Day of Mercury


Designer(s): uriquack Match Type: MM (for 13 players)
Featured in: The Genius: House of Larks

Main Match 1: Day of Mercury

In Day of Mercury, players accumulate sin and compete to offer the greatest amount of a variety of sin to the Shrine of Flies.

There are seven different types of sin: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth. Players who offer sin to the Shrine of Flies receive points according to the point calculator under Shrine of Flies.

Every round, players submit two locations and their respective actions. Players will know the other players that share their locations.

Each player may perform up to three total actions and up to two actions per location in a round.

A missed submission will randomize your two locations; you will perform no actions for that round.

At the end of each round, players will be told their total number of points and sin.


Actions resolve in the order written below:

(1) Gather Sin

(2) Commit Sin

(3) Trade Sin

(4) Offer Sin

(a) Offering sin to a resident

(b) Offering sin to the Shrine of Flies

Gather Sin

Receive 3 sin from this location.

If there are fewer than 3 people in this location, instead gather 4 sin per Gather action. If there are more than 6 people in this location, instead gather 2 sin per Gather action.

The type of sin you receive depends on the location you visit. Players cannot go into a sin deficit.

Commit Sin

You may commit a sin targeting a player. If one player is targeted by multiple commit sin actions, none of the effects accrue and the commit sin actions will not be announced. The effect of a committed sin depends on the location of the player committing the sin. It will be publicly revealed to all players in the location of the target that a player has been targeted by a commit sin action (the target is named), but it will not be revealed who committed the sin. The target will be told the nature of the sin committed against them.

A player may not commit a sin against the same player more than once (per game).

Trade Sin

Trading sin is an additional action, meaning it does not count as one of your 3 round actions. Players in the same location may trade one of any sin for one of any sin. Players may participate in only one trade per round. Trades require the consent of both players in their respective submissions channels. If the players are not in the same location, or if one player lacks sufficient sin for the trade, then the trade will be canceled. It will be privately announced to you whether your trade was a failure or success.

Offer Sin

Offer Sin actions occur after Gather Sin actions. Sin may be offered to residents (celestial beings dwelling in each location), or to the Shrine of Flies. Sin offered to residents trigger resident effects; sin offered to the Shrine of Flies are converted into points as distinguished under the Shrine of Flies location subsection.

If a player does not have enough sin to fulfill the amount required by a resident, the action fails and the sin is refunded.


At the end of nine rounds,

(1) All remaining sin is automatically converted to points through the Shrine of Flies.

(2) The singular player with most points will earn three Tokens of Life in addition to their own (for a total of four ToLs). These Tokens of Life will be handed out after the Elimination Candidate is decided and all alternate win condition Tokens of Life are granted. If there are multiple players with the most points, they will each earn a single Token of Life. If more than four players are tied for most points, nobody earns a Token of Life for most points. (Tokens of Life for alternate win conditions may still be earned.)

(3) The player with the least amount of points becomes the Elimination Candidate.

(4) The player who successfully commits the greatest number of sins receives a single Token of Life. However, if multiple players are tied for the greatest number of sins, nobody receives this Token of Life. (If the player who commits the greatest number of sins has already received a Token of Life, they receive an additional Token of Life anyway).

(5) The Elimination Candidate selects a player without the Token of Life to play in the Death Match.

(6) Each player who receives a Token of Life receives one garnet. The winner for win condition (2) receives an additional garnet, for a total of two garnets.

Each player's points will not be announced.

Additionally, visiting every location once grants the player 1 of each sin. Every time this requirement is fulfilled, it resets.

Clarification: This triggers at the end of the round the condition is fulfilled.

Clarification: If there are multiple people tied for last, the winner of win condition (2) will decide the Elimination Candidate.

Updated wording under Shrine of Flies for clarity:

For each instance of type AND unique quantity of sin being offered

has been corrected to For each unique quantity of a type of sin being offered

Clarification, concerning trades:

Players will submit in their respective submissions channels 1. their trade partner, 2. the type of sin, and 3. the specified trade. Both players must agree on the contents of the trade in their respective submissions channels for the trade to resolve.

Updated wording: Every round, players submit two locations and their respective actions. A player may not visit the same location twice. Players will know the other players that share their locations.

(You must visit two locations each round.)

Clarification and Amendment: The Elimination Candidate will be determined before the alternate win condition (4) is granted. If the EC happens to be the player who committed the greatest unique number of sins, then the alternate win condition will not be awarded to anyone.

Clarification: You may not commit a sin against yourself.

Clarification: under Weeping Cathedral,

Offer Sin: Here, you may offer the sin of wrath (2) to the Lambs. Every player sharing a location with you in the next round will receive half the amount of sin you receive, rounded down, in the respective types of sin you receive.

This means in addition to.

Clarification: under Ringed City,

Commit Sin: Take two arbitrary sins from your target player. If your target has less than two sin, you only receive as much as the player has.

Arbitrary means random.

Clarification: The bonus for visiting all locations happens at the end of a round, meaning after all actions have been resolved.

Amendment: The Abigail’s Quarters Commit Sin action does not affect the location visit bonus.

Clarification: The Shrine of Flies does not have to be visited for the location bonus.

Clarification: With respect to the automatic conversion of points at the end of the game, interest is calculated before the autoconvert.

Clarification: All "next round" effects trigger at the beginning of the next round (before Gather Sin actions) and last for the duration of the round. (Interest and seven location visit bonuses do not interact with these effects.)

Clarification of a clarification: Edited the above clarification for clarity's sake :tympole:

In respect to Catacombs' Commit Sin function:

Commit Sin: For every 3 sin your target gains the next round, gain 1 sin of a random type.

this gain occurs after Commit Sin actions have resolved in the subsequent round.

Clarification: Offerings to Lambs trigger in the subsequent round after the Gather Sin phase.

Clarification in regards to Lambs:

Offer Sin: Here, you may offer the sin of wrath (2) to the Lambs. Every player sharing a location with you in the next round will receive half the amount of sin you receive, rounded down, in the respective types of sin you receive.

The Lambs bonus is location-based (and triggers after Gather actions), meaning people sharing the location receive the bonus for that location. If cam offered to Lambs in R1 and in R2 cam is in Locations A & B, hedger is in Location A, and Isa is in Location B, and cam earns 6 of sin A from Location A and 3 of sin B from location B, hedger receives 3 of sin A and Isa receives 1 of sin B from the Lambs bonus.


A player may not commit a sin against the same player more than once (per game).

If you've committed a sin unsuccessfully against someone, you may not commit a sin against them again.


There are eight locations: one for each sin (Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth), and the Shrine of Flies.

Players gather sin from various locations.

Each location has residents who trigger unique effects when players offer them sin. You must offer the required sin (required amount) to trigger the effect. You may only offer sin in increments exactly equal to the required amount. The effect of a committed sin also varies according to location.

Additionally, visiting every location once grants the player 1 of each sin. Every time this requirement is fulfilled, it resets.

1. The Ringed City

Gather Sin: Gluttony

Offer Sin: Here, you may offer the sin of pride (2) to the Angels for divine protection. You will not be susceptible to any committed sins that target you next round.

Commit Sin: Take two arbitrary sins from your target player. If your target has less than two sin, you only receive as much as the player has.

2. The Drowned Tower

Gather Sin: Pride

Offer Sin: Here, you may offer the sin of envy (1) to the Hanged Men. Declare a location. (This will not be public.) In the next round, Gather Sin actions collect 1 more sin in that location. The Hanged Men effect does not stack.

Commit Sin: If your target player offers sin to a resident this round, negate its effect. The offered sin will not be refunded. (If your target player offers sin to multiple residents, all effects are negated.)

3. The Catacombs

Gather Sin: Greed

Offer Sin: Here, you may offer the sin of sloth (6) to the Visitors to receive 6 sin of random types.

Commit Sin: For every 3 sin your target gains the next round, gain 1 sin of a random type.

4. The Abigails’ Quarters

Gather Sin: Wrath

Offer Sin: Here, you may offer the sin of lust (2) to the Maidens. Gain an extra location and action next round.

Commit Sin: Select two sins. Your target player does not acquire any of either type of sin this round.

5. The Weeping Cathedral

Gather Sin: Envy

Offer Sin: Here, you may offer the sin of wrath (2) to the Lambs. Every player sharing a location with you in the next round will receive half the amount of sin you receive, rounded down, in the respective types of sin you receive.

Commit Sin: Learn the amounts of sin of each type the target player is carrying.

6. The Lost District

Gather Sin: Sloth

Offer Sin: Here, you may offer the sin of greed (3) to the Daughters in exchange for 1 garnet.

Commit Sin: Select one location (you may not select The Shrine of Flies). Your target player must visit that location in the next round.

7. The Lakeside Garden

Gather Sin: Lust

Offer Sin: Here, you may offer the sin of gluttony (1) to Those Lacking Eyes. Declare another player. Declare a type of sin. You receive 2 of that sin; your declared player receives 1 of that sin.

Commit Sin: If your target player trades this round, all sin involved in the trade is destroyed. Both players involved in the trade are informed of this.

8. The Shrine of Flies

Gather Sin: Receive two sin instead of three. Each sin you receive is random.

Offer Sin: Here, you may offer sin in exchange for points. Offering sin to the Shrine of Flies exchanges all your sin for points.

Sin to Point Exchange Calculation

For each unique quantity of a type of sin being offered, a tier is created such that the greatest amount for one type of sin is the first tier, the next greatest amount is the second tier, and so on. The points received will be the number of sin of the first tier multiplied by 1, the number of sin of the second tier multiplied by 2, the number of sin of the third tier multiplied by 3, etc. If a player offers multiple types of sin of the same amount, they receive the same number of points for the same lowest tier.

An alternate definition of the point exchange rate is given below:

For a = type of sin of greatest unique amount, b = sin of 2nd greatest unique amount, c = sin of 3rd greatest unique amount, d = sin of 4th greatest unique amount, e = sin of 5th greatest unique amount, f = sin of 6th greatest unique amount, g = sin of least unique amount,

Receive a + 2b + 3c + 4d + 5e + 6f + 7g points.

Interest: Points earned through the Shrine of Flies accrue interest. At the end of each round, for every 10 points you have, earn 1 additional point.

Commit Sin: The Shrine of Flies is a place of refuge. Here, no sins may be committed, although players are still susceptible to sins committed by other players.
