In this Death Match, draft the right birds to identify the Raven before your opponent.
Designer(s): XNimus | Match Type: DM (for 2 players) |
Featured in: Deadly By Design, The Genius: Champ The Champion | |
Awards: Most Innovative DM 2024 |
Death Match: Gravity Pandemic
In a certain town of birds, an evil Raven has spread a poison that increases a bird's gravity, causing birds in the town to become flightless! No one in town knows who the perpetrator is as they are all too birdbrained to solve the mystery, so it is up to you to find out which bird is the Raven in order to put an end to the gravity pandemic.
This Death Match consists of 4 rounds and each round is consisted of at most 4 night phases and at most 4 day phases. There are also 11 bird types seated in a circle with seats numbered 1-11 in clockwise order, with each bird type being randomly assigned to each number but not revealed to both players. At the start of each round, bird-to-seat assignments are randomized.
At the start of each round, both players may choose to have the seat number of up to one bird type of their choice other than the Raven privately revealed to them. However, they may not guess the identity of their chosen bird during the day phase for the duration of the round. At the end of the round, any birds chosen to be revealed will be publicly announced and may not be chosen to be revealed again in future rounds.
The night phase then begins. Each night phase will be numbered Night 1, Night 2, etc. During the night phase, players take turns drafting bird types to control for the night. Each player will draft 5 bird types in alternating order. The player that currently has less points will draft first. If this is tied, the player that didn't draft first during the previous night phase will draft first. On the first night phase of the Death Match, the DMO will draft first.
Players will then privately pick any applicable actions and privately receive any applicable information based on their drafted bird types. Before any actions are applied and any information is received, the gravity poison spreads to the nearest non-flightless bird clockwise and the nearest non-flightless bird counterclockwise from the Raven. The poisoned birds are flightless for the duration of the round.
After both players have received their information, the day phase begins. Each day phase will be numbered Day 1, Day 2, etc. During the day phase, players may submit any guesses as to which seat number is assigned to which bird type. Players are given 1 minute to privately submit up to one guess.
If the guess is incorrect, the guesser loses 1 point. If the guess is correct, the guesser gains 1 point and the guessed seat number's assigned bird type will be publicly revealed. However, if the Raven is correctly guessed, the guesser gains 3 points instead. Points can be negative. If both players correctly guess the same bird, they both gain points.
All point updates are publicly announced as soon as they occur. If any guesses are made, another 1 minute guessing period will be given. This will continue until neither player submits a guess. Then the day phase ends and the next night phase begins.
A round ends when all birds other than the Raven are flightless (once Day 4 ends) or when the Raven is correctly guessed.
To summarize, the game flow of each round is as follows:
Bird Types
There are 11 different types of birds, 10 of which can be drafted. Each birds have their own effects. They are as follows:
Lovebird A
Lovebird B
A few notes regarding night actions:
When 4 rounds end, the player with more points wins. If this is tied, the player that had the lead in the previous scoring update wins. Further ties are broken this way.
Time Controls
Start of round reveals
Night phase drafting
Night phase action selection
Day phase
Circular seating (The game involves players or objects being connected in a circle or cycle.)
Drafting (The game involves players drafting items from a pool, usually by taking turns or using a priority system.)
Logic (The game involves logical deductions and puzzles.)
Miscellaneous (The game tests a miscellaneous set of skills.)
Social deduction (The game involves players trying to deduce other players' hidden roles.)