The Amalgamation


Designer(s): elara Match Type: MM (for 6 players)
Featured in: The Choice is Yours

Main Match 8: The Amalgamation

In The Amalgamation, players simultaneously compete in four Main Matches.

This game takes place over 7 rounds. In each round, each of four different games is played. Players will spend money on each of these games, and at the end, each game has its own scoring system, ranking all six players. Afterwards, final results are tallied.

Each player starts with $400, to use over all four games. Players cannot gift money. At the end of each round, all players have their current balance revealed. More information (that is, how much was spent where) is generally not revealed; see specific game rules.

Kong's Dilemma

Before the game, players will be split into two teams of 3. These are the red team and the white team.

In each round, players will decide to contribute some amount of money. This may be anywhere between no money and all of their money.

Afterwards, the total amount contributed for each team is calculated. The team that contributed less money overall will be revealed, along with the amount of money the players on that team used in total. The other team gains a point. If both teams spent the same amount of money, this will be revealed, and neither team gets a point.

At the end of 7 rounds, the team that receives more points wins. If this is a tie, the team that reached that number of points first wins. (If somehow the game ends tied 0-0, then the team with the player winning the Gamewide Tiebreak is the winning team.)

The three players on the winning team will be ranked as 1st to 3rd place by order of total money contributed, in decreasing order. So, the player that contributed the most money is in 1st place.

The three players on the losing time will be ranked as 4th to 6th place by order of total money contributed, in increasing order. So, the player that contributed the least money is in 4th place.

If there is a tie, it is broken by the Gamewide Tiebreak.

Public information revealed in this game: Teams at the beginning of the game, the winning team each round, the amount of money spent by the losing team.

Minus Auction

Up for auction are tiles containing the values -1 through -35. Before the game, a tiebreak order will be determined.

Each round, 5 of these tiles are revealed. Players choose to bid some number on each tile. Your number may be negative. The amount of money you spend will be the absolute value of the number you bid.

Every tile goes to the player that bids the smallest number on it. If multiple players bid the same smallest amount on a tile, it goes to the player out of those that is at the front of the tiebreaker order. Afterwards, that player is moved to the end of the tiebreaker order. In each round, tiles are considered in a given order, and ties are resolved in that order.

If a player goes two rounds without receiving any tiles, the player incurs a $20 penalty. (This resets after the second round. So if a player goes three rounds in a row receiving no tiles, they only receive a penalty of $20.) Having a negative amount of money is identical to having $0.

At the end, each player's received tiles are counted. Players receive points equal to the sum of the lowest values in all streaks of tiles they receive. For instance, if a player received the tiles -17, -18, -19, and -20, then all four of those tiles contribute a value of -17 to their score. If the player received -17, -19, and -21, then they receive a score of -17-19-21 = -57.

Then, players are ranked in score from highest to lowest. (Because all scores are nonpositive, 1st place would be the player closest to 0.)

Ties in this are broken by the amount of money spent in the game (with more money spent being ranked ahead), then by the Gamewide Tiebreak if this does not resolve.

The tiles that each player received is revealed after each round, and the final tiebreak order is revealed after each round. When a player bids money, they do not get it back.

Investment & Donation

In each round, players spend money on both investing and donating. These are independent actions, but both contribute to the final score.

In each round, the player that spent the most money investing receives a Top Investor token. If multiple players spent the same maximum amount, they are instead skipped, and the first unique amount receives the Top Investor token. (It is possible that all players are skipped this way; in this case, nobody receives the token.)

Also, in each round, the player that spent the least money donating receives a Miser token. If multiple players spent the same minimum amount, they all receive a token.

Then, we determine the ranking of all six players in a snakelike pattern. So, in order, we determine the players in the following order: 1st, 6th, 2nd, 5th, 3rd, 4th.

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd players are chosen by considering the number of Top Investor tokens each player has. The player with the most Top Investor tokens is 1st place, and so on.

The 6th, 5th, and 4th players are chosen by considering the number of Miser tokens each player has. The player with the most Miser tokens (who isn't the player in 1st) is 6th place, and so on.

If a player has already been placed, they are not considered for the other placements.

Ties are resolved by the amount of total money spent on this game. For considering a higher placement (i.e. using Top Investor tokens), more money spent means you will be placed earlier. For considering a lower placement (i.e. using Miser tokens), less money spent means you will be placed earlier. Either way, spending more overall will be better for your rank than spending less.

Further ties are resolved by the Gamewide Tiebreak, in a similar fashion. Higher in the Gamewide Tiebreak will always cause your rank to be higher.

The only public information revealed in this game is the identities of the players that received Miser and Top Investor tokens.

Garnet Chip Thief

In each round, 5 chips are up for grabs. Players may choose to bet an amount for each round. Every chip they receive that round gives number of points equal to the amount they bet that round for their final score. For instance, if a player bet $100, and they received two chips that round, then 200 points are added to the player's score for this game.

In each round, all players choose one of four roles: Mafia, Cartel, Police, and Beggar. Afterwards, all roles are revealed, and players may receive chips depending on the amount of players in each role.

First, the number of players with the Mafia and Cartel roles are considered. If there are more Mafia players, then they split the chips evenly. If there are more Cartel players, they split the chips evenly. For instance, if there are 2 Mafia players and 1 Cartel player, then both Mafia players receive 2 chips each. (All splits are rounded down.)

If the number of Mafia and Cartel players are equal, then the Police players instead split the chips. Note that this includes a situation in which there are no Mafia nor Cartel players.

Finally, if there are still chips left over, the Beggar player(s) divide them evenly. For instance, in the above example, a single Beggar would take the remaining chip, but if there were two Beggars then neither would receive anything.

At the end of the game, all point counts are revealed. Players are ranked in order of number of points received. Ties are broken by the Gamewide Tiebreak.

In each round, all player's role choices are revealed, along with how many chips each player received. The amount players bid is never revealed.

Final Scoring

After 7 rounds, all rankings are revealed.

For each game, players receive points according to the following chart:


Rank | Points

1st | 20 2nd | 15 3rd | 12 4th | 10 5th | 8 6th | 4```

(Note that points within a subgame only matter for determining rankings, and are no longer considered for final scoring.)

The player with the most points overall is the winner of the Main Match. They receive two ToLs. If there are multiple players that receive the most points, they joint win and receive one ToL each. (At most three players can joint win; otherwise, all ToLs are invalidated.)

The player with the fewest points overall is the loser of the Main Match, and is the Elimination Candidate. If there are multiple players that receive the fewest points, the winner(s) decide on which one is the EC.

A player earns 2 garnets for every game in which they place first and 1 garnet for every game in which they place second.


Group Twist: Garnets can be used to buy extra money in this game. Submit a number between $5 and $20 (the amount you get for one garnet). The arithmetic mean of all submissions, rounded to the nearest integer, will be chosen.

MM Winner Twist: The MM Winner decides the initial Tiebreak Order in Minus Auction. Submit an ordering of all players.

DM Winner Twist: The DM Winner decides the distribution of teams for Kong's Dilemma. Submit a distribution of three players to the Red Team and three players to the White Team.


Clarifications/Amendments: For Minus Auction, you must make a bid for every tile.

Somehow I forgot to put the ranking condition in there. To make it clear, players are ranked by final score from highest to lowest. (Keep in mind that all numbers are negative.)

Lack of submission means the following:

Kong's Dilemma: $0 contribution

Minus Auction: 0 on all tiles

Investment & Donation: Invest $0, Donate $0

Chip Thief: $0 bet, randomize role

Clarification: You cannot go willingly into debt (spend more money than you currently have). Money spent is calculated before MA penalties in a round.
