Today’s Eliminees


Designer(s): RedsToad Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Code Red

FM2: Today’s Eliminees

Bet you weren’t expecting a social finals game!


Players try to earn as many chips as possible by guessing the eliminated players’ submissions.


Starting from now and until the match begins, finals may talk with eliminated players about anything game related.

Each eliminated player was asked to submit an integer value. Eliminated players may tell you these values if they want to.

In addition to that, there are 3 dummy players: RedsToad, Crawron and Digory, each of which also has a value assigned to them. Players will not know the values of dummy players.


Players start with 4 chips each.

The game is divided into a number of rounds where players may gain or lose chips.

The game will continue until a player reaches 1000 or 0 chips, at which point the player with more chips will win the FM.

🎲 Before the match begins, both players will privately use their Initial Items.

  • Information item will allow the player to learn which value one of the players has submitted.
  • Dummy Information item will allow the player to learn which value was assigned to one of the dummies.
  • Tamper Swap item will allow the player to switch the submissions of any 2 players. This item activates after information items. Players will know how many swaps total have been performed. If a player is a part of multiple swaps, they are performed in random order.

The player that lost FM1 (Wimpzilla) will be the Leading Player for the first round of FM2, then it will alternate.

The Leading player will select a group of players that will be tested in the round. The size of the group will be revealed before the round and will slowly increase as the game goes on. Both dummy and regular players can be put into this group.

After the group is selected, it is revealed to the opponent before they submit.

🎲 During this time, the opponent may use their Force item to replace any player from the round with another one of their choice.

The opponent will also select if the group’s sum or product is tested.

After this, both players privately submit a guess and a number of chips they want to bid (can be 0).

🎲 During this time, a player may use their Delay item, which will extend their turn timer and tell them when the opponent has made their submission. If both players use Delay in the same turn, both of them are canceled. If Delay wasn’t canceled, players will not learn that it was used.

When both bids are made, both guesses and the real answer are revealed. The player who was closer to the real answer without going over gets double what they bid, while the player that was further away loses their bid.

This ends the round. Host reveals the chip counts of both players.

🎲 Between the rounds, players are prompted to use their Tamper item.

If a player decides to use it, it is announced and then the player privately increases or decreases a player’s submission by 1.

🔍 Here is an example of a possible round between Reds and Craw.

Reds has 10 chips, Craw has 8.

Reds is the leading player, and selects Uriquack, Chargestone and summitwei for the round.

Craw learns this, and selects for the product to be tested.

Both players privately submit a number and a number of chips they want to use.

The host publicly reveals that Reds guessed 15 and used 5 chips, while Craw guessed 150 and used 3 chips. The real answer is 140, so Reds is closest without going over. Reds receives 5*2=10 chips, and Craw loses their 3 chips.

This ends the round.

Time controls


Finalists have a 48h pregame.

Players get 2 minutes to use their Information items, and 2 minutes for Tamper Swap items after that.


The leading player will have 90 seconds to select the team.

The opponent will have 60 seconds if they want to use Force, and how; and whether the round will test the sum or the product.

Players will have 60 seconds to submit their guess and bid. If a delay item is used this time becomes 120 seconds. The player will learn the opp’s submission / use of Delay after the initial 60s pass.

⚠️ There is no reserve time. Running out of time has no penalty, but will annoy the hosts. An annoyed host can stop the FM as any player’s victory if it is obvious that the player is abusing the time controls and didn’t just accidentally not submit in time once.


📌 Amendment:

If both players go over the correct number, both players lose chips.

If both players submit the same number (that doesn't go over), both players gain chips.
