Fool's Journey


Designer(s): uriquack Match Type: MM (for 8 players)
Featured in: The Genius: House of Larks

Main Match 6: Fool's Journey

In this game, players manage schedules to obtain Victory Points—with a time travel twist.


This Main Match takes place over a 24h pregame period and 6 rounds of scheduling.

Each round, players will schedule 2 weeks’ worth of actions. Each week consists of seven days for which each day you must submit a location and an action. Each day’s action will yield results depending on your chosen location.

These weeks will not be planned out linearly; thanks to temporal turbulence, players will be subject to harsh scheduling standards (elaborated under the Scheduling section) and will have access to the Kairos Factor. Despite this, all schedules will be processed linearly and discrepancies will incur a heavy punishment (elaborated under the Kairos Factor section).

Players aim to maximize their scores in five different Victories: Power, Wisdom, Reputation, Propriety, and Relationship.

After 12 weeks’ worth of actions are calculated, players’ Victories are evaluated and averaged.


You will construct your schedules two weeks at a time; however, you must lay out your schedule such that each single-day submission contains two weeks from two different months. If your submission is invalid and fails to follow this rule, you will end up with two weeks of no actions performed and randomized locations. Please remember to schedule your weeks such that you do not leave yourself with two weeks within the same month.

You may only engage in one location and one action a day. (You must visit a location every day.)

There are three months: September, October, and November, with 4 weeks each. Each week consists of 7 days, numbered 1 through 7.




To submit a schedule for a week, you must submit a location and action for each day. For your action, provide further specificity if required. The action specifications are:

Action: Take Class - Action Specification: the class you take

Action: Work - Action Specification: workplace

Action: Socialize - Action Specification: the 2 Avatars you socialize with

Action: Clear Dungeon - Action Specification: the Dungeon Number

Non-actions such as use of the Kairos Factor and class/workplace upgrades should also be specified in your submission.

The Kairos Factor must be used on the day the resources are sent; you must specify the day the resources are received (this day must be within 1 month of the day the resources are sent). The Kairos Factor takes resources from the end of the day the Kairos Factor is used and sends them to the beginning of the day the resources are received.

For class or workplace upgrades, you must specify the class or workplace being upgraded; upgrades take place before your action for that day.

For example, a submission might appear like such (the action specifications provided in the example are fictional):


1. Shopping District - socialize - ISamEl, hedger

2. Shopping District - purchase item

3. Academy - take class - Hosting Genius ORGs

4. Station

5. Industrial Complex - work - burn big bananas

6. Dungeon - Clear Dungeon - Dungeon 3

7. Station


1. Industrial Complex - invest - Pearl Milk Tea

Use Kairos Factor: send 2 Knowledge to September Week 3 Day 6

2. Station

3. Shopping District - socialize - Bob, cam

4. Upgrade Class - Breaking Runes (applies before the action taken this day)

Action: Academy - take class - Breaking Runes

5. Dungeon - Clear Dungeon - Dungeon 7

6. Location - Action - Action Specification

7. Location - Action - Action Specification

As soon as all players have submitted for any one week, that week’s player locations will be publicly revealed. (Players' actions will not be revealed.) The distribution of resources acquired from actions will be outlined under each location in the #mm6-locations-and-avatars channel.

The Kairos Factor

With the Kairos Factor, players may send resources back in time to a previous date. Players may only use the Kairos Factor once per scheduled week (for a maximum of 2x per round if used on different scheduled weeks) and may only send resources to a date within 1 month of the date the Kairos Factor is used.

The exact day (Month, Week N, Day Y) the resources are sent from and the day they will arrive at must be specified.

Each use of the Kairos Factor costs 1 garnet.

When using the Kairos Factor, resources are taken from the end of the day it is used and sent to the beginning of the day the resources arrive at.

Using the Kairos factor, you may send one of the following:

  1. up to 2 points of attributes
  2. up to 20 credits
  3. 1 item

Penalty points can be earned through scheduling errors and misuse of the Kairos Factor.

When you lack the resources to complete an action or upgrade, you will incur 1 penalty point for each unit of resource (1 unit = 1 point of any attribute or 10 credits) you are missing to complete the action, and the action or upgrade will be canceled.

When you attempt to send resources you do not have, you will incur 1 penalty point for each unit of resource that you do not have but are attempting to send. You may not send an item you do not own.


There are five Victories. Each Victory score is calculated differently, according to the following, after all actions are processed at the end of November, Week 4:

Power: Courage + Diligence + Dungeon Clearance Points

Wisdom: Understanding + Knowledge + Dungeon Clearance Points

Reputation: Expression + Dungeon Clearance Points

Propriety: Credits + property values (the sum of credits you paid for your items)

Relationship: Each Avatar’s Relationship Scores with the players are directly ranked; the Relationship Score for a player is a direct average of these rankings.

There are two types of currency: credits and attributes. There are five different types attributes: Courage, Diligence, Understanding, Knowledge, and Expression.

On Week 1, Day 1 of September, players begin with 2 points of each attribute and 20 credits.


The goal of the game is to rank the highest average on the five Victories. Players' ranks for each of the five Victories are totaled and divided by 5 to determine the Final Rankings for the Main Match.

Tiebreaks for the ranking of each individual Victory will be determined by the Kairos Factor; the player who used the Kairos Factor the greatest number of times will win the tiebreak. If it is still tied, the tie will stand.

For example, if uriquack and hedger tie at 3rd for the Propriety Victory and both used the Kairos Factor 3 times, they will both rank 3rd for Propriety; the next player will rank 5th.

The singular player with the highest Final Ranking (average rank of the five Victories) will be the sole winner of the Main Match and earns two Tokens of Life (including their own). If two players are tied for the highest average, they will each earn a single Token of Life.

If more than two players are tied for the highest average, the tied player who used the Kairos Factor the greatest number of times will become the sole winner. If it is still tied, the tied player with the greatest number of highest (1st) placements will become the sole winner. In the case it is still tied, Gamewide Tiebreak will determine the sole winner of the Main Match.

Then, the player with the greatest penalty score (aside from the winner[s]) will be the Elimination Candidate. If this is tied, the tied player with the lowest average score will be the Eliminate Candidate. If this remains tied, the tied player who used the Kairos Factor the least amount of times will become the Elimination Candidate. If it continues to tie, the tied player with the greatest number of lowest (8th or tied 7th) placements will be the Elimination Candidate. Finally, it will go to Gamewide Tiebreak and the loser of the tiebreak will be the Elimination Candidate.

After the Elimination Candidate is selected, if there is a Tokens of Life to distribute, the sole winner will distribute it.

3 garnets will be awarded to the 1st place player[s] of each Victory category. 2 garnets will be awarded to the 2nd place player[s] of each Victory category. 1 garnet will be awarded to the 3rd place player[s] of each Victory category.


The Kairos Factor is processed as follows:

  1. The timeline will be processed linearly until a Kairos Factor is used. When we arrive at a date when the Kairos Factor is used, the hypothetical resources are sent (whether you have them or not).

  1. We send the resources back in time and reprocess all actions starting from the date the resources are sent to.

  1. When we arrive at the date the Kairos Factor was used, we check to see if in this new timeline you have enough resources to process the Kairos Factor. If you do, you receive no penalty, pass the check, and continue processing your actions linearly from this point. If you do not, you incur penalty points according to the unit difference between what you are attempting to send and what you have, and we return to the date the resources were meant to be sent to. All resources that were meant to be sent to that date are removed; we reprocess all actions from that date forward. The Kairos Factor is not recursive; as that Kairos Factor has been used and depleted, the loop will close.

When multiple Kairos Factors are processed, they will be processed according to the above ordering.

An example will be provided shortly.

if uriquack uses the Kairos Factor twice across the course of the Main Match such that the second Kairos Factor sends resources to before the 1st Kairos Factor loop is closed, the Kairos Factors process as follows:

  1. for the first Kairos Factor
  2. for the first Kairos Factor
  3. for the second Kairos Factor
  4. for the second Kairos Factor
  5. for the first Kairos Factor
  6. for the second Kairos Factor


When you lack the resources to complete an action or upgrade, you will incur 1 penalty point for each unit of resource (1 unit = 1 point of any attribute or 10 credits) you are missing to complete the action, and the action or upgrade will be canceled.

When you attempt to send resources you do not have, you will incur 1 penalty point for each unit of resource that you do not have but are attempting to send.

This means that on the check in step 3. of processing the Kairos Factor, if you tried to send 1 unit and failed to send 1 unit, you gain 1 penalty point, return to the date the resources were sent to and reprocess your actions as if nothing was ever sent. If you tried to send 2 units and failed to send 2 units, you gain 2 penalty points, return to the date the resources were sent to and reprocess your actions as if nothing was ever sent. If you tried to send 2 units and failed to send 1 unit, you gain 1 penalty point, return to the date the resources were sent to, and reprocess your actions as if nothing was ever sent.


You may not send an item you do not own.

Whereas the Kairos Factor always goes through steps 1. and 2. (thus processing the hypothetical "first" delivery of resources) when it comes to credits and attributes, you cannot send an item you do not own at step 1.

Please note that this Clarification has been reworded several times (in order to articulate with greater clarity the exact process).

Clarification: At the end of the game, players' individual Victory rankings, overall Final Ranking, and penalty scores will be revealed. While nothing else is revealed at the end of the game, as stated above, as soon as all players have submitted for any one week, that week’s player locations will be publicly revealed.

Clarification: At the end of the Main Match, you will be (privately) told your Relationship Scores, attributes, credits and Dungeon Clearance points. The clarification above this one refers to a public reveal of Victory rankings, the overall Final Ranking and penalty scores.
