Tetris 7

In this Main Match, place tetrominoes strategically despite limited communication to earn the most points.

Designer(s): RedsToad Match Type: MM (for 7 players)
Featured in: Master Of All Trades


The game is played on a 20 x 10 matrix with lower 2 corners filled from the beginning.

The goal of the game is gain the most points by dropping the tetrominoes into the matrix and clearing lines.


This game is divided into rounds. Every round every player will be given a different tetromino, which they will place in a matrix in such a way that they touch the top side of at least 1 tetromino on the board.

There are 7 different tetrominoes, and they will be referred to according to their shape: I, O, T, J, L, S and Z. When shown, they will use a color scheme identical to all guideline tetris games. I is cyan, O is yellow, T is magenta, J is blue, L is orange, S is green and Z is red.

Additionally, this game will use a 7 bag randomiser, which means that over the first 7 rounds, all players will receive all of the 7 pieces once in random order. Same goes for next 7 rounds and so on. In addition, you will never receive 2 of the same piece in a row and two players will never receive a piece the other one had in the previous round.

This MM will have limited communication from round 2 onward.You may only talk to the player whose shape in the last round matches your shape in this round, and to the player whose shape in this round matches your shape in previous round. In round 1 the communication is not locked.

For example, if you got S in round 1, and Z in round 2 then you may only talk to player who got Z in round 1 and to player who got S in round 2. With the piece randomiser limitations that means that you will always be able to talk to exactly 2 people during a round.

Who you can talk to is determined by the pieces you receive, not which you hold. This means that trading will not affect who you can talk to at all.

Gifting may be done even when you cannot communicate with a player. The receiving player will still get a notification in their submission channel and may still accept the gift. As this ignores limited communication, only 3 gifts may be sent during this MM. As a compensation, Trade Passes may be used to give an additional gift instead of a trade.


During a round, players will need to submit where they want to put their tetromino. Places where it is possible to put a tetromino in a regular tetris game are valid. Other spots are invalid. That means that you can rest your piece on one mino high on the board and do spins with SRS.

If a player holds multiple tetrominos, then all of them have to be placed without overlap, on blocks that are already on board.

Round updates

Every round 2 images of the matrix will be posted.

In the first image all spaces on the board that were occupied before the round will be coloured dark gray.

All spaces that were occupied by multiple pieces placed in the last round will be colored white, and all spaces that were occupied by a single tetromino will be colored that tetromino’s color.

In the 2nd image all blocks placed. will be colored dark gray, and all fully filled lines will be removed from the board, with all rows above the removed one being shifted 1 down. This board will be the base for the next update and all submissions will be recorded as placements on this board, and not on the first one.

After images are posted, players will receive a piece that they will need to place on the board.

In addition, players will be shown the piece they will receive in the next round.

Point scoring

Note that scoring is checked only for pieces you have played this round, which are the white and colored spaces on the board. No piece that you placed previously, which are coloured dark gray on the first image, may score.

Your goal is to place parts of your tetrominoes where no other player has placed their piece.

You will receive 1 point for every mino that is on a space that is unique from other players. Those spaces are the same as ones that are painted the color of your mino, so you effectively will gain 1 point for every mino of your color on the board.

Other way to score points is to clear lines from the board. If your placed piece occupies a space in a filled row (checkmarked row), then you get 5 points regardless of piece position and placement.

There is also a way to lose points. If on the 2nd image of a round update exists a hole, which is an unoccupied space where every space sharing an edge with that space is occupied, then every player who placed their piece that shares an edge with a hole loses 3 points. Note that if a player places their piece such that it shares 2 sides with a hole then they still lose only 3 points and not 6.

Game End

There are two conditions when the game ends.

A player reaches 49 or more points.

A player places their piece fully outside the matrix.

In either case, the game ends after the round update and everyone's scores are revealed.

The player with the most points wins the MM and gets 2 ToLs.

If there are multiple such players, then all tied players get 1 ToL each.

All players with negative points get a ToD each, and if there are none, all players with the least points get a ToD each.

Tradable items

Tetrominos. Those are referred to as their shape.

Edge cases*

[1] If a player is unable to submit due to holding too many pieces or due to missing a deadline they will suffer a 5 point penalty and pieces will not be placed.

[2] In case that all players tie, tiebreak rules will apply.

Challenge tome

Reward: Every 7 rounds learn in what order you will receive the 7 pieces

Challenge: Clear 7 lines

Penalty: Get a MoE (inability to get a ToL)


Super Rotation System, or SRS is the current Tetris Guideline standard for how tetrominoes behave, in a broad sense. SRS represents how tetrominoes rotate and what wall kicks they may perform.

The first minute of this video shows most of the possible weird spins that can be made in the game: https://youtu.be/UdYri9Kx6Zs

This video shows some even more obscure ones: https://youtu.be/gDPD8gLg8fw

I, Red, sincerely apologize for having to show all this to you, but otherwise I would need to rewrite the Tetris rules and that will definitely allow for some extremely weird behaviour. Doing this is far safer.

Pieces that you receive will be displayed using these:

We forgot to announce all of the deadlines, so they will be put here now officially.

Deadline for every round is 24 hours.

You may take a challenge tome until end of round 1. Taking it will give you its reward at the end of round 1.

With your submission for this round, please state whether you want to take the tome


Grid-based    (The game involves play on a grid.)

Limited communication    (The game cuts or restricts communications in some way between players.)

Points-based    (The game involves players earning points.)

Puzzle    (The game tests the players' abilities to solve puzzles.)

Strategy    (The game tests the players' strategic & tactical abilities.)

Trading    (The game involves players trading items and objects among themselves.)