Designer(s): zorbees | Match Type: DM (for 2 players) |
Featured in: The Genius Forum Game |
At the start of the game, the 9 other players will randomly receive a selection of color choices, from the following questions.
Pink or Maroon?
Orange or Burnt Orange?
Gold or Yellow?
Lime Green or Neon Green?
Teal or Navy?
Lavender or Purple?
White or Beige?
Black or Gray?
There will be 8 rounds of play, corresponding to each question, where the death match players will have to decide which color was more popular.
Each round, the starting player will make his choice, then the following player will make his choice after that. The starting player in round 1 will be the player who lost the main match.
The starting player will gain 1 point if his choice is correct, and will have no change in points if incorrect. The following player will gain 2 points if his choice is correct, but will lose 2 points if incorrect. Points can go negative in this game.
The player with less points after 8 rounds will be eliminated. If tied, the player who got less questions correct will be eliminated. If still tied after that, we will replay the game with new color selections.