
chaotic_iak is a host for the Genius Game series and DM Colosseum series. He also hosts his own new ORG series, Blooming Genius.

Games Designed:

Type Name Designer(s) ORGs # Tags
MM Between Flower Fields chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 5
MM Circular Scheme chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 8
MM Double-edged Edges chaotic_iak Mainly By Design 9 Line-based, Points-based
MM Five Stands chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 11
MM God Race chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 7
MM Polar Power chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 10
MM Pyramid Superiority chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 3
MM Rose Shows chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 13
MM Secret Soulmate chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 12
MM The Big Machine chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 4
MM The MVP chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 6
MM Together We Survive, Together We Prosper chaotic_iak, RedsToad Community Hosted Genius Game 2 16
MM Wanted Sharpshooters chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 9
DM Buck Konundrum chaotic_iak The Genius Puzzler The Genius: PnP 2 Buzzer-based, Mathematics, Mental, Points-based
DM Build Your Arboretum chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 2
DM Decoder chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 2
DM Devil's Deal chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 2
DM Galespiel chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 2 Cards, Goofspiel-like, Grid-based, Piece placement, Psych, Simultaneous, Strategy
DM Masked Army chaotic_iak Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree 2 Area control, Dominoes, Grid-based, Memory, Piece placement, Strategy, Turn-based
DM Memory Maze chaotic_iak The Genius: Black Garnet DM Colosseum Squeaky Genius: Legends Untold The Genius: Code Red 2 Grid-based, Maze, Memory, Race, Simultaneous, Turn-based
DM Mental Janggi chaotic_iak DM Colosseum 2 2 Chess-like, Grid-based, Logic, Mathematics, Memory, Mental, Observation, Piece movement, Puzzle, Strategy, Turn-based
DM Pattern Assembly chaotic_iak DM Colosseum 2 2 Buzzer-based, Grid-based, Memory, Mental, Observation, Patterns, Points-based
DM Square Goofspiel chaotic_iak DM Colosseum 2 2 Goofspiel-like, Points-based, Psych, Simultaneous
DM The Biggest Brain chaotic_iak DM Colosseum Community Hosted Genius Game The Genius: Code Red 2 Area control, Logic, Mathematics, Memory, Mental, Miscellaneous, Observation, Piece placement, Puzzle, Simultaneous, Strategy, Trivia, Words
DM Thwart 13 chaotic_iak DM Colosseum 2 Squeaky Genius: Legends Untold 2 Cards, Drafting, Poker-like, Psych, Simultaneous
DM Thwart Omega chaotic_iak Genius Game 3 DM Colosseum The Genius Puzzler The Genius: Champ The Champion 2 Area control, Grid-based, Piece placement, Psych, Simultaneous, Strategy