Rose Shows


Designer(s): chaotic_iak Match Type: MM (for 13 players)
Featured in: Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree

🌺 Main Match 1: Rose Shows 🌺

Decorate your meadow with a variety of roses, taken straight from the daily florist. Move quickly, but don't fight at all costs.

This is a team game; your meadow is your team. Every round, all players go to the florist to get some roses from a basket. Players going to the same basket divide the contents evenly. The goal is to be the first team to finish decorating their meadow by gathering enough roses of all kinds. The player that contributes the least to their team is the loser.


💎 As promised in the blurb, before anything else, there is a bribe for going to a small meadow:

  • Players in 2-person meadows get 1 garnet each.
  • Players in 1-person meadows get 1 bellflower each.

This is a team game. Your meadow is your team. You will win as a team; the winning team is awarded a Token of Life to everyone in the team. But you will lose alone; the single loser becomes the Elimination Candidate.

The game is divided into rounds. There are at most 7 rounds, and the game might end earlier if a team wins early.

Every round, the florist brings 5 baskets. The contents of each of the baskets are as follows, and they are always the same in all rounds:

  • 10 crimson roses
  • 8 golden roses
  • 6 snowy roses
  • 2 garnets
  • 1 bellflower

🧠 In each round, you select one of the baskets to go to. You may also decide not to go to any basket.

At the end of the round, the contents of each basket are divided evenly to all players that go there, discarding any remainder. Roses obtained go into their meadow; garnets and bellflowers go into the player's inventory.

⚠️ In addition, the florist also does not take kindly to scalpers. If a meadow sends two or more players to the same basket, players from that meadow are banned from going to that basket in the next round.

🎭 Consider the following example: in Round 1, there are 2 White players and 1 Black player going to the basket with 8 golden roses.

  • They divide the roses evenly. Each player takes 2 golden roses, and the remaining 2 are discarded.
  • As White Meadow sent 2 or more players to this basket, nobody from White Meadow may go to the golden roses basket in Round 2.
  • All other players may go to this basket in Round 2. In particular, players from Black Meadow may do so.
  • In Round 3, players from White Meadow may once again go to this basket.

📡 At the end of the round, the number of players going to each basket is revealed. This way, you can tell how many items you obtained from going to your basket.

📡 However, the exact players going to the basket are not known, not even within the meadow. You don't know where the other players in your meadow went. This also means you don't know the progress of your meadow.

🧠 💎 📡 You can help bring clarity to your meadow, at a price. When making your submission, you may also decide to spend 1 garnet. If anyone in your meadow decides to spend a garnet, at the end of the round, your meadow will be informed of the number of roses of each kind that have been collected in total, counting the current round. Having multiple players spending a garnet in the same round is redundant and is a waste.

📡 The florist will also publicly announce any meadow that is banned from going to a particular basket (due to sending two or more players to that basket in the round).

👑 The goal is to obtain enough roses to decorate your meadow: 4 crimson, 3 golden, and 2 snowy roses per player in the meadow. For example, a team with 3 players needs a total of 12 crimson, 9 golden, and 6 snowy roses.

🧬 Meadows with no player have no goal and cannot win.

👑 The game ends at the end of the round once a meadow has met this goal. The players in that meadow are the winners. If multiple meadows meet the goal at the same time, all players in them are winners. Each winner receives 1 Token of Life. Note that there is no additional Token of Life.

🧬 However, if 10 or more players win, all Tokens of Life are invalidated; no player receives any Token of Life.

👑 In addition, the game ends after 7 rounds. If no meadow has met the goal within 7 rounds, the florist leaves. In this case, nobody wins and no player receives any Token of Life.

👑 The loser is determined by the total number of roses brought by each player. Among all players that didn't win, the loser is the player that brought the least total number of roses for their meadow; they become the Elimination Candidate. If multiple players become the losers, the winners vote on one of them to become the Elimination Candidate.

🧬 Specific rules in determining the Elimination Candidate:

  • If all meadows reach the goal in the same round, normally all players would win and thus there would be no loser. In this case, nobody wins and all players are eligible to become the loser.
  • If no player wins (either because the florist leaves or all meadows win together), all players, including the losers, are eligible to vote on the Elimination Candidate.
  • If multiple losers receive the most votes, one of them is randomly chosen to become the Elimination Candidate.

Note that there is no specific garnet reward or anything for winning in this game. Instead, you can obtain garnets and bellflowers from going to the baskets for them.


📌 🀄 Player items

There are no MM-specific player items. Roses you collect are immediately deposited to your meadow, and you may not take them into your personal inventory. (Garnets and bellflowers always immediately go to your inventory.)

📌 ⏰ Timing

Each round lasts for approximately 24 hours, except for the first round that lasts for approximately 48 hours. The deadline of every round is at 3pm UTC ( your local time); allow a few minutes for updating.

📌 🧠 Submissions

Your submission consists of:

  • Which basket you want to go to for the round, or the fact that you are not going to any basket.
  • Whether you wish to spend a garnet for your meadow.

If your submission is invalid or missing, it will take default values. The defaults are:

  • You don't go to any basket.
  • You don't spend any garnet.

📌 📡 Information

This game has the following pieces of information, along with how and when they are revealed to the players, if at all. If a piece of information is not in this list, it is likely not known to anyone, but feel free to clarify.

🔺 Publicly announced, at the end of every round

  • How many players went to each basket.

--- Therefore, how many items from the basket are collected by each player that went there.

  • Which meadows are banned from going to which basket for the next round.
  • Whether the MM has ended.

🔺 Announced to a meadow, at the end of every round

  • Whether anyone in the meadow spent a garnet this round.

--- If yes, how many roses of each kind that have been collected by the meadow, counting the current round.

🔺 Publicly announced, at the end of the MM

  • Which meadow wins, if any.
  • Which player becomes the loser.

🔻 Explicitly not known to anyone

  • Who went to each basket.
  • Which players spent a garnet for their meadow.
  • How many roses of each kind were collected by the meadow.
  • How many roses in total were collected by each player.

📌 💎 ORG items

🔺 Gaining ORG currency

  • At the start of the MM, you get 1 garnet if you are in a 2-player meadow, and you get 1 bellflower if you are in a 1-player meadow.
  • Each round, you can gain ORG currency by going to the baskets with garnets or bellflowers. Check the rules for more details.

🔻 Spending garnets

  • When choosing your basket, you may spend 1 garnet. If anyone in your meadow does so, your meadow will be informed of your progress. Check the rules for more details.


📌 Clarification: The loser is always decided by the least number of roses

To determine the loser(s), always look at the number of roses among the players eligible to become the loser. Among those eligible, the player with the least number of roses becomes the loser. The difference is which players are eligible to become the loser.

  • Normally, the players that are eligible to become the loser are the ones that are not in the winning meadow(s).
  • If 10-12 players are in winning meadows, these players will not receive any Token of Life, but these players are not eligible to become the loser; only the remaining 1-3 players are eligible to become the loser.
  • If all 13 players are in winning meadows, then the following rule takes effect:

(1) If all meadows reach the goal in the same round, normally all players would win and thus there would be no loser. In this case, nobody wins and all players are eligible to become the loser.

Therefore, all players are eligible to become the loser.

To determine the players that may vote on which loser becomes the Elimination Candidate, always look at the winners.

  • A "winner" is someone that is in a winning meadow.
  • Normally, only winners are allowed to vote on the EC.
  • If nobody is a winner, then the following rule takes effect:

(2) If no player wins (either because the florist leaves or all meadows win together), all players, including the losers, are eligible to vote on the Elimination Candidate.

Therefore, all players may vote on the EC.

  • If all 13 players are winners, then first, rule (1) takes effect to make nobody to become winner. Then rule (2) takes effect to make everyone eligible to vote.


  • 0 winner: Nobody gets Token of Life, determine loser among everyone, everyone may vote for EC
  • 1-9 winners: Winners get Token of Life, determine loser among the rest, winners may vote for EC
  • 10-12 winners: Winners do not get Token of Life, determine loser among the rest, winners may vote for EC
  • 13 winners: Everyone do not get Token of Life, determine loser among everyone, everyone may vote for EC
