Designer(s): zorbees | Match Type: MM (for 10 players) |
Featured in: The Genius Forum Game |
Each player starts the game with $50 in their bank account and $50 in their wallet. Money cannot be given away or traded, and all transactions will be in increments of $1.
Each Round, one random player will become the burglar. It will not be publicly revealed who the burglar is. There will be 10 rounds, with each player being the burglar once.
Each round, the non-burglars will withdraw or deposit money from their bank account. The burglar will choose to either rob the bank, or mug a player of their choice. Robbing the bank will allow the burglar to take half of the money from each player's bank account, rounded down. Mugging a player will allow the burglar to take all of the money from their target's wallet. The burglar's choice will not be made public, but each player will be alerted to any changes in their bank accounts or wallets.
The money count of each player will not be revealed publicly until the end of the game.
Each player can call the cops and the detective one time each during the game. When a player calls the cops, he will be unable to be mugged during the round, and the burglar will fail if he targets them. When a player calls the detective, they will state a round, and learn who the burglar was/is/will be during that round.
Players can exchange garnets for $10 per garnet, added to their choice of waller or bank account, by PMing me "Round X - Exchange # garnets - [wallet/bank]". However, during a round in which a player exchanges garnets, they may not withdraw or deposit money from their bank account. Additionally, players cannot exchange garnets on the round in which they are the burglar.
The player(s) with the most total money at the end of the game will be the winner(s). The player(s) with the least total money at the end of the game will be the elimination candidate(s). Additionally, all players except for the winner(s) and elimination candidate(s) will receive 2 garnets at the end of the game.
Round 1: 48 hours
Rounds 2-10: 24 hours.