Designer(s): TGXAndy | Match Type: DM (for 2 players) |
Featured in: Andy's Genius Done Quick |
Death Match 2: Code Triangles
Agent, an urgent battle with a rival spy agency has appeared. They are trying to hack into our systems, but we have a chance to beat them to the punch. In this game, players will be tasked with trying to unscramble a series of passwords that their opponent has hidden in a code triangle. The first player to find 3 of their opponent’s passwords will win.
Before the time of the Death Match, players will submit a 5x5x5 triangle grid containing 25 letters from the alphabet, in which they will hide 5 passwords of their choosing. The following is the blank grid which you will fill with 25 letters without repeating any letters.
The grid should contain 5 words which can be created by snaking a line across adjacent triangles. These words must be a minimum of 3 letters in length. The words used must exist in this dictionary https://scrabble.merriam.com/
For clarity sake, the letters used in your grid should use a clearly readable black font that is at least size 24, and the letters should be reasonably centered within each grid space. If we find that your code triangle is not easily readable, it may be denied and we will ask you to resubmit.
Before the game begins, each code triangle will be made public and players will have a 1 minute viewing time to start preparing. Additionally, at this time it will be revealed what the lengths of each of the 5 words that each player has hidden in their code triangle is to aid in correctly guessing. During the game, players will make attempts to guess the passwords on their opponents boards by snaking lines of adjacent triangles together to form words. If a player guesses an opponent's password correctly, then it is revealed.
Players will begin with chips to use for betting for attempts to guess their opponent’s password. The EC will begin with 12 chips, and the DMO will begin with 15. During each bet, you will attempt to outbet your opponent for the right to guess next. The player who bets higher will win the opportunity to guess, which will result in your opponent gaining the chips that you bet.
Note: You may use the dictionary resource while creating your grid in whatever way you like to help you out, but you are not permitted to use it during the Death Match at all.
Time Controls:
At the start of the game and after every guess, a betting will be held where players will have 1 minute to submit a number of chips they would like to bet. The player who wins the bet will have 30 seconds to make a guess during their turn. If a guess is not made in 30 seconds, then the betting will begin again.
The first player to correctly guess 3 of their opponent’s passwords will be declared the winner.
Example Submission:
Here is TGXAndy’s code triangle, which she has submitted before the beginning of the match.
At the start of the game, it will be announced that Andy’s code triangle contains passwords of length 4, 4, 4, 5, 7
Over the course of several turns, Symyro successfully finds and guesses 3 of Andy’s passwords: Empathy, Love, Hugs. By finding these three passwords, Symyro has won the Death Match. Andy’s other 2 passwords, Brick and Path, did not need to be found.
Amendment: In case both players bid the same amount of chips in the first round, DMO will win the bet.
In all future rounds, in case of the tie the loser of the previous round will win.
Amendment: You may not use any type of 'Autocorrect' during the Death Match to help you guarantee the correctness of words
Clarification: Any form of tool that assists you in finding words is not permitted. The only program you need to interact with during the Death Match is Discord. Pen and Paper is allowed.