Designer(s): zorbees | Match Type: DM (for 2 players) |
Featured in: The Genius Forum Game | |
See Also: Betting RPS |
At the start of the game, the 8 other players will be placed in a random order and assigned a random number from 1 to 5.
The players will be betting on the numbers assigned to the other players. Each round, the starting player will choose to play or to bet, while the second player will get the option that isn't chosen.
The player who gets to play will pick a number from 1 to 5 to openly play against the spectator's hidden number. He will receive chips equal to the number he chose.
The betting player will bet any number of chips on if his opponent is over or under the spectator's number. He will receive twice his bet if correct, will lose his bet if incorrect, and will retain his bet if they pick the same number.
Both players start with 5 chips. The starting player in round 1 will be the player who lost the main match, alternating after that.
The player who has more chips at the end of 8 rounds will be the winner. If tied, the player who earned the most chips in one bet will be the winner. If still tied, the player who earned the most chips in the final round will be the winner. If still tied, the game will restart.