Blob Fighter

In this Death Match, beat your opponent in a fight by predicting your opponent's moves.

Designer(s): XNimus Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Community Hosted Genius Game 2
Awards: Most Fun DM 2022

DM6: Blob Fighter

Blob Fighter is a fighting game where each player will try to knock the other player out or out of bounds. Whoever does this twice wins the Death Match.



At the start of the game, each player will play as their respective Blobwizard character. The game consists of 2 or 3 rounds. At the start of each round, both players will be placed on spaces E and G of an 11 space stage and both players will start with 15 HP and 8 Shield.



Each round consists of 50 or less turns. Every turn, players will simultaneously submit actions until a player either loses all of their HP or is knocked out of bounds. After both players have submitted an action, the actions submitted will be publicly revealed. Each action has its own priority and effects.

Priority refers to the order each player’s action is processed. An action with the lower priority number will be processed first. Actions with the same priority number will be processed at the same time (See: DM6 Actions below). An action’s effect may affect your movement or inflict damage and knockback on the opponent.

Movement refers to the player’s ability to move left and right on the stage. Moving may lead to pushing depending on circumstances. When a player tries to move into a space occupied by the opponent, the opponent is pushed one space backwards to make space for the moving player.

Damage is the amount of HP lost from an action (Taking 2 damage means losing 2 HP). Knockback is the number of spaces a player is pushed back because of an action (Taking 2 knockback means being pushed 2 spaces away). Damage is usually dealt by using attack actions.


An attack action is an action that inflicts damage and/or knockback on the opponent when both players are adjacent to each other. An attack action will have the word “Attack” in its name.

When an attack action is used when both players are adjacent to each other, this is known as hitting. An attack action can miss if used when both players are not adjacent to each other.

If an attack action hits the opponent, the opponent’s selected action will not be processed if it hasn’t been already.

If both players submit the same attack action on the same turn and successfully hit each other, the attack will trade and the action’s hit effects will apply to both players. If both players submit the same attack action on the same turn and they miss each other, any penalties for missing the attack will not apply to either player.



A round ends when one of three things happen:

1. One player loses all of their HP.

If a player loses all of their HP, the round ends immediately and the player with HP remaining wins the round.

2. One player is sent out of bounds.

Any space beyond spaces A-K is considered out of bounds. If a player is sent out of bounds by an attack action, they will automatically lose the round. If a player is sent out of bounds because of a trade caused by both players choosing the same attack option, they will still lose the round. Pushing a player out of bounds using movement actions will not send a player out of bounds and instead they will be pushed to the last space. Attempting to move yourself backwards out of bounds will not send you out of bounds and you will instead stay on the last space.

If one player loses all of their HP while the other player is sent out of bounds, both players win the round.

3. 50 turns have passed.

If 50 turns have passed and a winner has not been determined yet, the round will end and the player with more HP remaining will win the round. If this is a tie, both players win the round.

The player that wins 2 rounds first wins the Death Match. If both players get their 2nd win at the same time, the Death Match Opponent wins.


Time Controls

Each player has 1 minute to submit their action for the turn. Not submitting an action will result in No Action being played. You may change your submission as long as it is within the 1 minute time limit and the last valid submission will be taken. There will be no reserve time.


DM6 Actions

The following is a list of all possible actions notated by [Priority] Action Name:

[0] No Action

  • Does nothing.

[1] Block

  • Costs 1 Shield to use.
  • Using Block prevents the opponent from pushing the user with movement actions.
  • If the opponent hits the user with Light Attack, Medium Attack, Dash Attack, or Heavy Attack, negate any damage and knockback that would have been inflicted on the user and the opponent takes 2 damage instead.
  • Shields cannot be replenished during a round but will go back to 8 when a new round starts.

[2] Walk Backward

  • Moves the user one space away from the opponent (this action makes the player on the left move to the left and the player on the right to the right).

[3] Walk Forward

  • Moves the user one space towards the opponent (this action makes the player on the left move to the right and the player on the right to the left).
  • If both players submit this action on the same turn when they are adjacent to each other or two spaces away from each other, there will be no change in movement for either player.

[4] Light Attack

  • The opponent takes 1 damage if this action hits the opponent and the opponent did not use Block.

[5/7] Dash Attack

  • This is one action divided into two parts, processed at different priorities - The movement part and the attack part.
  • The movement part of this action has a priority of 5. It moves the user one space towards the opponent.
  • The attack part of this action has a priority of 7. It deals 2 damage and 1 knockback to the opponent if this action hits the opponent and the opponent did not use Block.
  • The movement part of this action will be treated as a movement action and the attack part of this action will be treated as an attack action. Any effects specific to movement or attack actions (pushing/hitting) will only apply to the respective parts of the action.
  • If the attack part of this action misses the opponent, the user’s action on the next turn may not be an attack action (Light Attack/Dash Attack/Medium Attack/Grab Attack/Heavy Attack).

[6] Medium Attack

  • The opponent takes 2 damage and 1 knockback if this action hits the opponent and the opponent did not use Block.
  • If this action misses the opponent, the user’s action on the next turn may not be an attack action (Light Attack/Dash Attack/Medium Attack/Grab Attack/Heavy Attack).

[8] Dash Forward

  • Moves the user one space towards the opponent twice (this action makes the player on the left move to the right and the player on the right to the left).
  • The user may not jump over the opponent. Instead, pushing will be done if applicable.
  • If both players submit this action on the same turn, changes in movement will be made until both players have moved forward twice, or until both players are adjacent to each other or two spaces away from each other.

[9] Grab Attack

  • The opponent takes 2 damage and 2 knockback if this action hits the opponent.
  • This action will still be successful even if the opponent uses Block.

[10] Heavy Attack

  • The opponent takes 4 damage and 2 knockback if this action hits the opponent and the opponent did not use Block.
  • If this action hits the opponent and the opponent used Block, the opponent loses 1 Shield (in addition to the 1 Shield they’ve lost from using Block).
  • This action will still be processed even if the user is hit with Light Attack on this turn.
  • If this action misses the opponent, the user may not submit an action next turn.


Battling    (The game involves players attacking each other.)

Line-based    (The game takes place on a one-dimensional line.)

Piece movement    (The game involves pieces moving on a board.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)