The first installment in the Red series that combines high-quality games with highly experimental ideas to create a unique experience.
Type | Name | Designer(s) | ORGs | # | Tags |
MM | Expression Auction | RedsToad | 7 | Auction, Bidding, Limited communication, Mathematics, Trick | |
MM | Kingmaking Game | RedsToad, Sebille | 9 | Revolving leadership, Voting | |
MM | Locked Out | RedsToad | 12 | Limited communication, Social deduction, Teams | |
MM | Lowest Unique Integer | RedsToad | 8 | Auction, Bidding, Semi-live MM | |
MM | Poll Mine | Non-original Game | 6 | Intel game, Limited communication, Miscellaneous, Points-based, Teams, Trivia, Turn-based, Voting | |
MM | The Genius: Championship Edition 2 | RedsToad | 4 | Asymmetric, Grid-based, Guest, Maze, Optimization, Piece movement, Teams | |
MM | The New Age | RedsToad | 5 | Area control, Battling, Piece movement, Piece placement, Points-based, Strategy | |
MM | Triforce Building | RedsToad | 13 | Connect in a row, Grid-based, Grouping, Hex grid | |
MM | Upside Down Pyramid Scheme | RedsToad | 10 | Bidding, Hierarchy | |
DM | Bejeweled | RedsToad | 2 | Connect in a row, Grid-based, Observation, One-upping, Piece removal, Puzzle | |
DM | Byg | Non-original Game | 2 | Area control, Grid-based, Hex grid, Piece placement, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Cairo Corridor | Non-original Game | 2 | Grid-based, Piece placement, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | FOUR | Non-original Game | 2 | Grid-based, Piece placement, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Hap and Grab | RedsToad | 2 | Cards, Drafting, Hap-like, Observation, Turn-based | |
DM | HyperStar | RedsToad | 2 | Area control, Piece movement, Piece placement, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Masterminds Duel | RedsToad | 2 | Cards, Logic, Observation, Optimization, Points-based, Psych, Puzzle, Simultaneous, Trivia, Words | |
DM | Memory Maze | chaotic_iak | 2 | Grid-based, Maze, Memory, Race, Simultaneous, Turn-based | |
DM | Pyramid Poker | Non-original Game | 2 | Cards, Hierarchy, Piece placement, Piece removal, Poker-like | |
DM | The Biggest Brain | chaotic_iak | 2 | Area control, Logic, Mathematics, Memory, Mental, Miscellaneous, Observation, Piece placement, Puzzle, Simultaneous, Strategy, Trivia, Words | |
DM | Today’s Eliminees | RedsToad | 2 | ||
DM | Trax | Non-original Game | 2 | Piece placement, Strategy, Turn-based | |
DM | Wordle Poker | RedsToad, Sebille | 2 |