Spirit Chain


Designer(s): uriquack Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: The Genius: House of Larks

Spirit Chain

In this game, players compete in auctions to build the better deck of spirits.


Each player has a Ghost Lantern which begins with and may hold up to 130 lights (this maximum may not be exceeded). The lights represents a player’s health; when it reaches zero, you lose. These lights are also the standard of currency for the game and are used for bidding in the Auction Phase.

The game alternates between the Auction Phase and the Summoning Phase (beginning with the Auction Phase). In the Auction Phase, players vie for a community set of five cards. In the Summoning Phase, players choose how to order their Elemental Spirits and Neutral Actions in their Summon Slots and play their cards against each other.

For the sake of game clarity and players’ ease of accessibility, players may refer to Pixie as Rank I Earth Elemental or any parsable variant. Cards will be presented with both their names and titles, e.g., Pixie | Rank I Earth.

For the purpose of being not convoluted the Elemental Spirits will be referred to in an ELEMENT RANK format; for example, Pixie will be EARTH I, Foxfire will be FIRE III, and Amaterasu will be WIND IV. (For ease of hosting, please refer to them in this way.)

An inventory of your cards will be posted in your submissions channel at the very end of each round.

Auction Phase

In the Auction Phase, a five card set will be presented. Players make private bids in their submissions channels for each of the five cards (individually). There is no limit to how much a player may bid on any one card. This five card set will always include four Rank I Elemental Spirits (of randomized element) and one Neutral Action (randomized). Losing bids are fully refunded. Tied bids will result in neither player acquiring the card; the lights are refunded.

The Elemental Spirits and Neutral Actions available during the Auction Phase are used in the Summoning Phase.

Summoning Phase

There are two parts in the Summoning Phase. In the first, players decide whether to upgrade their Elemental Spirits.

Upgrades parse as follows:

Three Rank I Elemental Spirits of the same element can be upgraded into a single Rank II Elemental Spirit of that element.

Two Rank II Elemental Spirits of the same element can be upgraded into a single Rank III Elemental Spirit of that element.

Two Rank III Elemental Spirits of ANY element can be upgraded into a single Rank IV Elemental Spirit of an element of your choice between the two Rank III Elemental Spirits used in the upgrade.

During Part 1 of the Summoning Phase (the 30 second period during which you choose whether to upgrade your cards), if you have an available upgrade but do not wish to upgrade, you must specify that you don't want to upgrade. If you have an available upgrade and do not submit within the 30 second period, you will enter reserve time.

In the second part of the Summoning Phase, Elemental Spirits and Neutral Actions are played in Summoning Slots.

Each player has three Summoning Slots. These Slots will be labeled Slot 1, Slot 2 and Slot 3. Players’ Summoning Slots are matched against one another, meaning Player 1’s Slot 1 is matched against Player 2’s Slot 1. Slot 1 will be the leftmost slot; Slot 2 will be the center slot and Slot 3 will be the rightmost slot.

Players may play any card from their deck. Cards played in your Summoning Slots will be public information.

All cards’ effects are then resolved simultaneously, with the exception of destroyed cards. When a card is destroyed, its effect is negated.

At the end of each round, the host will provide a private inventory of all your cards. Then, each players' remaining lights will be publicly revealed.

Elemental Spirits

Elemental Spirits return to your deck after use. However, when Elemental Spirits are matched against each other, they will undergo an Elemental Evaluation.

The Elemental Evaluation decides whether an Elemental Spirit is destroyed (or its effect negated). Firstly, higher rank Elemental Spirits negate the effect of lower rank Elemental Spirits, except when the lower rank Elemental Spirit wins the typing advantage. Secondly, when a higher rank Elemental Spirit is played against a lower rank Elemental Spirit, the lower ranked Elemental Spirit is destroyed when (a) both Elemental Spirits are of the same type or (b) the Elemental Spirit of higher rank wins the typing advantage; else, neither card is destroyed.

Typing advantages are as follows:

Earth beats Water.

Water beats Fire.

Fire beats Wind.

Wind beats Earth.

For example, (1) when Fire II is played against Fire I or Wind I, Fire I or Wind I is destroyed and its effect negated; Fire II's effect is resolved. (2) When Fire II is played against Earth I, Earth I's effect is negated. Fire II's effect is resolved. (3) When Fire II is played against Water I, both cards' effects are resolved.

When Elemental Spirits of the same Rank are matched against each other, both cards' effects are resolved unless a card is destroyed. One may only destroy another if it wins the typing advantage.

When a Rank IV Elemental Spirit is played against a Rank I Elemental Spirit, the Rank I Elemental Spirit is destroyed and its effect negated.

Neutral Actions

Neutral Actions disappear after one use (unless otherwise stated).

A list of all Elemental Spirits and Neutral Actions will be found in the spreadsheet below.

Time Controls

Players will have 75 seconds to make their bids during the auction phase.

Part 1 of the Summoning Phase (in which players decide whether to upgrade their Elemental Spirits) will last 30 seconds.

Part 2 of the Summoning Phase will last 60 seconds.

The latest valid submission within these time periods will be taken; if the player has not made a valid submission within the period, the earliest valid submission made during reserve time will be taken.

Players will have 5 minutes of reserve time in 10 30 second periods. If you run out of reserve time, a blank submission will be taken.

Win Condition

If at the end of a Summoning Phase one player has lights remaining and the other player does not, the player with lights remaining will be the winner of the Death Match.

If at the end of a Summoning Phase both players have no lights remaining, negatives are calculated and taken into account. The player with the lower absolute value score will be the winner of the Death Match. If this score is still tied, then the Death Match Opponent wins the Death Match.

Clarification: The winning bids AND the number of lights spent on each winning bid will be revealed. If the players tied their bids, it will also be revealed that neither player has won the card.

Clarification: For the purpose of being not convoluted the Elemental Spirits will be referred to in an ELEMENT RANK format; for example, Pixie will be EARTH I, Foxfire will be FIRE III, and Amaterasu will be WIND IV. (For ease of hosting, please refer to them in this way.)

The above clarification overrides

For the sake of game clarity and players’ ease of accessibility, players may refer to Pixie as Rank I Earth Elemental or any parsable variant. Cards will be presented with both their names and titles, e.g., Pixie | Rank I Earth.

(This will be reflected in an edit.)

Clarification: The hosts' update image after the Summoning Phase will show the cards that were played and the lights after all effects are resolved.

Addendum: In Part 1 of the Summoning Phase (the 30 second period during which you choose whether to upgrade your cards), if you have an available upgrade but do not wish to upgrade, you must specify that you don't want to upgrade. If you have an available upgrade and do not submit within the 30 second period, you will enter reserve time.

This addendum will be reflected in the above ruleset.

Addendum: An inventory of your cards will be posted in your submissions channel at the very end of each round.

Addendum: If a Neutral Action is played such that its effect fails to trigger, the Neutral Action will still be effectively used up (and thus destroyed, except in the case of IMPRISON).

Clarification: Pertaining to the 30 second upgrade period,

if a player submits with multiple Discord messages, if there are messages that constitute a valid submission within 30 seconds, all the messages sent after the 30 second mark will be considered invalid. If there are no messages sent within the 30 seconds and the player goes into reserve, the first valid submission will mean the first singular message containing a valid submission.

(Basically, it is highly recommended that all upgrades are named and contained within a singular Discord message.)
