List of Game Tags

Name Description Quantity
Anonymous The game involves players playing under anonymous identities. 4
Area control The game involves controlling more area on the board in order to win. 46
Asymmetric The game involves different factions or roles that have different win and lose conditions. 4
Auction The game involves an auction in which players participate. 28
Battling The game involves players attacking each other. 29
Betting The game involves poker-style betting. 13
Bidding The game involves auction-style bidding. 49
Binary The game involves binary numbers as a mechanic. 2
Black & White The game takes elements from the Black & White game series from The Genius TV show. 8
Bluffing The game involves players being able to peform illegal actions and being punished for being called out. 5
Buzzer-based The game involves a buzzer, with the first person to buzz in being given the opportunity to answer. 22
Cards The game involves cards of any kind. 78
Chaos Match The game is a 3-player Death Match. 2
Chess-like The game involves chess pieces in its design. 13
Circular seating The game involves players or objects being connected in a circle or cycle. 6
Connect in a row The game involves players connecting pieces in a row, like gomoku. 24
Crafting The game involves combining or using resources in recipes to craft new objects. 4
Dice The game involves rolling dice. 9
Dilemma The game involves players making Prisoner's Dilemma-like decisions. 15
Dominoes The game involves dominoes tiles in its mechanics. 4
Drafting The game involves players drafting items from a pool, usually by taking turns or using a priority system. 21
Economy The game involves an economy that players must manage. 12
Equation assembly The game involves assembling an equation using a set of numbers. 9
Extra Info on Discord The game has extra information on Discord that has not been documented on this website. 23
Garnet Match The game is a Garnet Match, where the winners and losers are solely decided by garnet count. 6
Glitched Match The game is a Glitched Match, where the rules changed mid-game. 2
Goofspiel-like The game takes elements from the classic game Goofspiel. 8
Gravity The game involves gravity as a mechanic. 3
Grid-based The game involves play on a grid. 162
Grouping The game involves players agreeing to form groups together. 3
Guest The game involves guests that can influence the outcome of the match. 18
Hap-like The game takes elements from the Gyul! Hap! game from The Genius TV show, also known as Set. 10
Hex grid The game involves play on specifically a hexagonal grid. 23
Hierarchy The game involves a pyramid-like hierachy structure. 5
Host Info The game involves additional information that only the hosts know and prepare in advance. 21
Inductive reasoning The game involves players combining pieces of information to create hypotheses. 13
Intel game The game involves collecting and exchanging initial clues to further deduce information. 21
Investing The game involves investing in items to earn a profit. 3
Limited communication The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players. 43
Line-based The game takes place on a one-dimensional line. 7
Live MM The game is a Main Match that is specifically designed to be played in a live session. 22
Logic The game involves logical deductions and puzzles. 14
Luck The game involves an element of luck. 25
Mathematics The game tests the players' mathematical abilities. 40
Maze The game involves a maze which players must navigate. 6
Meme The game involves non-serious elements and was designed more as a meme. 22
Memory The game tests the players' memories. 18
Mental The game tests mental agility. 48
Miscellaneous The game tests a miscellaneous set of skills. 38
Nim-like The game takes elements from the mathematical game of strategy Nim. 11
Nomic-like The game involves players proposing changes to the rules and accepting or rejecting them. 1
Non-live DM The game is a Death Match that is designed to be able to be played non-live. 5
Observation The game tests the players' observational skills. 56
One-upping The game involves players racing to claim the high score, and the other players being given a chance to "one-up" the first high score declared. 5
Optimization The game tests the players' abilities to find optimal solutions. 36
Patterns The game involves players finding and interacting with patterns. 19
Piece movement The game involves pieces moving on a board. 64
Piece placement The game involves pieces being placed on a board. 81
Piece removal The game involves pieces being removed from the board. 26
Points-based The game involves players earning points. 114
Poker-like The game is inspired by the game of poker. 9
Polyominoes The game involves polyominoes of size greater than 2 in its mechanics. 12
Psych The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities. 109
Puzzle The game tests the players' abilities to solve puzzles. 48
Quattro-like The game takes elements from the game Quattro from The Genius TV show. 5
Race The game involves players or objects in a race to the finish. 12
Real-time The game involves players making decisions in real-time. 1
Revolving leadership The game involves players taking turns being a unique role with special abilities. 4
Routing The game involves planning the best way to visit different locations. 12
RPG The game takes elements from role-playing games, such as having stats and skills. 11
RPS The game involves elements of the classic game Rock Paper Scissors. 6
Semi-live MM The game is a Main Match that is overall non-live but may have real-time elements, such as queries that the hosts respond to immediately. 10
Simultaneous The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously. 81
Social deduction The game involves players trying to deduce other players' hidden roles. 20
Social DM The game is a Death Match that involves players not in the Death Match themselves. 6
Strategy The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities. 126
Targeting The game involves players targeting other players as part of their submission to cause an effect, positive or negative. 4
Teams The game involves the players being split into teams. 27
Tic-Tac-Toe The game involves elements of the classic game Tic-Tac-Toe. 7
Trading The game involves players trading items and objects among themselves. 17
Trick The game involves a hidden trick of some sort that, if discovered by a player, gives them an advantage. 14
Trivia The game tests the players' trivia skills. 11
Turn-based The game involves players taking turns one after another. 105
Voting The game involves players voting as a mechanic. 14
Words The game tests the players' linguistic abilities. 25
Yutnori The game takes elements from the traditional Korean game Yutnori. 1