Hap and Grab

In this Death Match, solve for anti-haps quickly and correctly to earn turns in the game of Tobago.

Designer(s): RedsToad Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Code Red

dmE - Hap and Grab


Outspeed your opponent in anti-hap, and then outsmart them in Tobago!


The game is divided into 4 rounds, each of which is divided into 2 parts.

Part 1 is Anti-Hap.

Players will be presented with a board of 8-11 gyul hap cards, an example of which will be given below. Each card has 3 parameters: background that can be white/gray/black, a shape that is a square/triangle/circle which is red/blue/yellow. Each card will be labeled with a letter A-K in reading order.

An Anti-Hap is a set of 3 cards, where for each parameter 2 cards are the same and 1 card is different. Here is an example of a valid anti-hap.

Players will race to find as many anti-haps as possible in the 8 minute time limit.

⚠️ The board will always contain a number of anti-haps that’s a multiple of 3.

✏️ To submit, players should type the 3 letters corresponding to the 3 cards that form an anti-hap. You can submit multiple answers at once by having multiple groups of 3 letters in a single message.

The host will give no reply to confirm whether the anti-hap found is valid or not during a round. A valid hap is one that hasn’t been named before and uses the cards from the set.

Part 1 ends when 8 minutes pass or when the host confirms that all possible anti-haps have been found. After that all incorrect answers given are revealed and the correct answers are sorted chronologically

Part 2 is Tobago.

The speed at which the players answered during part 1 will determine the turn order for part 2.

All of this will be processed by the host in the downtime

⚠️ For every 3 correct answers a player gives, that player's turn will be appended at the start of the turn order. The player who answered correctly more will also get a turn appended at the start.

🔍 Here is an example game between Reds (R) and Craw (C). In chronological order, the correct answers were from R, C, R, C, C, C, R, C, C, R, C, C, R, C, R.

Looking at the 3rd correct answers of each player (bolded) and reading them back will give the turn order RCCRC. Craw gave more correct answers, so the final turn order is CRCCRC.

⚠️ Every incorrect answer given will remove your last turn.

Continuing the above example, say Craw gave 1 incorrect answer. The final final turn order is CRCCR.

This turn order will be revealed before part 2 begins. Both players will be able to peek at a number of treasure cards equal to the number of turns they have.

All cards that have been peeked at, plus 3, will be shuffled together and shown one at a time.

Once a card has been shown, in turn order, players will have an option to either take or pass the card.

Passing the card skips all of your consecutive turns and passes the same option to the opponent.

Taking gives you the treasure card and removes the turn from the turn order.

🔍 The treasure card revealed is a 5. Turn order is CRCCR.

Craw has the first turn and passes.

Red passes.

Craw takes. Craw now has 5 treasure and the turn order is CRCR.

The possible treasure cards are 3-7 and skull

The skull cards are bad and cannot be passed, which means the first player in turn order has to take them. Each skull is worth -3 treasure.

⚠️ 7 Treasure and skull cards will not appear in the first round.

Part 2 ends when the turn order is empty or when all turns have been passed without taking a treasure. The total point counts of both players are revealed and the next round starts.

Game End

The game ends after 4 rounds.

:Token: The player with most treasure collected over 4 rounds wins the DM and 6 garnets.

📌 In case of a tie at the end of the DM, Joker wins.

📌 If a player has more incorrect answers than turns, they automatically lose the DM.

📌 Couple of edits:

Regarding part 1 submissions:

  • Submitting something that is clearly not an answer (like ABZ or 358) will have no penalty.
  • Submitting an answer that was submitted by the opponent already will have no penalty.
  • Submitting an answer that was submitted by you already will have a 1 turn penalty.

Regarding part 2 flow:

Part 2 will play out until as many treasures are revealed as there are turns.

Every treasure revealed will be taken by one of the players. If it is not taken at all, part 2 ends.

When taking the treasure, the turn is removed permanently. When passing, the turn is passed, not removed.

Continuing on the example, after Craw takes a 5, turn order is CRCR.

A 4 is revealed. Craw passes, Reds passes, Craw takes. New turn order is CRR.

A skull is revealed. Craw is forced to take. New turn order is RR.

A 7 is revealed. Reds takes. New turn order is R.

A 5 is revealed. Reds takes. Turn queue is empty and round ends.

Please ping the host if this still doesn't make sense, i'll explain in different words

📌 Amendment: Card limits

The deck has at most 3x skulls and 7x 7-treasures. All other treasures appear in equal amounts.

Note that the deck is bigger than the longest possible game, so not all cards will appear.


Cards    (The game involves cards of any kind.)

Drafting    (The game involves players drafting items from a pool, usually by taking turns or using a priority system.)

Hap-like    (The game takes elements from the Gyul! Hap! game from The Genius TV show (also known as Set).)

Observation    (The game tests the players' observational skills.)

Turn-based    (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)