Midas' Gambit

In this Main Match, avoid requesting the highest number of points to be added to your score as more rules and conditions are added every round.

Designer(s): Spicyman33 Match Type: MM (for 4 players)
Featured in: The Genius: Code Breakers
Awards: Best Guest MM 2021

The eleventh Main Match is…

Midas’ Gambit.

In Midas’ Gambit, players and guests will be privately teamed up and will have to request points from a certain cap of points - with the most greedy losing out on gaining any points.

This game will be divided into five rounds, and each round will last a total of 15 minutes until players will be called back. Each round will be worth a set amount of points, and all eight players will be allowed to request any number of points up to the maximum that they would like to take. In the first round, that maximum will be 200 points, and each round will increase in 200 point increments up until the fifth and final round, in which players can request a maximum of 1000 points.

At the end of each round, each player will privately submit their requests. However, there is a catch. The player who requests the most points will instead receive 0 points, while all other players will receive the points they requested. In the event of a tie for most, all tied players will receive 0 points.

After each round, players will be told the greediest request, as well as told the amount of points belonging to the player in each placement from 1st to 8th. However, these players will be left anonymous. This means that you will not know which position any player (other than yourself) is in until the end of the Main Match.

Additionally, each player from The Genius: Code Breakers will be paired up with one of the eliminated contestants. The guests will not know which player they are paired up with, but the players will be informed - it is up to them to give information out, but the guests will not receive concrete evidence throughout the game.

At the end of the game, each of the four player’s overall points will be combined with their guest’s to make the total score. The player-guest combo with the most points will be deemed the winners: the guest will receive one month of Discord nitro while the player will earn a singular Token of Life and 10 garnets. The player-guest combo with the fewest points will lose, and the player will be named the Death Match candidate.

This Main Match has been glitched. As a result, a new rule has been added.

Now, each guest will submit their requests before each player does so. Before the four players submit their guesses, players may pay two garnets to learn a guest’s number. They may only do this once per round.

To compensate for this, the two highest requests of each round will become null. In the event of a tie for most points, only the single highest number will be nullified.

This Main Match has been glitched. As a result, a new restriction has been added to each participant.

For the next three rounds, each participant will only be allowed to use each number from 0 to 9 once. This means that each submission from Round 3 onward must use entirely unique numbers, meaning your options will only become slimmer in each round. There is a small exception, however: each player will also have one usage of a wildcard number, meaning that they may use exactly one number twice, if need be.

This Main Match has been glitched. As a result, the guests will now have a new winning condition.

Although the guests will still be paired with their respective contestant, each guest will now be given a target. Each guest will receive a unique contestant for their target, and their target cannot be the player they are already teamed up with. Now, each individual guest will only win and receive 1 month of Nitro if their designated target ends up in last place. This means that each guest must actively strive to sabotage and hurt the chances of one player. The players will not know which guest has a target on them.

This Main Match has been glitched one last time. As a result, the final round will become even more narrow.

Now, not only will the two most greedy requests be nullified, but so will the two least greedy. This means that a minimum of four players will receive 0 points in this final round.


Bidding    (The game involves auction-style bidding.)

Dilemma    (The game gives players Prisoner's Dilemma like decisions where mutual cooperation benefits the group but betrayal benefits the individual unless everyone betrays.)

Glitched Match    (The game is a Glitched Match, where the rules changed mid-game.)

Guest    (The game involves guests that can influence the outcome of the match.)

Host Info    (The game involves additional information that only the hosts know and prepare in advance.)

Live MM    (The game is a Main Match that is specifically designed to be played in a live session.)

Points-based    (The game involves players earning points.)

Teams    (The game involves the players being split into teams.)