Minigame Chess

In this Death Match, play strategically on the board while winning minigames to further your progress.

Designer(s): XNimus Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Exordium

In this game, players will aim to complete one of their win conditions while playing minigames in the process.

This game is played on a 6x8 board, with each space on the board being a different color. Kotov will take the top side and Omar will take the bottom side. When moving forward, Kotov's pieces move down while Omar's pieces move up.

Each player has 14 pieces - 1 King, 2 Mines, and 11 Pawns.

The King and the Pawns can move up to two spaces vertically forward, one space diagonally forward, or 1 space horizontally. "Jumping" over a piece one space in front of your piece by moving two spaces forward is not a valid move. When a piece attempts to move into a space occupied by another piece, a capture attempt will be made. Capture attempts may not be made on your own pieces.

The Mines cannot move. If a piece attempts to capture a Mine, no minigame will be played and both the Mine and the capturer will be removed from play.

The color of each space on the board represents a different minigame category. When a capture attempt is made, both players will play a minigame corresponding to the color of the space where the capture attempt was made. The winning player will keep their piece while the losing player's piece is removed from play. If a tie occurs, the defender will be removed from play while the capturer stays in play. See #fm2-minigames for details on how each minigame is played.

There are six minigame types: Math, Logic, Word, Psych, Memory, and Observation. Each category with the exception of Psych has 10 minigames. Once all 10 minigames of a non-Psych category have been exhausted, any subsequent capture attempts made on a space corresponding to that category will always be successful with no minigame played (unless a Mine was captured).

At the start of the game, each player privately submits where they would like to place each piece on any of the first three rows of their side. There is no visual difference between each piece and what kind of piece it is will only be explicitly revealed once it is removed from play.

Once both players have set their starting board positions, both players will play the Psych minigame, Little Hunters. The winner of the minigame will choose the turn order. Afterwards, both players will alternate turns moving one piece in their submissions channels.

There are three ways to win the game:

  1. Your opponent's King is removed from play.
  2. Your King moves to the other side of the board (the furthest row away from your side) and survives one turn.
  3. Any two of your pieces reach the other side of the board and survives one turn at the same time. If one of your two pieces is captured before both of them can survive one turn on the other side together, this win condition is not reached.


All item uses are public.

Head Start: Before a non-Psych minigame starts, this item may be used to allow the user to privately see the minigame prompt 10 seconds in advance.

Tiebreaker Advantage: Before a minigame starts, this item may be used to give the user's piece the tiebreaker advantage in the minigame as the defender. The capturer will not have the tiebreaker advantage for this minigame.

As @Omar has FM2 Item 1, he gets first pick. Please submit your decision within 24 hours. Otherwise, the item you get will be randomized for you.

As @Kotov has FM2 Item 2, he takes the other item.

An example of what the board will look like:

As @Omar has not submitted his item choice, he'll get the Head Start item (randomized for him).

@Kotov takes the Tiebreaker Advantage item.


There are six minigame types: Math, Logic, Word, Psych, Memory, and Observation. How each minigame works will be explained here.

1. Math

The Math minigame will be one round of Countdown. In Countdown, a target number will be generated. Six usable numbers are also generated. These six usable numbers can be 1-10, 25, 50, 75, or 100. Players must form an equation out of any of the six numbers along with any of the four basic operations (+, -, x, /) and parentheses in order to reach the target number. The standard mathematic order of operations (PEMDAS) will apply to your equation. Not all six numbers have to be used and not every operation has to be used. Each usable number may only be used up to the number of times it shows up (If the same usable number shows up twice, that number may be used twice in your equation). Each operation may be used as many times as you want.

You may not use a solver for this minigame.

You may use a calculator for this minigame.

Players must buzz in by typing buzz. The first player to buzz in will have one minute to submit an answer. If they are correct, they win the minigame. If they are incorrect or if one minute passes before they could submit an answer, they lose the minigame. If 5 minutes pass with neither player buzzing in, the minigame ends in a tie.

An example of what the Math minigame will look like:

A valid answer could be (75 - 1) + (8 x 7)

2. Logic

The Logic minigame will be one round of Skyscrapers.

Here is a video explaining the rules of a Skyscrapers puzzle:

You may not use a solver for this minigame.

You may use an image editor for this minigame.

Players must buzz in by typing buzz. The first player to buzz in will have one minute to submit an answer. If they are correct, they win the minigame. If they are incorrect or if one minute passes before they could submit an answer, they lose the minigame. If 5 minutes pass with neither player buzzing in, the minigame ends in a tie.

Your submission may be either an image or text. It is up to you as long as the submission is understandable.

An example of what the Logic minigame will look like:

A valid answer could be

1243 2134 3412 4321

3. Word

The Word minigame will be one round of Word Scramble. In Word Scramble, you will be given three words where the letters are scrambled in a random order. Your goal is to unscramble the letters so each unscrambled word becomes a valid English word. If the word can be unscrambled into multiple valid words, we will count all variations as correct as long as the word is valid. If the word can be found under this Scrabble dictionary, we will consider it a valid word: Otherwise, it is invalid.

You may not use any word generators/anagram solvers/any external tool for this minigame.

Players must buzz in by typing buzz. The first player to buzz in will have one minute to submit an answer. If they are correct, they win the minigame. If they are incorrect or if one minute passes before they could submit an answer, they lose the minigame. If 5 minutes pass with neither player buzzing in, the minigame ends in a tie.

All three words must be valid for the submission to be considered a correct answer. If even one word is wrong, the submission will be considered an invalid answer. Your answer may be in three separate lines, or in one line, as long as it is understandable. Your answer must be in the right order though. Answers will not be case sensitive.

An example of what the Word minigame will look like:

A valid answer could be




4. Psych

The Psych minigame will be one bout of Little Hunters. Little Hunters is a game made by chaotic_iak. In Little Hunters, each player is given 5 cards, numbered 1-5. One bout of Little Hunters consists of 1-3 rounds and at the start of each round, both players must play one card privately in their submissions channels. Once a card has been played, it cannot be played again (If I played a 1, I can no longer play the number 1 for the rest of the minigame).

If both players played a different number, the player that played the lower number will be revealed along with the number played. The player that played the lower number will then try to guess what number their opponent played. If they guess correctly, they win the minigame. If they guess incorrectly, we will move on to the next round. If both players played the same number, it will be announced that the round ended in a tie along with the number played. We will then move on to the next round.

If after 3 rounds a winner has not been determined, the player that submitted the larger overall sum of numbers in those 3 rounds will win the game. If this is a tie, the minigame ends in a tie.

5. Memory

In the Memory minigame, you will be given an image. At any point a player may buzz in by typing buzz. Once a player buzzes in, the image will be deleted and a question related to the first image will be asked. They will have one minute to submit an answer. If they are correct, they win the minigame. If they are incorrect or if one minute passes before they could submit an answer, they lose the minigame. If 5 minutes pass with neither player buzzing in, the minigame ends in a tie.

There may be several rounds where an initial image isn't given and only a question will appear.

You may not take screenshots as this is a memory game.

You may not take notes BEFORE buzzing in. However once you have buzzed in, you may write down notes from memory.

An example of what the initial Memory minigame image will look like, followed by its corresponding question:

A valid answer would be green.

6. Observation

In the Observation minigame, you will be given an 8x8 grid. Your goal is to figure out which type of cell appears the most number of times. A cell may have color, text, and/or colored text. If even one of these is different, it will be considered a different type of cell.

You may use an image editor for this minigame.

Players may buzz in by typing buzz. The first player to buzz in will have one minute to submit an answer. If they are correct, they win the minigame. If they are incorrect or if one minute passes before they could submit an answer, they lose the minigame. If 5 minutes pass with neither player buzzing in, the minigame ends in a tie.

An example of what the Observation minigame will look like:

A valid answer could be gray.


Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Memory    (The game tests the players' memories.)

Mental    (The game tests mental agility.)

Miscellaneous    (The game tests a miscellaneous set of skills.)

Observation    (The game tests the players' observational skills.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

Puzzle    (The game tests the players' abilities to solve puzzles.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)

Words    (The game tests the players' linguistic abilities.)