Cackling Salesman

In this Death Match, travel to all the cities in the least amount of time by manipulating different flights.

Designer(s): ISamEI Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: EpicMafia Genius 2, Gambit Game: First Move

Each of you are in the role of traveling salesman, trying to reach seven cities on different continents.

You will each secretly choose a starting city, which will then be publicly revealed.

Every round afterwards, you will decide a flight to take out of your city. The number of hours it takes to go from your current city to another city is shown in the data table attached, and when you take the flight those hours will be added to your score.

Being the conniving salespeople you are, you also have other tools at your disposal that you can use every round in addition to submitting your move.

  • Cancel flight: You can cancel a flight connecting any two cities. You can't cancel any flights if the opposing player has only one city left to go. If your opponent tried to take the flight you just cancelled, they become stuck in their city's airport , adding 4 hours to that time, and remain in that city in the next round.

  • Delay flight: You can delay a flight connecting any two cities, causing it to take an additional 4 hours.

  • Rush flight: You can rush a flight connecting any two cities, causing it to take 4 hours less.


The player who reaches all seven cities in the least amount of time wins the deathmatch. If neither player reaches all seven cities, then the player who reaches the most cities in the least amount of time is the winner. You can still cancel, rush, and delay cities after you finish your circuit, and you may not visit the same city twice.

You may use each power as much as you like, but only once per round.

Clarify: If your opponent finishes before you, you may still continue playing. The goal is to get the least amount of hours. Starting cities count as a city you visited. You may use the same power on consecutive turns.

Note that rushing a path is permanent, and you cannot rush a flight below 0.

Note also that you must attempt to take a flight if you are able to. You are "finished" when there are no flights heading out of your continent that you can take. Both players must finish or one must have an insurmountable lead for the dm to end.


Piece movement    (The game involves pieces moving on a board.)

Psych    (The game tests the players' psychological & bluffing abilities.)

Routing    (The game involves planning the best way to visit different locations.)

Simultaneous    (The game involves players taking their turns simultaneously.)