Upside Down Pyramid Scheme

In this Main Match, swap positions with players one layer above you using tickets to reach the top of the upside-down pyramid.

Designer(s): RedsToad Match Type: MM (for 10 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Code Red

F10: Upside Down Pyramid Scheme

It’s like a scam, but it isn't!

πŸ”– -- Image Summary -- πŸ”–

πŸ“– -- Rules -- πŸ“–

:Token: This game has 6 ToLs.

βŒ› The game is divided into 5 rounds, 48 hours each. Each round is divided into 2 phases, abbreviated as CP and BP, each lasting 24 hours. Before the game begins, there is a 24 hour pregame with a submission.

This game involves a upside down triangular pyramid, divided into 4 layers. One player will be located at the bottom layer of the pyramid, with 2 players above them on the next layer, 3 more above them and 4 players at the top layer. The 10 spaces of the pyramid that have players will be labelled A-J in reading order.

**Pregame. **

πŸ“Ž The pregame lasts 24 hours starting from rules release.

✏️ During pregame, all players have to submit a non-negative amount of priority they want to spend to decide initial placement. The players will be ordered from highest to lowest submission and placed into A-J correspondingly. Ties in submission are broken by priority.

Each player will also start with 5 tickets.


πŸ“Ž This game is divided into 5 rounds, 48 hours each.

Each round is divided into 2 phases, 24 hours each. First phase is called Claim Phase (CP) and the 2nd phase is called Battle Phase (BP).

At the start of CP, a board showing all players will be shown.

✏️ During the CP, all players except A-D submit a name of a player exactly one layer above them.

⚠️ If a player is challenged by someone from a lower level, that player’s challenge will not go through.

✏️ During the CP, all players can ask for N additional tickets, up to 4. The (5-N) players with highest priority who asked for N tickets will receive N tickets. The rest will gain nothing and become screwed

πŸ” For example, only 2 people can get 3 tickets. If more than 2 people ask, only the 2 players with highest priority out of the players who asked will receive 3.

:Garnet: A player can trade in a garnet for a ticket at any time.

⚠️ πŸ”’ If there are more than (5-N) players asking for N tickets, all players who receive tickets will lose priority equal to the sum of absolute values of priorities of screwed players.

This is the same system from MM2. If it doesn’t make sense, let me know.

At the start of BP, all challenges made during CP will be revealed.

Successful challenges will need to be played out, which may result in players swapping positions in the pyramid.

✏️ All players that are a part of a challenge submit a number of tickets they want to use in a challenge.

For each challenge, the player that submitted the most tickets wins and will take (or keep) the spot on the higher layer of the pyramid. The loser of the challenge will take the lower layer. The winner has to pay the tickets, the loser does not. In case of a tie, higher priority wins.

Game End.

πŸ“Ž The game ends after 5 rounds.

Final board position and ticket counts are revealed.

:EC: The player on the lowest level in the first pyramid is EC. The EC cannot win a ToL.

:Token: The 4 players on the top level in the pyramid win a ToL.

:Token: The player with the most tickets remaining wins 2 ToL. If there are multiple winners, the 2 players with highest priority get 1 ToL each.

If a player ends up with 2 ToLs, they must give one away to a player that is not EC or a ToL holder.

:Garnet: ToL holders will receive 4 garnets.

:Garnet: Garnets

Garnets can be gained the following ways:

  • Winning the MM gives 4 garnets.

Garnets can be lost the following ways:

  • A garnet can be turned into a ticket.

πŸ”’ Priority

Priority can be gained the following ways:

  • Garnet Shop
  • Tiebreak

Priority can be lost the following ways:

  • Pregame auction
  • Screwing other players

If there are players with same priority, ties will be broken using the same tiebreak used in MM2, namely:

  • If there are multiple players with the same priority, all tied players except the single player who gained the most priority from this tiebreak gain 1 priority.
  • If there is no such player, all tied players except the player who had the lowest priority in the previous round gain 1 priority.
  • Repeat the above two steps until all ties are broken.

πŸ“Œ Clarification: You can bid 0 for the pregame auction.

Also all priority bid will be used.

πŸ“Œ New Rule Case:

If multiple people challenge the same person, the sole person to submit most tickets will take the higher position.

The remaining players will stay where they are.

@Player πŸ“Œ New Rule: The same person cannot be challenged 2 rounds in a row.

Also you can not bid more priority than you have

@Player Clarification: Have to challenge someone.

Addind a rule that if you do not submit a challenge, you will challenge a random person.

This is less than 24h notice, so you can request an extension.


Bidding    (The game involves auction-style bidding.)

Hierarchy    (The game involves a pyramid-like hierachy structure that players must traverse.)