Box within a Box within a Box


Designer(s): uriquack Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Genius: House of Larks

Box within a Box within a Box

In this game, players control the movement of two Boxes after bidding on the tiles they might land on.

General and Board Setup

This game will be played on two identical 7x7 boards (revealed at the beginning of the Death Match). The game will have total of 7 bouts. Each bout will consist of four rounds.

The Elimination Candidate will be the Controller of Board A (on the left); the Death Match Opponent will be the Controller of Board B (on the right).

At the beginning of the game, two Boxes are placed at the center of each of the 7x7 boards. (The starting tile will not count as a tile the Box lands on.) Players begin with 20 points each and will be awarded 3 points at the beginning of each bout.

Each tile on the board has two traits: Number and Color. There are ten possible Numbers, integers 0 through 9. There are two Colors, black and white. (When the background fill of a tile is black and the Arabic numeral text on the tile is white, the tile is considered a black tile.)

Conditions and Betting Phase

When the bout begins, the Community Cards for the bout are revealed, and players will be given time to examine them.

Then, the Betting Phase begins. After the bout's Community Cards are revealed, players must privately bet at least 1 point on three different Conditions (defined in the following paragraph) of their own choosing. Bets must be of integer value, but players' total points do not have to be of integer value.

The submissions made during the Betting Phase are hidden until the end of the bout.

A Condition is a statement that infers that, during the bout, the Box on the board that player controls will 'land on' a tile with the listed traits. (Community Card descriptions will determine when a Box 'lands on' a tile.) Each iteration of the Box landing on the tile will be parsed toward Condition fulfillment; the Box can land on the same tile multiple times.

A Condition must contain a minimum of one and a maximum of two traits. These two traits can be joined by either an AND or OR operator.

Each Color trait, black/white, may be used at most twice in your Conditions over the course of the entire Death Match. Each number trait, 0-9, may be used at most three times in your Conditions over the course of the Death Match.

Here are two following examples of conditions:

  1. black and 2
  2. 6
  3. 7 or 9

Betting payouts are as follows:

If you bet on a singular condition, i.e. Condition 2 in the above list of example conditions, you will receive 200% of your bet per fulfillment of your condition. Players may not designate “black or white” as a condition.

If you bet on multiple conditions,

  1. If they are joined by an AND operator, double your returns per fulfillment of your condition.
  2. If they are joined by an OR operator, receive 0.75x of your returns per fulfillment of your condition.

Note that you will ONLY receive returns for the Box on the board controlled by you landing on the Conditions you bet on.

Play Phase

After all conditions and bets are privately established, the Boxes on each board will move according to a set of Community Cards, which are communal commands.

In each bout’s Play Phase, eight Community Cards will be drawn to form a communal pool of commands. Four Community Cards will be played on each Box per bout. Each round, both players play one Community Card each; these are played simultaneously.

In each round, both players privately select a Community Card out of the remaining Community Cards to play. However, the Box being affected by the card alternates each round: In Round 1, players’ selected Community Card will affect the Box on the board controlled by their opponent. In Round 2, players’ selected Community Card will affect the Box on the board controlled by themselves. On Round 3, you control the Box on your opponent's board; on Round 4, you control the Box on your own board.

All Community Cards for the bout will disappear once played. If both players select the same Community Card in a round, it will still be played.

If there is no valid movement that can be made from any of the Community Cards, players will have the option to NOT play a Community Card. (This option is not available unless no valid movement may be made.) To do so, players must submit that they will not select a Community Card. (If there is a valid move that could be made, the player's timer will continue to run into reserve.)

At the end of each bout, both players’ Conditions and bets are revealed, and all points are paid out.

The position of each Box on each board will carry over to the next bout.

Community Cards

All Community Cards on the list of possible Community Cards numbered 1-18 will be used exactly twice across the entire Death Match. All Community Cards on the list of possible Community Cards numbered 19-38 will be used exactly once. Each bout’s set of 8 Community Cards will be selected randomly from the full selection of 56 cards.

There are 38 different community cards, which will be posted in the #dm10-cards-and-examples channel.


Before the first bout, players will have 2 minutes to examine the boards.

Before the Betting Phase, the bout's set of 8 Community Cards are revealed. Players have 120 seconds to examine the Community Cards.

Players have 150 seconds to bet on their three Conditions during the Betting Phase.

Players have 60 seconds to make Community Card selections during the Play Phase.

Players each have 8 minutes of reserve in sixteen 30 second periods.

For submissions given within the time limit, the last valid submission will be taken. For submissions given during reserve, the first valid submission will be taken, immediately ending the use of reserve time.

For movements made during the Play Phase, notation (similar to chessboard algebraic notation) for each board will be provided to assist in specifying tiles' coordinates.


The player with the greater number of points at the end of 7 bouts wins the Death Match.

If this is tied, the player who won the greatest amount of points from any one bout will win the Death Match.

If this is still tied, the Death Match Opponent wins the Death Match.

Clarification: At the beginning of the 1st bout, players will not be awarded 3 points. Players will be awarded 3 points at the beginning of each bout starting from the 2nd bout.

Clarification: For the Community Card named "KNIGHTWISE," you must specify the exact path of movement.

Clarification: For cards with multiple displacement figures, you must perform those displacement figures in the exact order as shown.

Clarification: You do not receive payout between rounds. You receive payout for your Conditions at the end of each bout.

Clarification: All tiles that are landed on during a round will be revealed at the end of each round.

Board Example

The following is a set of example boards.

The Boxes would begin on D4, being the centers of the board. The starting tile will not count as a tile the Boxes land on, unless they land on it during the Play Phase.

Each card has a Type and Designated Movement.

A card's Type determines which tiles the Box 'lands on.' There are three Types: A, B and C. For Cards of Type A, the Box only lands on the tile it ends up on. For Type A+, the Box only lands on the tile it ends up on for each number figure joined by the plus symbols. For Type B, the Box lands on every tile it passes over, which includes the tile it ends up on. For Type C, the Box lands on every tile it passes over, excluding the tile it ends up on.

A card's Designated Movement determines how it moves. The Designated Movement is split up into either two or three distinctive parts: a number figure, a displacement figure, and/or a special figure, if applicable.

Number figures will always be either a singular value, N, or multiple values joined by a plus symbol, N+N or N+M. A Type A card with a designated movement of 3 Orthogonal may only move the Box 3 spaces in any orthogonal direction, i.e. 3 spaces left, but a Type A card with a designated movement of 1+1+1 Orthogonal may move the Box 1 space in any orthogonal direction three times. As the card is Type A, the Box will only 'land on' the tile it ends up at. On the other hand, a Type A+ card with a designated movement of 1+2 Orthogonal will land on the tile after the orthogonal movement of one space and then on the singular tile after the orthogonal movement of two spaces.

Displacement figures determine how the Box moves. For example, a displacement figure of "Orthogonal" determines that the box may only move orthogonally by a distance equal to the number figure. A Displacement Figure Key is provided below to describe the possible movements.

Special figures describe either special modifications to the movement of the box or other special effects that will occur upon use. For example, a special figure of "Increase 2" will increase the number of all tiles the Box passes over on its board by 2 ('passes over' includes the space that the box ends up at). A Special Figure Key is provided below to describe the possible rules.

Card List
