Advent of Language

In this Main Match, figure out the hidden objectives and submit words that match them.

Designer(s): e_is_cool, elara Match Type: MM (for 7 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Heaven and Hell
Awards: Best Mid Game MM 2023

Main Match 8: Advent of Language

There are 24 hours of free communication between each realm. Afterwards, communications between realms will be permanently locked until the beginning of the next episode (except for with DM players). At this time, each Hell player will be given a distinct codename; all Hell players know who has what codename. These serve as the players' identities to Heaven players.

This game takes place over 8 rounds. On each round, players have two phases that they submit to simultaneously, the Drawing phase and the Spelling phase. Round 1 does not have a Spelling phase; Round 8 does not have a Drawing phase.


In the drawing phase, players receive letter tiles that they will use to spell words. Heaven and Hell receive tiles in different ways.

In Hell, each round, several buckets of options are provided. Players choose one option from each bucket; at the end of the round, you receive the tile(s) in your chosen option. Furthermore, if you were the only player who chose an option in a given bucket, you get double tiles from that option. However, Hell players must select one of their tiles to give to both Heaven players. You make this decision at the same time as selecting buckets, so you do not yet know if you received two copies of a tile.

In Heaven, players are provided with 12 tiles (possibly including duplicates) and choose 6 tiles from that set. They also receive 5 tiles from Hell (one from each player), and also receive one blank tile that can represent any letter.

Heaven players may choose to ban one of the letters of the 12 tiles they are provided. If either player attempts to take that letter, they get nothing instead.

The buckets and Heaven’s tile set are publicly revealed to both realms at the start of each round, but the results (what letters you received) are revealed only to you and Hell.


In the spelling phase, players spell words using their letters to complete objectives.

There are 26 objectives, labeled from A-Z. These objectives are the same between Heaven and Hell. Players will submit words in order to complete objectives. These must be single words, at least 3 letters long, and be valid according to this:

After communications are locked, Hell will get the exact list of objectives. Additionally, both realms will be given one valid and one invalid example word for each objective. (The words will be the same for both realms.)

For example, let's say the criterion for objective ∃ is that the word must begin with a T. A valid example word could be TEAPOT, while an invalid example word could be GHOST. Note that while TO is a word, it is not at least 3 letters long, so would not be allowed as a submission.

Players from both realms can submit words to objectives using the tiles they own. You may submit for any number of objectives as you wish, as long as you have the tiles for it. When Heaven submits a word, they choose one objective to try to complete; on the other hand, Hell may complete up to three objectives with one word.

Furthermore, Heaven players must have the first letters of their words be unique; you cannot submit a word that has the same first letter as a different word you submitted previously or in this round.

You cannot submit to an objective you have already completed. Hell players are not allowed to submit invalid words, and if a Heaven player submits an invalid word, they will be (privately) told so and refunded their letters. In addition, you cannot submit a previously accepted word (including the sample) to the same objective.

When a player successfully submits a word to an objective, the identity of the submitting player (either a codename for a Hell player or just which of the Heavens players it is), as well as the objective and word used, will be revealed.

Players get 2 points if they are the sole first player in their realm to complete that objective and 1 point otherwise. However, if two players submit the same word to an objective on the same round then they both gain 0 points.


The game lasts for 8 rounds. At the end of the 8th round, scores are calculated.

In Heaven, the winner stays in Heaven, white the loser falls to Hell with the Devil’s Curse (recall that the Devil’s Curse prevents receiving immunity unless you win the MM).

In Hell, the top two players receive immunity, with the player in first winning the MM. Last place is the Elimination Candidate.

In the case of a tie, we consider the most recent time there wasn’t a tie.

At the start of the next episode, there will be 1 player in Heaven and 5 players in Hell.


Players are not allowed to use programs, regex, anagram solvers, or anything similar to automate the searching of words. Additionally, after the 24 hour grace period, players are no longer allowed to communicate between realms.


Drafting    (The game involves players drafting items from a pool, usually by taking turns or using a priority system.)

Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)

Words    (The game tests the players' linguistic abilities.)