

You lose a point if the cell is not safe or has already been named. You gain 2 points if the cell is safe and has not been named before.

You gain 3 points if you declare correctly that there are no more unnamed safe cells. You lose 1 point if you are incorrect when you claim there are no more unnamed safe cells.

Whether you gain or lose points, you cannot submit for 20 seconds after a submission. The round ends when someone declares no more cells correctly, or if both a minute passes with no correct submission, and at least 5 minutes have passed since the start of the round.

Whoever has more points at the end of the 10 rounds wins the DM. In the case of a tie, an additional tiebreaker round is played. If the tiebreaker round ends in a tie, the Death Match Opponent, Leddel, wins.


Allowed resources: You may not use an image editing software during the DM. You may use a pen and paper or similar.


Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Mental    (The game tests mental agility.)

Observation    (The game tests the players' observational skills.)

Points-based    (The game involves players earning points.)