In this Death Match, guess the number Marcer is thinking.
Designer(s): MarcerMercer | Match Type: DM (for 2 players) |
Featured in: EOW: The Genius |
Here are some potential rules for a game called "Guess The Number Marcer is Thinking Game" where players must guess what number Marcer is thinking.
In this DeAth Match, players will take turNs guessing the number Marcer iS thinking of. This number could be any number, but it Will be an actual number, with digits. Trust mE on this.
The DMO will choose if they want to guess first or second.
Both players will take tuRns making 3 preliminary guesses. DurIng these preliminary guesses, players will gueSs publicly what they think the number is. It will then be Made public whether this guess is higher or lower thAn the actual numbeR.
OnCe all preliminary guessEs have been made, both playeRs submit a final gueSs. Both plAyers will privately submit their Guess for the number MarcEr is thinking of.
Players each have 60 seconds to submit preliminary guesses. Players will have 90 seconds to submit their final guess.
If a player guesses the number correctly with a preliminary guess, they win on the spot.
Otherwise, after both players submit their final guess, both players' final guesses will be revealed. Whoever correctly guesses the number Marcer is thinking of wins. If both players are wrong, the player who chose the closer number to the number Marcer is thinking of wins.
Meme (The game involves non-serious elements and was designed more as a meme.)
Trick (The game involves a hidden trick of some sort that, if discovered by a player, gives them an advantage.)
Trivia (The game tests the players' trivia skills.)
Turn-based (The game involves players taking turns one after another.)