God Race


Designer(s): chaotic_iak Match Type: MM (for 7 players)
Featured in: Blooming Genius: The Elder Tree

🌺 Main Match 7: God Race 🌺

Put faith in your gods so they win the race.

In this holier take of Horror Race, you will support gods in a race to greatness. Put as much faith in your god as you can so they can step forward in the race, and cast rituals to trigger their special abilities.


There are 5 gods, corresponding to the 5 meadow colors. They are simply named :manawhite: God White, :manablue: God Blue, :manablack: God Black, :manared: God Red, and :managreen: God Green.

🀄 The race consists of 14 spaces. The first space is the starting point and the last (14th) space is the goal. At the start of the game, all gods are in the first space.

🀄 You begin with 5 orbs, one for each god. Orbs are not tradable.

🧠 The game starts in a preliminary Round 0. For Round 0, you need to make two submissions:

  • Choose a meadow to move to. You must choose a different meadow than your current one.
  • Submit 2 orbs; these are the gods you support. The orbs you choose will not be revealed to anyone else.

💎 For each orb that matches either your starting meadow or your destination meadow, you get 1 garnet. This means you can get up to 2 garnets by choosing orbs that match both your starting meadow and your destination meadow. Garnet gains will not be revealed.

🀄 There is a box containing orbs that will be used for the game. The 3 orbs you don't submit go into the box. In addition, the box also contains 1 orb for each god. This totals up to 26 orbs in the box.

🀄 At the start of Round 1, you get 2 ritual candles. One has a color matching your starting meadow; one has a color matching your destination meadow. Ritual candles are tradable freely.

💎 You may purchase a ritual candle of any color for 4 garnets.

The game is divided into rounds until the game-end condition is reached.

📡 At the start of each round, you will privately draw 3 orbs from the box; only you get to know what you drew. In addition, you get 1 orb, matching your meadow's color. Note that you all draw from the same box; orbs taken by one player are not available for the others.

🧠 You will make three submissions:

  • Choose a meadow to move to. You must choose a different meadow than your current one.
  • Distribute your 4 orbs into 3 ceremony areas, numbered 1, 2, 3. You can distribute your orb in any way; you can have all 4 orbs in the same ceremony area, or distribute them as evenly as you can, or any other combination.
  • Light any number of ritual candles you have.

📡 At the end of the round, the number of orbs put to each ceremony area is revealed. (Which player put each orb isn't revealed.) In each ceremony area, the god with the largest unique number of orbs wins the ceremony, and gets to move that many spaces: 1 space for ceremony 1; 2 spaces for ceremony 2; and 3 spaces for ceremony 3. Note that if there are multiple gods with the most orbs in a ceremony area, they are skipped; look at the next-largest number of orbs. It is possible a god with no orb wins the ceremony, if all others are tied. If all gods are tied, no god wins that ceremony.

The god that wins a ceremony moves that number of spaces. Ceremonies are processed in order of 1, 2, 3; this order is important for various things.

📡 However, gods may also activate their special abilities. At the end of the round, it is revealed which gods have rituals; that is, which gods have at least one ritual candle of their color lit. Multiple ritual candles of the same color in the same round are redundant. The gods that receive rituals will have their special ability activated for the round. The special abilities are as follows:

:manawhite: God White: Whenever another god in the same space as White wins a ceremony and gets to move, White then moves as well as if White has also won the same ceremony. White moves after the original god, and moves by the number of spaces dictated by the ceremony regardless of what powers the original god might have.

:manablue: God Blue: Whenever a god from behind Blue would move past Blue, they stop in Blue's space instead.

:manablack: God Black: All other gods in the same space as Black move one space backward. This ability is only checked when no god is moving. This ability doesn't have any effect on the starting space or the goal.

:manared: Whenever Red moves, Red skips spaces occupied by other gods. If Red would move past the goal, Red lands on the goal instead.

:managreen: Whenever Green wins a ceremony and gets to move, Green moves one additional space.

Ask a dealer for examples of various situations.

After each round is evaluated, all orbs taken from boxes are returned to the boxes. (Orbs given to you due to your meadow color are not added to the box.)

Whenever a god reaches the goal, they rise to the podium. Note that order matters; if multiple gods finish in the same round, the god that finishes earlier (due to a lower-numbered ceremony) ranks higher. The orbs in the box that match the color of the finishing god are recolored: each other god still in the race receives additional orbs evenly, and any remainder is discarded. 🎭 For example, if White finishes first and has 6 orbs in the box, then 4 of them are recolored evenly to Blue, Black, Red, and Green, and the remaining 2 are discarded.

Gods that finish no longer count for ceremonies. In addition, due to gods finishing, some orbs will become useless. If you are in a meadow whose god has finished, you do not get the 1 orb with matching god color, as it is no longer useful.

👑 The game ends after three gods have reached the goal. The god in first place receives 3 points; the god in second place receives 2 points; the god in third place receives 1 point. The other two gods receive 0 points.

👑 Your final score is the sum of points of the two gods you support, based on the orbs you submitted at the beginning of the game.

👑 The players with the most points win one Token of Life each; in case of a sole winner, they get two Tokens of Life. The player with the least points becomes the Elimination Candidate.

👑 In addition, if there are at most two winners, the winners will assign everyone's meadows for Main Match 8. The full rules for assigning meadows will be revealed at the start of Episode 8. If there are more than two winners, the meadow assignment will be completely random.

💎 You get 1 garnet for each point you score.


📌 🀄 Player items

The game uses orbs. Orbs come in the five god colors (which match the five meadow colors). At the start of the game, you submit orbs to become your score. During the game, orbs are used to get the gods to move.

Orbs are not tradable. In fact, you shouldn't be holding any orb between rounds; you will use up all orbs you have every round.

The game also uses ritual candles. Ritual candles also come in the five god colors. You receive two ritual candles at the start of Round 1 of colors defined in the rules, and you can buy a ritual candle of any color for 4 garnets. You may trade ritual candles freely.

📌 ⏰ Timing

The game begins in Round 0; Round 0 consists of you submitting your orbs for scoring. The other rounds are when the gods start moving.

Each round lasts for approximately 24 hours, except for Round 0 that lasts for approximately 48 hours. The deadline of every round is at 3pm UTC ( your local time); allow a few minutes for updating.

📌 🧠 Submission

In Round 0, your submission consists of:

  • The two orbs you submit for scoring.
  • The meadow you are going to. This must be different from your current meadow.

In all other rounds, your submission consists of:

  • Where you place each orb you have.
  • Ritual candles you decide to light, if any.
  • The meadow you are going to. This must be different from your current meadow.

In all cases, if you miss any part of your submission, it will be randomized.

📌 📡 Information

This game has the following pieces of information, along with how and when they are revealed to the players, if at all. If a piece of information is not in this list, it is likely not known to anyone, but feel free to clarify.

🔺 Publicly announced, at the start of every round

  • The meadow each player is in. (This is already public, but worth spelling out as you will move meadows a lot.)

🔺 Explicitly only known to you until the end of the game

  • The scoring orbs you choose.

🔺 Publicly announced, at the end of every Round 1+

  • The number of orbs placed in each ceremony area.
  • For each god, whether there is an active ritual for that god (i.e. whether at least one ritual candle was lit.)

🔺 Explicitly not known to anyone

  • Who placed which orb.
  • Who lit ritual candles, or how many lit ones there are.
  • What orbs are in the box.

🔺 Publicly announced, at the end of the game

  • The scoring orbs of everyone, and thus the points everyone gets.

📌 💎 ORG items

You can gain ORG currency in this way:

  • Each of your scoring orbs that matches either your starting meadow or your destination meadow for Round 0 gives 1 garnet, given to you at the end of Round 0.
  • At the end of the game, you get 1 garnet for each point you score.

You can spend garnets in this way:

  • You can buy a ritual candle of any color for 4 garnets each.


📌 God White and God Black only look at other gods

God White's ability has been clarified that they only look at other gods, not themself. The same for God Black.
