Triforce Building

In this Main Match, players move on a triangle grid, making lines to Power themselves and making Triforces of Power to win!

Designer(s): RedsToad Match Type: MM (for 13 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Code Red
Awards: Best Depth for Min Rules MM 2023

πŸ”– -- Image Summary -- πŸ”–

πŸ“– -- Rules -- πŸ“–

βŒ› This game is separated into 10 rounds, 24 hours each. Before the game starts, there is a 24 hour pregame. The game can end before 10 rounds pass.

Players will be controlling single triangles on a triangular grid.

At the start of R1, players will be randomly placed on spaces that have an edge touching the edge of the board. These triangles will be labeled A-M, each player corresponding to a random letter.

πŸ’‘ At the start of R1, players will be told which triangle they will be controlling for the rest of the game. These labels will be removed in future rounds, so players will have to keep track of their positions over the course of the game.

At the start of the game, all players are Unpowered, represented by a blue triangle.

Over the course of the game, players will become Powered, coloring their triangle yellow.

πŸ” Below is a preview image, with only 6 triangles placed instead of 13 for simplicity.

During R1, only a single player can occupy a single space on the board. As the game progresses, multiple players can be located on the same space. If that happens, there will be no additional indication that there are multiple players on the same space.

If at least 1 of these players is powered, the space will be colored yellow. Only if all players are unpowered, the space is blue.

Game Flow

✏️ Every round, all players can move to an adjacent (by edge) triangle up to 3 times (you can move less spaces). You can use any method to submit, I recommend ULDR for simplicity.

The goal of the game is to collaborate with other players and create 2 patterns.

  • The first pattern is required to become powered. To create this pattern, 5 players have to be on consecutive spaces of the same line. This line can be rotated as long as it aligns with the grid. The players can be in either state to create this pattern.

After a line is made, all the players that are a part of such line will become powered. On all future updates they will be colored yellow, instead of blue.

  • The second pattern requires all players part of it to be powered. To build this pattern, 3 players need to be located in a triforce pattern. This pattern can be rotated as well. Contents of the center triangle aren't relevant, only the 3 corners are.

⚠️ πŸ”’ If there are multiple players on the same space creating this pattern, only the player with the highest priority will be counted as creating the pattern.

After a triforce pattern is made, the 3 players making up the pattern are removed from the board and won’t play the rest of the MM. The update will show the triforce that was made and the players that made it will be announced.

️⃣ :garnet: Note that both patterns can be made in the same round*.

If a player becomes powered and gets removed in the same update, they gain 7 garnets.

Game end

The game ends after 10 rounds, or after 4 triforce patterns are made.

:Token: :garnet: The 9 players to be a part of first 3 triforces made get a ToL each and 3 garnets.

:garnet: The 3 players to form the last triforce get 1 garnet each.

:EC: The last player on the board, not a part of any patterns, is EC.


As a reminder, here are the priorities before the MM starts.

Name - Priority

Lasped - 13

Charlie - 12

Amaranth - 11

Elk - 10

Amey - 9

Wimp - 8

Chaotic - 7

Jatloe - 6

Scarlet - 5

Emik - 4

Whims - 3

Joker - 2

Tas - 1

For this MM, priority is capped between 1 and 13.

During the MM, priority will change automatically.

Priority list cannot be changed at all for the first 2 rounds. This means the first 2 rounds will always use the list above.

At the start of every round past round 3, everyone’s priority will be decreased by the round number. This will cause some players to go below 1, these players have 13 added to their priority.

⚠️ :garnet: Players may spend a garnet to set their priority to 13 before the round is processed, decreasing the priority of all players above them by 1.

If multiple players spend a garnet in the same round, lower priority is processed first (so that a player with higher initial priority will have higher priority after spending).

πŸ” For example, at the start of round 3, all priorities will be shifted down 3.

Lasped will have a priority of 10, Emik will have a priority of 1, Whims will have a priority of 13. If nobody spends a garnet, that is the list that will be used for the round.

Now, say Jatloe (who is priority 3 in the example) and Wimp (priority 5) use a garnet each to get priority.

The new priority list will be:

Wimp - 13 (garnet usage)

Jatloe - 12 (garnet usage, but lower than Wimp initially)

Whims - 11 (was 13, shifted 2 down due to 2 garnet usages)

and so on

πŸ’‘ Players will be informed of their priority every round if they are still in the game.

Edge Cases

*️⃣ πŸ”’ If there is ever ambiguity which triforces are removed and in what order, do the following steps:

  • Calculate the sum of priorities of the 3 people making the triforce. If the highest value is unique, remove that triforce first. Otherwise, exclude all groups with not highest sum.
  • If the sum is not unique, check for the player with the highest priority in a tied group that hasn't been checked before. Exclude all groups not containing this player, then repeat previous step.

*️⃣ If there are only 4 people left on the board and not all of them are powered, the powered state becomes irrelevant for creating the triforce.

*️⃣ If 10 rounds pass without the game ending, the following occurs:

  • :garnet: All players left on the board lose 1 garnet. (can go negative)
  • :Token: πŸ”’ If there are less than 9 ToL given out, the person with highest priority without a ToL is given one. Repeat this step until there are 9 ToL.
  • :EC: ToL holders vote for who EC is.


:garnet: Garnets can be spent the following ways:

  • 1 garnet can be used to set your Priority to 13.
  • 1 garnet can be lost if the game ends in Round 10.

:garnet: Garnets can be gained the following ways:

  • 7 garnets are won for making 2 patterns in the same round. (overrides the next condition)
  • 3 garnets are won for getting a ToL through building a triforce.
  • 1 garnet is won for building the last triforce.

πŸ“Œ Amendment: Always 9 ToL

In the 10 round game end condition, it has been clarified that ToLs are given out until there are 9 total.

πŸ“Œ Amendment: Edge case fixing

First edge case now says:

  • Calculate the sum of priorities of the 3 people making the triforce. If the highest value is unique, remove that triforce first. Otherwise, exclude all groups with not highest sum


Connect in a row    (The game involves players connecting pieces in a row, like gomoku.)

Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Grouping    (The game involves players agreeing to form groups together.)

Hex grid    (The game involves play on specifically a hexagonal grid.)