Definitely Not Dominion


Designer(s): Isa, ISamEI, pixie Match Type: MM (for 3 players)
Featured in: Genius Invitational
See Also: Definitely Not Dominion

In DND (Which stands for either Dungeon Dash or Definitely Not Dominion) players will build decks to be the first to escape from the Dungeon.

Each player begins the game with the following components in their deck:

7 garnets and 3 Rubbish cards.

Each round has three phases:

Draw Cards

Players begin their turn by drawing 5 cards from their deck.

Play Actions

Every player starts with 1 action. You can use an action to play an action card; if you run out of actions this phase ends. Actions do not carry over between turns (you will always start a turn with 1 action). Action cards played are discarded; they are not removed from your deck.

Some cards will allow you to trash other cards. These cards are permanently removed from deck and are not played.

Play Garnets

You can play any number of garnet cards.

Buy Cards

The number of garnets in play in addition to the bonuses your action cards give you will be totaled; these will be the funds in which you can use to buy cards. All players start each turn with 1 buy; if you have more buys you can divvy up your funds between more cards.

Examples of cards you can buy are in #example-cards

Play Move Cards

You put any any number of move cards into play (but not Move-Action cards).


The move cards will be totaled. Each player will move one piece, and each space has a movement cost.

When you move onto a space, the movement cost is deducted from your total movement. You cannot move onto a square that would make your movement negative. When there is an intersection, you may choose the direction.

The board that players will use is in the #mm11-board channel.

There are also special spaces that allow you to do one of two things if you pass them:

  1. Gain a free action card
  2. Gain a free bonus of your choosing

The bonuses are:

  • +1 buy at start of every turn
  • +1 action at start of every turn
  • +1 garnet at the start of every turn
  • You may discard 2 cards and draw 1 card at the start of every turn

You can't stack these bonuses on top of each other.


When your deck runs out of cards, your discard will be reshuffled into your deck.


Your goal is to be the first player to land on a 10-space and exit the dungeon. That player will earn 3 garnets and a token of life. The other two players will head to deathmatch.

we have @Bandage Bot for the dealing and card tracking :blobwizard: please don't do commands until the mm starts

Clarification: Unused resources (currency, actions, moves, buys) deplete at the end of each round.

Addendum: Turn order is decided by garnet count at the start of the MM.

Clarification: The discard pile contains cards that you've played in a previous round, bought/gained but not yet shuffled in, or discarded from your hand. When you (re)shuffle your deck, all cards currently in your discard pile will be shuffled into the deck.

Cards that are Trashed are removed from the game. They do not enter the discard pile.

Clarification: There is currently no timer in play. This is because I intend to observe how quick a round may take, factoring in time for bot commands, and then add a time limit in the middle of the game. I will notify you in advance. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Clarification If you have negative movement you will not move backwards

Players: In 5 minutes, I will reveal the cards available for you to buy in this game. After that, you will be given 10 minutes to analyze the cards, ask questions about them etc. Following that, we will start the game.

@Player 10 minutes to look at #available-cards

Correction: You can play move cards and garnet cards at the same time

Clarification: Coalition's ability, should you have 7 Action cards in play, would allow you to gain a Move card costing 7 Currency units or less.

Clarification: You must play all actions before garnets/moves

Clarification to the clarification: you may choose not to play an action even if possible, just that you cannot play Action cards after having played Garnets/Move cards.
