

Designer(s): uriquack Match Type: MM (for 6 players)
Featured in: The Genius: House of Larks


In this game, players send characters to various locations to trigger events in order to muster enough courage to confess to senpai.


The game consists of 6 rounds.

There are two forms of currency in this game: Initiative and Adoration. Initiative allows a character to earn Adoration. At the beginning of each round, players gain 5 Initiative which they will distribute to their characters. (Initiative does not carry over from round to round.)

Each player controls 3 Characters: CharA, CharB, and CharC (these Characters may be renamed, but note that if multiple players want the same Character name, it’s a first come first serve basis in a public channel). For the sake of labeling, renamed Characters may still be referred to as "[Player]'s CharA", "[Player]'s CharB", etc.

Each round, these Characters will be sent to a location and assigned an event to trigger Characters will earn Adoration according to how much Initiative they have and the number of other Characters in that location:

Adoration Earned = (10-A)x(B/5) for which A = the number of Characters in that location and B = the amount of Initiative assigned to that Character. (A will be capped at a ceiling of 9.)

Adoration will be rounded to the hundredths decimal place.

Until they confess to Sam senpai, Initiative and Adoration will always be calculated per Character.

Locations and Events

There are four locations in the game: The Schoolyard, The Cafeteria, The Classroom, and The Rooftop; in each location, two events may be triggered.

You may spend two garnets to hide a Character’s location for the round. (This may be used once per round.)

When a Character is sent to a location, they must perform one of two events available in that location. Events give bonuses or abilities, as detailed in the following chart of locations and events:


Each round, you may choose whether to have your Character(s) confess to Sam senpai. Not all of your Characters have to confess to Sam senpai together; any number of them may confess to Sam senpai within a round. If your Character confesses to Sam senpai, your Adoration will be stored within Sam senpai’s heart.

However, a multiplier will be applied to your Adoration when confessing depending on the number of Characters that confess to Sam senpai.

For which NumChar = the number of characters that are confessing to Sam senpai in this round,

The amount of Adoration a player stores in Sam’s heart for that round will be the sum of all the Adoration confessing Characters have, multiplied by the multiplier given in the above chart.

Confessing to senpai will always happen at the end of the round, after all locations are visited and events have been triggered.

After storing Adoration in Sam’s heart, a Character resets their Adoration to 0.

Adoration stored in Sam senpai's heart is calculated per player (as opposed to per Character).

You may spend 2 garnets (once per round) to increase the multiplier tier of one of your Characters when they confess this round (capped at x1.5). For example, if 11 Characters confess in this round and you spend 2 garnets to increase the multiplier tier of CharA, CharA's Adoration multiplier when storing Adoration in Sam senpai's heart will be x1 instead of x.75. (CharA's Adoration multiplier in this case would be calculated separately from your other Characters' multipliers if they confess.)

Administration and Endgame

Players’ Character locations, events, and confessions will be revealed at the end of each round (unless hidden).

At the end of six rounds, the singular player with the greatest amount of Adoration in Sam senpai’s heart will win two Tokens of Life (including their own).

If two players are tied for the greatest amount of Adoration in Sam senpai’s heart, they will become joint winners each earning a singular Token of Life.

If more than two players are tied for the greatest amount of Adoration in Sam senpai’s heart, then the tiebreaker will be the number of times their Characters teach Rob a lesson. The player who has taught Rob a lesson the greatest number of times will become the sole winner earning two Tokens of Life. If this is further tied, the Univeral Tiebreaker will be applied.

The Elimination Candidate will be the singular player with the least amount of Adoration in Sam senpai’s heart. The same tiebreakers as the tiebreakers that determine the winner will apply when determining the loser of the Main Match.

Clarification: The Student Council Activities ability will have no effect on a Character using the Student Council Activities ability.

Clarification: The Adoration you have (total) stored in Sam’s heart will be privately revealed to you at the end of each round.

Clarification: Initiative has a floor of 0. (One may not have negative Initiative.)
