Quattro Poker

In this Death Match, communicate effectively with those not in the Death Match to build the best hand.

Designer(s): RedsToad Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Master Of All Trades

Rules will reference DM players and non-DM player a lot. Former will be referred to as DMers and latter as NDMers.

Communication with DMers is forbidden. NDMers may talk and trade between themselves freely.

Possible edge cases are noted after the rules. The parts of the rules which those edge cases apply to are noted in rules with [X], where X is the number of the edge case that applies.

-----DM3: Quattro Poker-----

The DM is played non-live over the course of 6 days, starting now, with first day being pregame. Everyone’s goal is to make the best possible hand through the use of trading and gifting. DMers compete with one another to not get eliminated and NDMers compete with each other to get an advantage in the future.

Every day DM players will select 2 new NDMers. The communication with the chosen players will be opened and at least one card trade/gift will have to be made between a DMer and both chosen NDMers. Communication will not be closed after the day ends and you may trade with people you have opened communication with, but you have to trade with two people you have just opened communications with. [1], [2]

A deck of 50 cards is used in this DM. Cards are labeled 1 to 10 in 5 colors: Apple, Blueberry, Clementine, Durian and Elderberry. Colors are referred to as A, B, C, D and E respectively. Cards are labeled as color-value, e.g. E1 and A10.

Over the course of the DM, DMers will need to trade at least 1 card with every NDMer.

Before the pregame (which is now), the deck is shuffled and 7 cards are dealt to both DMers. If they do not like their hand, they can change it by requesting to mulligan all of their cards it in their submissions. Mulligan will never give you cards you or your opponent already had in your hand. DMO may mulligan twice before the end of pregame, and will receive their first mulligan immediately. EC may only mulligan once. Last mulligan for both players will be given at the end of the pregame.

Onyx holder may additionally request a card to be put into his hand. If the Onyx holder used his mulligan, the requested card will be put into his hand with 6 other cards from the mulligan. If mulligan wasn’t used, Onyx holder will discard a random card and then receive the card that they requested. [3]

During the pregame DMO needs to submit two players who they wish to open communication with and to trade with, while EC needs to submit 4 names in case the first two are taken. EC will open communication with the first two players on the list that DMO hasn’t chosen. [1], [2]

At the end of pregame mulligans happen and all of the remaining cards are shuffled and dealt to all NDMers, 4 cards to each.

At the start of each day it is revealed who DMers chose to talk with. Those players may talk to DMer that chose them for the rest of the DM. During this day DMer and the chosen player must exchange at least 1 card through trading or gifting. Card trades are not required to be 1 for 1, but doing other form of trades is detrimental to both parties involved in trading. [4], [5]

At the end of the day, at least 1 card has to change hands between DMer and NDMer. If that doesn't happen, DMer is required to submit up to 4 cards to trade, while NDMer needs to rank his 4 cards from worst to best. At deadline, the N cards that DMer submitted will be traded with first N entries of NDMer. This counts as a trade for NDMer, but not for DMer. Note that you may trade with this method only with players that you have selected for a day. [6] - [10]

Additionally, DMers will need to submit 2 or 4 players to talk and trade in the next day.

For the 5th day no submission of players is needed, as only 1 player will be left.

Final Hand

After 6 days of trading, the hands of DMers are revealed. Then, every single card that is one higher or one lower than a card that a DMer holds are discarded. For example, if you hold A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, B2, B3 then A4, A10, B1 and B4 are discarded from anyone’s hand.

Also note that A1 will discard A10 and visa versa (works with other suits too), but making a hand with A1 is worse than with A10.

After all cards are discarded the hands are compared. The player with the better hand wins the DM and proceeds to the next MM. The other player is eliminated.

4 NDMers with best hands will get to choose between a Xyno and one of 3 pieces of a Token of Immortality.

Edge Cases

[1] During any point of the DM if the DMer fails to submit a valid name of the player to trade with it will be randomised. Two missed submissions will result in a auto-elimination.

[2] If at any point EC and DMO decide to trade with the same person for a day, or a situation occurs where both players will have to trade with the same person in any of the following days, EC will choose a different player to trade with. This will be done by having the EC submit 4 names every day. EC will trade with first two available players.

[3] If Onyx holder requests a card that other DMer holds, opponent’s card will be replaced with a random one at deadline.

[4] If at the end of the day a player has with more cards then they have started with at the beginning of the day, they will discard random cards from their hand until the amount they started with. For example: NDMer has A1, A2, A3, A4. DMer gifts him a E0. NMDer ends with 1 card more than they started with and 1 random card is discarded. As a result, DMer now has 6 cards in the hand and NDMer has a ⅘ chance to no longer has a straight flush.

Discard pile is visible at all times and it is announced which cards are discarded.

[5] Discarding will happen before trading via “Submit N” method. If NDMer holds 7 cards they will need to rank all of them and only the 4 cards remaining will be up for trading.

[6] If during a day a trade fails to occur, the submission for “submit N” trading must already be present. Thus, it is recommended that you submit your list of cards to trade during the day in case the trading/gifting fails. Hosts will try their best to process trades as soon as possible

[7] If NDMer fails to submit a list for “submit N” trading, then DMer gets to see their hand and exchange any number of cards with cards in their hand during the next day. This will count as two trades for NDM’er.

If DMer fails to submit a list, then all cards in NDMers hand will be traded with random cards from DMers hand. Two missed submissions will result in auto-elimination.

Both players failing to submit has the same outcome as DMer failing to submit.

[8] If a NDMer has no trades left at the moment of forced trading, the trade will still happen and then NDM discards a random card from their hand. Discard pile is visible at all times and it is announced which cards are discarded.

[9] All trades via “submit N” method will be 1 for 1 trades, there will never be a trade where NDMer trades 3 cards for 4 etc.

If NDMer only holds 3 cards, while DMer submits 4 cards to be traded, only first 3 cards that DMer submits will be traded with all 3 cards of NDMer.

[10] If a player has no cards in their hand then no trade can be made. It will be announced to the other player that the trade is impossible and no trade will occur.

As a reminder, SFGF is the EC, and John is DMO.

Additionally, John holds the Onyx, thus he will receive both the DMO advantage and the Onyx advantage

Cards to DM players will be delivered shortly

Also here is a glimpse of what the cards look like. Other cards have a similar design.

Amendment: Ruling for Mulligans changed, you may not receive cards that your opponent had.

(DMers inventories are unlocked, btw)

Amendment: after the DM, NDMers will be privately told whether they won or not.

Their hands will not be revealed publicly, it is not announced who wins what item etc.

Hands of DMers are revealed and the results of DM will be announced.

Clarification: When DMer trades for the day, at least 1 card needs to change hands between him and each chosen NDMer.

Rules have been rewritten a bit to reflect this.

Rule Change: All cards that DMers receive become locked for that day and may not be traded away in any way.


Cards    (The game involves cards of any kind.)

Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)

Non-live DM    (The game is a Death Match that is designed to be able to be played non-live.)

Social DM    (The game is a Death Match that involves players not in the Death Match themselves.)

Trading    (The game involves players trading items and objects among themselves.)