Divine Intervention

In this Main Match, the three players in heaven are deities. They have divine powers and the shamans in Hell, as their servants, will appeal to them in order to win.

Designer(s): e_is_cool, elara Match Type: MM (for 11 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Heaven and Hell

The relationship between a deity and their worshiper is symbiotic–the deity gains power from a stronger belief, while the worshiper is granted blessings. These relationships are tested through time, but will your priorities always align?


In this game, there are 3 players in Heaven, and 8 players in Hell. The three players in heaven are your deities. They have divine powers and the shamans in Hell, as their servants, will have to appeal to them in order to win. This game lasts for eight rounds, numbered 0 through 7.


As a deity, you have the power to empower your servants with various blessings. Your goal is to have the most piety of the deities. Deities start with 3 piety.

There are 4 elements of magic: Fire, Air, Earth, Water. For each element, a Hell player will have some nonnegative amount of mana of that element.

Each round, you can select an element to give to all of your worshippers for the next round. You may not select the same resource multiple rounds in a row. There will be 26 mana of your chosen element divided among your worshippers (rounded down).

You gain 3 piety per player that worships you. You also gain 1 piety for every room that one of your worshippers completes in that round.

You also gain 1 zeal per player who worships you every round.

Each round, you will know the number of players that worshiped you, whether or not your prophet worshiped you, as well as your current piety count.

You will also be able to utilize boons. On even-number rounds (including Round 0), deities will be presented with three different boons, and should bid on them using piety. The total sum of all piety you bid may not exceed your piety amount, and you cannot bid the same nonzero amount of piety on two different boons. For each boon, the highest unique bidder receives it as long as they bid at least one piety, but players can only receive at most one boon. (Formally, we process bids from highest piety bid to lowest, ignoring all bids from players that have already won boons, and if there is an equal bid for a boon, the bid is ignored.)

Only a winning bid is spent.

You may use a boon either in the round immediately after you bid on boons, or the round after that; after that it expires and can no longer be used. (If you bid on boons for Round 0, you will know which boon you won, and must use it in either Round 1 or 2 before it expires.)

Note that boons typically either affect Hell's rituals, in which case they usually activate prior to the ritual, or affect resource gain, in which case they activate after rituals and prior to resource gain. There may be exceptions.

For each round, including Round 0, you may select a prophet from Hell, and you gain free communications with them. You may not select the same prophet multiple times. If your prophet worships you for that same round, then both players gain double the resources from each other (the prophet gains twice as much mana, and you gain twice as much piety and zeal from them).


As a shaman, your goal is to complete as many rituals as possible. You can store some amount of mana of each of the four elements: Fire, Air, Earth, and Water. Players start with no mana.

There are 25 rooms in this game, arranged like so:

Rooms can either be locked, unlocked, or completed. A room is unlocked if it is adjacent to at most 2 non-complete rooms before any rituals are done (but after any pre-ritual boons take effect). It is possible that a room can be unlocked in one round but locked in the next round.

In order to complete a room, it must be unlocked, and you must complete a ritual in the room within a single round. Mana spent on a failed ritual will be refunded. Rooms may only be completed once per player.

Rooms that are pink (AEIOU) are competitive rituals; the success of the ritual will depend on other players' rituals. All other rooms have individual rituals, whose success is not determined by other rituals. To complete a ritual, specify the amount of mana of each element you spend on it.

Each round, players may pray to a deity to become their worshiper in order to gain mana and possibly boons (see Heaven rules). You will know how much mana of each element you have every round. Additionally, players may complete any number of rituals in a round, as long as you have the mana for all of them.

All room rituals are revealed at the start of Round 0.


The game will end after either 7 rounds (rounds 0-7) or when a Hell player completes all 25 rooms, in which case the game will end early.

The deity with the most piety wins and stays in Heaven, and the deity with the least piety loses and is banished to Hell with an MoE. The deity in second place will stay in heaven if they had the most zeal of any Heaven player. Otherwise, the Heaven winner will select an additional player from Hell to ascend to Heaven. Ties are first broken by the amount of zeal, then whoever got to that piety value first.

The three players in Hell with the most rooms completed will win and ascend to Heaven. Ties are broken by more pink rooms completed, followed by how early a player completed all of their completed rooms. The player in Hell with the least rooms completed will lose and be EC; ties are broken in the same way.

The piety and zeal of each Heaven player is revealed at the end of the game. The number of total rooms completed, and the placement of each Hell player, is revealed at the end of the game.

At the start of the next Main Match, there will be 5 players in Heaven, and 5 players in Hell.


Rules are released.

Heaven players pick their first prophet.

Round 0 Begins

Rituals and initial boons are revealed.

Heaven players pick which element to give out next round and bid on boons.

Hell players pick which deity to pray to.

Round 1 Begins

Heaven players pick which element to give out next round and may use boons.

Hell players pick which deity to pray to and which rituals to complete.


Round 7 Begins (the final round)

Heaven players may use boons.

Hell players pick which rituals to complete.

Game Ends

Final results and winners are revealed.

Round Timeline

At the end of a typical round, this is the order in which actions are processed:

  1. Boons that affect rooms and rituals activate here.
  1. Rooms are unlocked for Hell players.
  1. All room completions are processed.
  1. Rooms are re-locked for Hell players.
  1. Boons that affect resources activate here.
  1. Players are given resources depending on which deity they prayed to in that round. Communications are opened between a deity and their prophet for the round.
  1. Players are sent their information for that round. If applicable, information about boons is revealed for the next round.

Note that there may be boons that fall into neither category; they are processed whenever written in the boon.


Here are all the rituals. (I will make a text version of them shortly.)

As a reminder, here are the room names:

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(Bolded = pink)

> A: Submit 1 mana of any element; complete this ritual if no one else submitted to this room.

> B: Submit 1 mana of all four elements.

> C: Submit 13 mana split among all elements. This requirement decreases by 1 each round, so in Round 1 it is submit 12, etc.

> D: Submit 3 air mana if this is Round 5 or earlier; otherwise, submit 7 air mana.

> E: Submit 5 mana of a single element, and nothing else. Complete the ritual if exactly one player submitted the same thing as you.

> F: Submit 1 mana of one element, 2 mana of another element, and 3 mana of yet another element.

> G: Submit 3 mana split among water and fire, and 3 mana split among air and earth.

> H: Submit 500 fire mana.

> I: Submit 1 mana of three elements, and nothing else. Complete the ritual if no other player submitted the same thing as you.

> J: Submit all of the earth mana you started the round with, as long as there is at least 3.

> K: Submit 8 mana total, split among exactly two elements.

> L: Submit 2 water, 2 air, and 1 of any other element.

> M: Submit 6 mana of either fire or earth.

> N: Submit 2 water mana. This requirement doubles at the start of Rounds 3 and 6.

> O: Submit mana of all elements. Complete the ritual if fewer than 3 other players submitted at least as much total mana as you.

> P: Submit 3 earth mana and 3 mana of any other element.

> Q: Submit either 6 air mana or 1 mana of all other elements.

> R: Submit 2 fire and 2 air mana, plus one additional mana of either element.

> S: Submit 9 mana, split among all elements.

> T: Submit 5 earth mana if this is an odd numbered round, or 5 water mana if this is an even numbered round.

> U: Submit mana of any element. Complete the ritual if you submitted the largest unique amount of mana for an element.

> V: Submit 3 fire mana and 1 mana of two other elements.

> W: Submit 7 mana of any single element.

> X: Submit 1 mana of a certain element, and nothing else. This element is revealed in a boon.

> Y: Submit 5 water mana.


Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)

Miscellaneous    (The game tests a miscellaneous set of skills.)