Locked Out

In this Main Match, players determine their four teammates and must gather them all into one room to win.

Designer(s): RedsToad Match Type: MM (for 12 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Code Red

MM2: Locked Out

⚠️ This is a limited communication game. Please do not talk to anyone until you are allowed to do so.

🔖 -- Image Summary -- 🔖

📖 -- Rules -- 📖

⌛ This game is separated into 10 rounds, 24 hours each. The game begins immediately, there is no pregame. The game can end before 10 rounds pass.

Players will be separated into 3 teams of 4. You do not know who is on which team, including yourself.

Players will then be randomly put into 3 rooms. Initially, each room will have at least 1 member from all 3 teams.

💡 You will always know who is in the same room as you.

⚠️ Communication between rooms is not allowed.

✏️ Every round, all players are prompted to submit which room they want to move to, either Alpha, Beta or Gamma. Staying in the same room is not an option. Not submitting will cause you to submit randomly.

:Garnet: If only you and another player want to move to the same room, you do, and immediately gain 1 garnet.

If you and more than one other player wants to move to the same room, only 2 players with highest priority will move. The other player(s) will be screwed and be forced to move opposite to their submission.

🔢 If you caused another player to be screwed, (your new priority) = (your old priority) - (absolute value of screwed player’s priority).

This can happen twice in a round if all 4 players want to go the same way, and can cause your priority to be negative.

💡 At the end of every round, after moving to a different room with a player, you will learn which team that player is on.

Game end

:Token: The game ends when a player correctly calls that there are 4 players from the same team in their room. Their entire team and the entire team they beat get tokens of life.

Water beats Fire, which beats Grass, which beats Water.

:EC: The player with the lowest priority out of the 4 people without a ToL is EC.

:Garnet: Each member of a winning team gets 5 garnets. Team they beat get 2 garnets each.

To call, a player has to state publicly in your room channel that there are 4 players from the same team, along with a host ping. A host will confirm whether the guess is right or not.

🔢 If the guess is incorrect, the player guessing will lose 4 priority immediately.

️⃣ Edge Cases*

️⃣ If a game reaches round 10 without anyone calling in a win, a quiz round will be held instead of round 10. During this quiz, priority cannot be changed in any way*.

  • Every player will be asked to submit a list, trying to match the players and the team they are on.
  • Each correct guess will give the player 1 point towards their quiz score.
  • All quiz scores will be made public.
  • The team with the least points loses, and the other 2 teams get ToL.
  • The player on the losing team with the lowest score, then priority is EC.
  • If quiz results are tied and loser can’t be determined, player with the lowest score, then priority is EC, and two other teams get ToL.

*️⃣ If only one team is able to call for a win in a given round, and they do, the game ends immediately.

*️⃣ If there are multiple teams that can win in a round, the game ends at round end or after all teams who can call, do.

*️⃣ If all 3 teams win at the same time, a quiz round is held (like in the previous tiebreak.)

🔢 Priority

Priority can be gained the following ways:

  • Spending 1 garnet increases your priority by 10, at most 1 per round.
  • Using GS can increase your priority.

Priority can be lost the following ways:

  • Screwing another player loses priority equal to the screwed player’s priority.
  • Calling a win incorrectly loses 4 priority.

⚠️ These rules will often result in multiple players having the same priority. To fix this, these steps are followed:

  • If there are multiple players with the same priority, all tied players except the single player who gained the most priority from this tiebreak gain 1 priority.
  • If there is no such player, all tied players except the player who had the lowest priority in the previous round gain 1 priority.
  • Repeat the above two steps until all ties are broken.

🔍 Here is an example of the above two rules in effect.

Crawron: 3 -> 7

Reds: 5 -> 7

Digory: 8 -> 8.

Craw and Reds have the same priority, which needs to be fixed.

Step 1: Neither Craw nor Reds have gained priority from the tiebreak. This step is skipped.

Step 2: Craw had the lowest priority in the previous rounds, so all tied players but Craw (only Reds) gain 1 priority.

Step 3: Reds is the sole player who has gained the most priority from this tiebreak (1 priority). All players but Reds (only Digory) gain 1 priority.

All ties have been broken, the new priorities are:

Crawron: 7

Reds: 8

Digory: 9

💡 You will learn your new priority every round and how much of it was from tiebreak.

:Garnet: Garnets

Garnets can be gained the following ways:

  • If no player in a room is screwed, all players in that room gain 1 garnet, given immediately.
  • Being a part of the winning team gives you 5 garnets.
  • Being a part of the team beaten by the winning team gives you 2 garnets.

Garnets can be lost the following ways:

  • Spending 1 garnet increases your priority by 10, at most 1 per round.

💡 Available Information

Here is all of the information available to you.

At the start of every round, in room channel

  • Players who are in the same room as you, which are the same players you can talk to.

At the start of every round, privately

  • Your priority.
  • How much priority was gained from tiebreak.
  • Your garnet count.
  • The team on which the player you moved with is on. (doesn’t apply to round 1)

📌 Amendment: You can talk in pair chats with people you share the room with

📌 Wording change: Clarified that possible submission options are Alpha, Beta and Gamma


Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)

Social deduction    (The game involves players trying to deduce other players' hidden roles.)

Teams    (The game involves the players being split into teams.)