Definitely Not Dominion


Designer(s): Isa, ISamEI, pixie Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Genius Invitational
See Also: Definitely Not Dominion

In Definitely Not Dominion, players will try to reach the Token of Win by playing move cards.

DND is a deck building game with the following phases.

Turn Setup

Every turn, you get 1 action and 1 buy by default. You also draw 5 cards from your deck.


1) Play action cards for their affects. Every action card you play uses up 1 action. If you are out of actions you cannot play any more action cards from your hand. Action cards have various effects.

Trashing (removing cards from your deck)

Discarding (cards in hand)

Drawing cards

Giving buys

Giving more actions

Giving currency

and other things.

2) Play treasures and moves. Play treasures and move cards simultaneously.

Each treasure card can be played freely and gives you some currency. For every buy you have, you may spend money to buy a card. Money is not carried over between turns. Cards you buy go to your discard pile.

Every move card you play is summed, and you will move over as spaces that have a move cost that sum to less than your move total.

3) End turn

When your turn ends, all cards in play are discarded and you draw five cards. If there are no cards left in your deck, you reshuffle your discard pile into your deck before drawing.

Special rules:

Your starting deck will consist of 7 garnets and 3 move 1 cards.

Cards in supply have a limit of 10 total. When 10 cards are gone, they may no longer be bought. Treasure and move cards however, have no limit.

The board and the cards will be released at the beginning the deathmatch. Players will have up to 15 minutes to analyze the cards and ask question before starting play.


jakkdl has the following three items:

from Ethy: + Starting player in DnD

from e: + Both players gain a buy

from garnet: + Both players get a coin

DLE has the following item:

from Spadez: + Both players draw a card

Items can only be used once.

Bot Instructions

Old/Common Commands

!draw n, !trash n, !add cardname (alias buy), !discard n, !end, !show (#bot-instructions for more detail)

New Commands

!play n x y z etc

  • playing multiple cards has been enabled! enter the numbers separated by spaces of the cards you want to play


  • displays a list of all the cards that can be bought and how many left of each remain


  • tells how many cards you have total (not counting trashed ones)


  • adds a card directly to your hand rather than your discard


  • trashes previous card/action played


  • !show, but publicly revealed in game room


  • tells you the top 3 cards in your deck


  • discards the top 3 cards in your deck

!revealinhand n

  • reveals card with number n in your hand publicly

Reminder: just because the bot allows you to do commands does not mean you are allowed to do them, make sure you are also following the FM rules/cards

side note: when getting the card zombie game, please enter it as zombie-game (non-case sensitive, but the dash instead of zombiegame please)

and also no spaces in card names like in mm11
