Kingmaking Game

In this Main Match, gain or lose fame by being included in the King's quests and voting on whether or not it succeeds.

Designer(s): RedsToad, Sebille Match Type: MM (for 9 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Code Red

F9: Kingmaking Game.

🔖 -- Image Summary -- 🔖

📖 -- Rules -- 📖


Players will decide the fate of a kingdom they are a part of through a series of quests.

If a majority of quests succeed, the kingdom will prosper and grow. The players that contributed the most will live in great wealth, while the player that betrayed the kingdom and actively hurt it will get beheaded publicly.

If a majority of quests fail, a great revolution will happen. The player that was most faithful and devoted will get beheaded, and the players that hurt the kingdom will get rewarded instead.


⌛ The game will last 10 days, and will contain a 24h pregame.

💡 During pregame, each player will receive a unique Loyalty Multiplier, a number between 0.5 and 2. This value will affect how much a player’s Fame changes.

Players will also start with a random amount of Fame, between 1 and 9.

The game is split into 9 rounds, 2 days each. Each round is further split into 2 parts.

⚠️ The 2nd part of one round will overlap with the 1st part of the next round. For example, on day 4, players will submit for round 3 part 2 and round 4 part 1.

In each round, a quest will be played. There are 9 quests which will be played in a random order. Each quest will have a specific number of players required for the quest and some Fame which will be distributed.

💡 All 9 quests are stated at the end of the rules.

✏️ During the pregame, a King for the first round will be decided through a majority vote.

✏️ In the first part of a round, the quest that will be played is revealed, and who the King for the round is.

The King will determine the players that will go on a quest, and how much Fame they will receive from completing the quest.

The King can include themselves, but is not required to, and the Fame distribution has to be all integers, and have no Fame left over.

Additionally, the King has to appoint another player who hasn’t been the King yet to be the King for the next round.

In the second part of a round, the players and their Fame distribution for the quest is revealed.

✏️ All players that are a part of the quest will submit whether they want to Succeed or Fail the quest. The option chosen by a majority will be the result of the quest. In case of a tied vote, the quest fails.

Players’ fame will change based on King’s distribution and their loyalty multiplier.

If a quest Succeeds, players will gain points equal to King’s proposal times their loyalty multiplier.

If a quest Fails, players will lose points equals to King’s proposal divided by their loyalty multiplier.

Numbers will be stored as exact fractions.

After the points are given out, players’ loyalty will change based on their vote.

If a person voted to Succeed, their loyalty is increased by 0.15

If a person voted to Fail, their loyalty is decreased by 0.15

Note that loyalty is capped between 2 and 0.5.

🔍 Here is an example of a round.

In part 1, it is revealed that Reds is King and that the quest requires 3 players and gives out 10 Fame.

Reds selects himself, Craw and Digory for the quest, and gives out 5, 3 and 2 points respectively.

In part 2, everybody learns what Reds selected.

Reds votes to succeed the quest, while Craw and Digory vote to Fail. The majority vote is Fail, so the result is Fail.

Red’s loyalty multiplier is 1.2. Therefore, Reds loses 5 / 1.2 ≈ 4.166 fame.

After that, Reds gets 0.15 loyalty, and it becomes 1.35 for all future rounds.

After the round is over, alongside with the information for the new round, players will learn their own fame point count, and everyone’s ranking.

🔢 All the players will receive 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5 priority, corresponding to their ranking, e.g. 7th highest will receive 3 priority.

Game End.

The game ends after all 9 rounds have passed. After that, the results of all quests are revealed, but shuffled.

:Token: :EC:

If at least 5 quests succeed, the 5 players with the highest fame will win a ToL.

The player with the lowest fame will become EC.

If at least 5 quests fail, the 5 players with lowest fame will win a ToL.

The player with the highest game will become EC.


Sort players from highest fame to lowest fame. Flip the list if at least 5 quests fail.

Each player in the list will receive 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4 respectively.

📎 -- Summaries and Edge Cases -- 📎

⚠️ Quest List

As a reminder, the order of these quests will be randomized.

  • 3 players, 7 points.
  • 3 players, 8 points.
  • 3 players, 9 points.
  • 4 players, 9 points.
  • 4 players, 10 points.
  • 4 players, 11 points.
  • 5 players, 11 points,
  • 5 players, 12 points.
  • 5 players, 13 points.

️⃣ Edge Cases.*

  • In case of a tie during the vote for the first King, the sole vote of the player with the highest priority decides.
  • If multiple players have the same Fame during the game, players with higher priority will be displayed as having higher rank.
  • If multiple players have the same Fame at the end of the game, players with higher priority will be given more favorable positions.

🔢 Priority

Priority can be gained from Garnet Bank.

1 to 5 priority can be gained every round based on how far you are from 5th place, further out giving more priority.

:Garnet: Garnets

All players will receive a number of garnets between 4 and 20 based on their performance. You will receive 2 extra garnets for each player you outperform.

💡 Available Information

-- At the start of the game, privately:

  • Your starting Loyalty Multiplier and your Fame.

-- At deadline, publicly:

  • The King for the round, and the quest played.
  • Previous King’s decision, on who participates in the quest and how many points they get (except day 1)
  • Everyone’s ranking by Fame. (except days 1 and 2)

-- At deadline, privately:

  • Your current Fame (except days 1 and 2)

-- At the end of the game, publicly

  • Ranking of all players, for ToL and Garnet distribution.
  • Results of all 9 quests, shuffled.

-- Never revealed publicly:

  • Results of a specific quest.
  • Player’s Fame points.

Player’s Loyalty Multiplier.

😠 Non submission clause

  • Not voting during pregame will cause you to vote for yourself.
  • Not selecting the next King will cause you to choose randomly.
  • Not selecting the players for the quest will select yourself and a necessary number of random players, giving all Fame to yourself.
  • Not voting to succeed or fail will cause you to Fail.


I want the give huge shoutouts for Sebille for basically making this whole MM. This wouldn’t be possible without your help and the result would have been something completely unbalanced. Thank you so much for your support.

📌 Rule change: Fame is no longer stored as exact fraction, but rather as a decimal, truncated after 2 decimal points.

sorry it's just too much work to keep track of exact fractions

@Player 📌 Amendment:Priorities still cannot tie in this game, and will be tiebroken the exact same way as all previous MMs.


Revolving leadership    (The game involves players taking turns being a leader with special abilities.)

Voting    (The game involves players voting as a mechanic.)