The New Age

Summary: In this Main Match, collect resources to either assemble an army and conduct battle or build houses.

Designer(s): RedsToad

Featured in: The Genius: Code Red

Match Type: MM (for 5 players)


F5: The New Age

-- Summary --

Choose your actions wisely and plan ahead to collect resources and use them to conquer land and build settlements!

đź“– -- Rules -- đź“–

⌛ The game is divided into pregame, which lasts 24 hours, and at most 9 rounds, 24h each. This game can (and likely will) end earlier due to The New Age countdown.

✏️ During pregame, players should bid a number of garnets. This bid will decide the turn order. The turn order is public and may change during the game.

Ties in bidding are broken by priority.

♦️ Mancala ♦️

Each player will have their own Mancala board, made from 7 spaces, forming a circle. Each space corresponds to an action a player can take. At the start of the game, each space has 2 tokens in it.

✏️ During a round, a player should pick one of the 7 spaces of the mancala that has at least 1 token. All tokens in that space are picked up and moved clockwise, leaving 1 token in every space.

The space where the final token lands is the action the player will take. If that space is empty, the action is powered.

Moving any number of tokens will advance The New Age countdown the corresponding amount. The Countdown starts at 75 and will count down to 0.

When The Countdown reaches 0, all actions are resolved and the game ends.

The Countdown is public and is updated every round.


Here are the 7 actions, listed in clockwise order:

The first and second actions are gathering resources. There are 2 resources, steel and wood. Doing these actions will give you 2 steel or 3 wood.

Powered version of these actions will give you 2 more resources.

At the end of the game all unspent resources are converted to 1 point each.

The third action is to upgrade an action.

Unpowered version of this action does nothing.

Powered version of this action allows you to choose an action. This action will permanently become powered. You will also receive a number of points equal to the number of tokens in the chosen location.

The fourth action is to mess with an opponent’s mancala.

Doing this action allows you to choose an opponent and choose one of the seven actions. One token will be permanently added to the selected space on the selected board.

You will receive 2 points every time that action is taken by that player for the rest of the game.

This action triggers after everyone has taken their turn so it would not suddenly disrupt an opponent’s turn.

Powered version of this action allows you to choose 2 different players to affect.

The fifth action is taking the top turn order spot.

You will also receive 6-N points, where N is your previous turn order (5 points if you were first, 2 if you were 4th).

Powered version of this action gives you 3 garnets immediately.

The sixth action is commanding your army. All players start with 5 troops in their reserve.

Commanding the army is divided into 3 steps that happen in order.

  • The first step is to spend any amount of steel to recruit and armor that many troops.

You may spend 0 steel if you don’t want to recruit.

The first step only happens if the action is powered

  • The second step is to deploy any amount of troops from your reserve to any location on the battle map that is occupied by your troops. If you don’t occupy any, then you can deploy troops to any location that was not occupied or adjacent to enemy troops in the previous round. Because of this, multiple people could deploy their troops on the same round to the same / adjacent locations, which would be impossible otherwise.

  • The third step is to command your troops. You can choose any location on the battle map and move any number of troops to any adjacent location. You may submit any number of command actions in a single round.

Only after all of the steps are resolved for all players, location battles happen.

For every location with troops from multiple people in it, one troop of each player is killed and removed until there is only one player left in a location.

If there was a tie in troops and all troops would be killed at the same time, one troop belonging to the player highest in the turn order survives and controls the location.

All players gain 1 point per round per location controlled.

Every round all players will receive a private battle map update telling them how many troops they have in which location.

The battle map will be revealed after pregame ends. There will be 14 locations on the battle map.

The seventh action is building a house. There will be 6 houses available, you can choose any one you want. To build a house, you pay the required resources and get the corresponding amount of points. If you are the first to build the house (affected by turn order), you will receive the full amount of points. If you are not the first, you will only receive half of the points, rounded down.

It is not revealed when a house gets built and you don’t know whether you received full or half points for it.

The list of houses and their requirements will be revealed after pregame.

Powered version of this action always gives the full amount of points.

Game End

⌛ Every round, selecting to move N tokens will subtract N from The Countdown.

When countdown reaches 0, all players finish their actions for the round and the game ends.

<:Garnet:1005736161978888262> All point totals are revealed and players get 1 garnet for every 4 points.

<:Token:1004484049580085393> If the difference in top 2 scores is less than 15, both players receive a ToL.

<:Token:1004484049580085393> If the difference is at least 15, only the top player receives 1 ToL.

<:EC:1004068611905835039> The player with the least points is EC.

đź“Ś Clarification: Turn order

If multiple people take the turn order action, it is resolved in turn order, which means whoever was higher previously will now be lower.

Points gain will not be affected by this, if you were 2nd, you'll always get 4 points regardless of other players' actions.

Here is the list of houses. (star icon = vp)


Area control


Piece movement

Piece placement

