

Designer(s): uriquack Match Type: MM (for 4 players)
Featured in: The Genius: House of Larks

This is a limited communications game. Please refrain from sending messages in any pair or alliance channels until the end of the Main Match, or unless otherwise specified.

player-lounge and #general may be used; #skeld may also be used.


In this game, players traverse rooms on a drifting spaceship, collecting ship components to repair it. However, an impostor lurks aboard.


The game is played on a 7x7 square board of 49 rooms, as shown in the diagram below.

There are 39 Component Rooms (each labeled with a number 1-13 and letter A-C), wherein contain ship components, 8 Bonus Rooms, wherein contain tools with assisting effects, 1 Parasite Room (labeled P), where parasites can be claimed, and 1 Vault (labeled V), where parasites can be planted.

Pregame Phase

In the 24 hour Pregame Phase, players determine the starting cells of their two crewmates. The cells that their crewmates may start in are limited to 1A-C, 2A-C, 3A, and 5A. No Room Activation occurs during the Pregame Phase.

Crewmates and Actions

Each player controls two crewmates each. (Players may name their crewmates according to their own discretion.)

For crewmate actions, players expend the currency known as Energy. Crewmates begin with 5 Energy each and can store up to 7 Energy. Each round, crewmates will earn 3 units of Energy (maximum of 7). Energy can be stored or reserved. Players may spend 3 garnets to increase the energy cap by 1 each for up to 9 energy (for 6 garnets spent).

Crewmates have three different actions they may perform every round: Movement, Room Activation, and Room Disable.

Movement to another room costs 1 unit of Energy for each tile traversed. Crewmate movement occurs at the beginning of the round, before room activation. Crewmates can only travel to any room in the same row or column as the room they presently reside in.

A minimum of 1 Energy is required to activate a room. Activating a room returns different results, depending on the room type. If the activated room is a Bonus Room, you will receive a bonus ability or perk, as outlined in the Bonus Rooms section in #mm10-rooms. If the activated room is a Component Room, you will receive the component for the corresponding room. Once activated, a room cannot be activated again (besides the Parasite Room and the Vault).

If multiple crewmates attempt to active the same room in a round, only the crewmate who submitted the highest amount of Energy will activate the room. All tied Energy submissions will be nullified.

For example, if Marcer’s Crew1, uri’s CrewA, and Spadez’s CrewN all attempt to activate a room, and Marcer’s Crew1 submits an Energy value of 2 for activation, uri’s CrewA submits 2, and Spadez’s CrewN submits 1, then Spadez’s CrewN will activate the room.

However, if Marcer’s Crew1 and uri’s CrewA attempt to activate a room in which Spadez’s CrewN does not attempt to activate, and Marcer’s Crew1 submits an Energy value of 2 for activation, and uri’s CrewA submits 2, then nobody activated the room.

Once per game, players may disable a room. Disabling a room makes it unable to be activated for its current round and the following round. Disabling a room costs a minimum of 1 Energy and will use up all of the Energy of the crewmate performing the disable action. The Parasite Room and Vault Room may not be disabled.

A player’s two crewmates share their entire inventory, with the strict exception of parasites and bonuses.


Rooms will be elaborated upon in the #mm10-rooms channel.


Each round, players will be told the following, privately:

  1. All crewmates sharing the same room as your crewmates at the end of the round (rooms will be specified).
  2. If your crewmate was present in a room that was activated, the player who activated the room.
  3. The amount of Energy each of your crewmates begins with in the upcoming round.
  4. All bonuses and parasites carried by crewmates in the same room as yours at the end of the round. (Even if a limited use bonus has run out of uses, you will still be told.)

Each round, players will be told the following, publicly:

  1. All rooms that have been activated in this round.

Example Submission

An example submission would be the following, given uriquack crewmate 1 (starting at 4B, 4 Energy, carrying Summoner’s Meme) and uriquack crewmate 2 (starting at 10B, 3 Energy):

uriquack crewmate 1 (starting at 4B, 4 Energy, carrying Summoner’s Meme)

Move to 3C

Activate Room 3C with 2 Energy

Use Summoner’s Meme on east wall of 3C

uriquack crewmate 2 (starting at 10B, 3 Energy, carrying Yellow Banana)

Eat Yellow Banana

Move to 10A

Activate 10A with 4 Energy

Win Conditions

The winner of the Main Match will win a single Token of Life (their own).

The Main Match ends when all thirteen ship components within any given Sequence are claimed, activating the Sequence. The player with the greatest number of claimed pieces for that Sequence wins the Main Match. If this is tied, the tiebreaker will be the Sequence Value.

A player’s Sequence Value for a sequence is the sum of all the numbers corresponding to the ship parts they own.

For example, the Composer Sequence is activated, and the greatest number of ship parts held by any player is 5. If uri has 1. Ravel, 3. Debussy, 5. Medtner, 7. Beethoven, and 13. Mendelssohn of the composer Sequence, and Marcer has 2. Scriabin, 4. Saint-Saens, 6, Chopin, 8. Bach, and 10. Tchaikovsky, Marcer’s Sequence Value of 30 is greater than uri’s Sequence Value of 29; Marcer wins the Main Match.

If multiple Sequences are activated at once, then the highest Sequence Values for each Sequence are compared; the player with the highest Sequence Value is the winner. If this is further tied, then among tied players, the sums of the Sequence Values of all the activated Sequences are compared. The player with the highest sum wins the Main Match. If this is further tied, then Gamewide Tiebreak is invoked.

For example, the Frontier, Greenhouse and Composer Sequences have all been activated. Spadez holds the highest Sequence Value for the Frontier Sequence: 49 (Marcer holds 9, uri holds 17). Marcer holds the highest Sequence Value for the Greenhouse Sequence: 49 (Spadez holds 8, uri holds 22). uri holds the highest Sequence Value for Composer: 32 (Spadez 18, Marcer 19).

uri is excluded from winning, as his highest Sequence Value of 32 is less than Spadez's and Marcer's 49. Spadez and Marcer then compare the sums of their Sequence Values for all activated Sequences: Spadez's is 49 + 8 + 18 = 75, and Marcer's is 9 + 49 + 19 = 77. As Marcer's sum is greater than Spadez's Marcer wins the Main Match.

If at the end of 8 rounds no Sequence is completed, the player with the highest Sequence Value of all their ship components wins the Main Match.

If no attempts to plant the Parasite occur, the player with the smallest Sequence Value in the activated Sequence becomes the Elimination Candidate.

Alternative Win Condition

An alternative win condition can be achieved with the Parasite Room (labeled P).

If a player plants the Parasite on a Sequence the round the Sequence is fully activated, the player who plants the Parasite wins the Main Match.

To plant the Parasite, the player must have claimed the Parasite from the red P room. Then, with the crewmate that claimed the Parasite, it must plant the Parasite on the round the Sequence is activated.

To plant the Parasite, the crewmate carrying the Parasite must go to the blue Vault Room (labeled V) and activate the Vault with a minimum of 3 Energy.

Each player can claim a Parasite only once per game.

If multiple players plant the Parasite within the same round, the singular player planting the Parasite with the highest Energy used upon activating Room V wins and earns a single Token of Life (their own).

If multiple players plant the Parasite with the highest Energy used upon activating Room V, the planting of the Parasite fails, and the winner will be calculated normally (most parts from that Sequence > highest Sequence Value of the activated Sequence > so on).

If the Parasite is correctly planted, the player who would’ve won otherwise (if not for the Parasite) becomes the Elimination Candidate.

If the Parasite is incorrectly planted and a Sequence is activated without the interference of a Parasite, the player with the smallest Sequence Value in the activated Sequence among all players that have incorrectly planted the Parasite becomes the Elimination Candidate.

Players earn 1 garnet for every three ship components they carry at the end of the Main Match.

Clarification: If you use Energy to activate a room but fail to activate the room, the Energy used in your activation attempt is not refunded.

Clarification: You may only activate one room per crewmate per round.

Clarification: Room V can be activated any number of times, but only once per player.

This has been reworded above:

Once activated, a room cannot be activated again (besides the Parasite Room).

Once activated, a room cannot be activated again (besides the Parasite Room and the Vault).

Clarification: Reworded to reflect the rule.

If the Parasite is incorrectly planted, the player with the smallest Sequence Value in the activated Sequence among all players that have incorrectly planted the Parasite becomes the Elimination Candidate.

If the Parasite is incorrectly planted and a Sequence is activated without the interference of a Parasite, the player with the smallest Sequence Value in the activated Sequence among all players that have incorrectly planted the Parasite becomes the Elimination Candidate.

Improper planting of the Parasite does not immediately end the game.

Clarification: The Improper Planter of Parasite becomes the EC rule only comes into play if the game ends and there is no proper Planting of the Parasite. If someone wins via a Parasite, the EC would be the player who would have won from the activated Sequence had the Parasite not been Planted.


If the Parasite is correctly planted, the player with the highest Sequence Value in the activated Sequence becomes the Elimination Candidate.

If the Parasite is correctly planted, the player who would’ve won otherwise (if not for the Parasite) becomes the Elimination Candidate.

Ruleset had been edited to reflect this.

Please do not delete public posts for the duration of this Main Match, even if it does not substantively affect the game.

Bonus Rooms

There are eight Bonus Rooms total, labeled R-Z (with the exception of V, the Vault).

R: Rosé Tteokbokki - The crewmate carrying the Rosé Tteokbokki will gain 1 additional Energy at the beginning of each round.

S: Summoner’s Meme - At the end of a round, the crewmate carrying the Summoner’s Meme can set a singular wall on the grid adjacent to the room it resides in. This wall will be publicly declared, and no crewmate can pass through it. The Summoner’s Meme is single use.

T: Take Back Toe - The crewmate carrying the Take Back Toe may travel 1 space orthogonally after taking its normal movement action. This extra movement requires 1 unit of Energy.

U: Urgot Peraphernalia - The crewmate carrying Urgot Peraphernalia will automatically activate the next Component Room they attempt to activate, trumping all contention. (A minimum of 1 Energy is still required for activation.)

W: Wiwaxia - Each round, the crewmate carrying the Wiwaxia may choose to drain 1 Energy from each crewmate sharing their room (you may not choose; you either drain from all or drain from none). This parses at the end of a round (if a crewmate being drained from does not have any Energy at the end of that round, your crewmate drains 0 Energy from them). The Wiwaxia has a total of 2 uses.

X: XCommunications Device - In one round of your choice, freely communicate with a player whose crewmate shares a room with your crewmate carrying the XCommunications Device. The XCommunications Device is single use.

Y: Yellow Banana - At the beginning of a round, the crewmate carrying the Yellow Banana may choose to eat it. Eating it grants it 3 Energy. The Yellow Banana is single use.

Z: Zurich Is Stained Vinyl Record - At the end of the Main Match, worth 4 garnets.

Components and Sequences

Players acquire ship components from Component Rooms.

Only one player can ever be in possession of any one ship component.

There are three sequences: the Frontier Sequence, the Greenhouse Sequence, and the Conductor Sequence.

Each ship component is strictly unique, meaning, no two players can carry the same ship component.

(The following is flavor text, so feel free to forego knowing any of the below.)

A: Frontier Sequence

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Boot Sequence
  3. Streamline
  4. Beam Cell
  5. Compile Driver
  6. Recursion
  7. Hologram
  8. Aggregate
  9. Auto-Shields
  10. Capacitor
  11. Defragment
  12. Cognitive Bias
  13. Stack

B: Greenhouse Sequence

  1. Manjusaka
  2. Orchid
  3. Edelweiss
  4. Hyacinth
  5. Plumeria
  6. Lotus
  7. Wisteria
  8. Iris
  9. Morning Glory
  10. Hibiscus
  11. Chrysanthemum
  12. Lilac
  13. Jasmine

C: Conductor Sequence

  1. Ravel
  2. Scriabin
  3. Debussy
  4. Saint-Saens
  5. Medtner
  6. Chopin
  7. Beethoven
  8. Bach
  9. Mozart
  10. Tchaikovsky
  11. Haydn
  12. Schubert
  13. Mendelssohn

When a Sequence is fully activated, the Main Match ends.
