Designer(s): zorbees | Match Type: DM (for 2 players) |
Featured in: The Genius Forum Game |
Each player will have 5 cards: Fire, Water, Wood, Light, and Dark.
Each round, each player will start by discarding one of his opponent's cards simultaneously. After that, each player will play one of his remaining cards face down. When both players have played a card, the results will be revealed.
Fire beats Wood and Dark, loses to Water and Light
Water beats Fire and Light, loses to Wood and Dark
Wood beats Water and Dark, loses to Fire and Light
Light beats Fire and Wood, loses to Water and Dark
Dark beats Water and Light, loses to Fire and Wood
The player who plays the winning card gains 1 point. If both players play the same card, those cards will be discarded and the players will play one of their remaining cards.
After each round, both players will regain all cards that were discarded.
The first player to 5 points is the winner.