

Designer(s): elara Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Choice is Yours

Observation DM: Zoom

In Zoom, players attempt to find smaller images embedded into a single larger one.

This game takes place over 11 rounds. In each round, players are given a large grid filled with marked squares. They are also given 5 target images.

Players must find the target images hidden in the given grid. Target images are not rotated nor reflected, and are guaranteed to exist.

When a player finds a target image, they should buzz in and post as such. ("Buzzing in" here just refers to posting the found target image's location. No need to actually say "buzz" and wait to be acknowledged.) If they are correct, they gain a point. Afterwards, the other player is locked out of trying that target image.

A player may buzz in for multiple target images at once, if they wish. Each one will be graded separately. You may not buzz in a single image multiple times in one guess.

Target images are identified by their top-left coordinate.

In the given example:

Target A is located at a1.

Target B is located at a2.

(Of course, be aware that the actual game will use five target images instead of two.)

If a player buzzes in and is incorrect, they are unable to buzz in for that target image until either one minute passes, or the other player has buzzed in at all. (They may still buzz in for other target images.)

If two minutes pass without any correct buzzes, the remainder of the round is skipped, and the target images that haven't been found yet are no longer eligible for points.

After 11 rounds, the player with more points wins.


The player with the Advantage may use the Priority ability in exactly one round. If this is used, that player is the only person allowed to buzz in, until either they have buzzed in at least once, or 20 seconds pass.

In addition, the player with the Advantage wins in the event of a tied game after 11 rounds.

This is the mapping of color to symbol that is used:
