

Designer(s): uriquack Match Type: MM (for 7 players)
Featured in: The Genius: House of Larks

MM7 - Republic

In this game, players build a playable deck of cards and contend for power within The Republic.

Pregame and Play Order

There will be a 48h pregame period to determine the Round 1 Play Order (and thus the Play Order of all subsequent rounds).

In the first 24 hours of the Pregame Period, players bid garnets to determine the draft order for selecting Play Order slots.

All ties will be broken randomly.

At the beginning of the second 24 hours of the Pregame Period, the full card list will be released in #mm7-card-list.

In the second 24 hours of the Pregame Period, the draft order will be released and players will select their Round 1 slots via a priority list of slot numbers.

There are seven slots; Slot 1 will play first in Round 1, Slot 2 will play second in Round 1...Slot 7 will play last in Round 1.

Every round, the Play Order will shift down once: in Round 2, Round 1’s Slot 1 player will play in Slot 2, Round 1’s Slot 2 player will play in Slot 3, and Round 1’s Slot 7 player will play in Slot 1.

Also in the second 24 hours of the Pregame Period, players may spend their starting amount of 20 CP on any cards in the Pregame Shop. (Note that CP does not carry from round to round.) These cards will make up your deck in Round 1.


This game will be played over 7 rounds.

Each round, you will randomly draw a number of cards from your deck that may be played. (The deck is shuffled at the end of each round.) The base number of cards that may be drawn each round is 5 + x, for which x = the round number divided by 2.

In other words, you draw 5 cards on Round 1, 6 card on Round 2, 6 cards on Round 3, 7 cards on Round 4, 7 cards on Round 5, 8 cards on Round 6, and 8 cards on Round 7. (With the use of certain cards, you may draw more cards than the base number.)

There are three types of currency: CP (Card Points), AP (Action Points), and GP (Gold Points). CP and AP do not carry over from round to round. GP carries over from round to round. Each round, all players will earn a base of 12 CP and 5 AP.

The actions that can be performed in each round and their respective AP costs are as follows:

(1) Play: 3 AP to play your hand

(2) Take From Discard: 1 AP to take 1 card from the Discard pile

(3) Unlock Shop: 1 AP to access the round’s card shop

(4) Limit Break: X AP to draw X additional cards the next round

The above list of actions are performed in that order, meaning the cards taken from discard or purchased in the shop cannot be drawn until the subsequent round.

All actions are performed in ascending Slot Order (1 first, 7 last), except for the Take From Discard action, which will take place at the end of the round. The Take From Discard action is performed in descending Slot Order (7 first, 1 last).

CP is used to purchase cards from the card shop. If in a round you do not use any CP, you will start with 4 additional CP in your next round.

GP is a secondary currency and your GP amount determines the cards you may play. Each card has a GP play cost. GP is earned through Currency cards.

Card Types

There are five different card types: Currency, Glory, Resource, Action, and Treasure.

Currency cards cost 0 GP to play. When played, Currency cards add to your GP for the amount of the card's CP cost.

Some Currency cards are Contraband; when played, Contraband Currency cards add to your GP for twice the amount of the card’s CP cost.

Glory cards are unplayable. A Glory card is worth their CP cost in Glory points, which will count toward a player’s final Glory score.

Resource cards are playable that cost their CP cost in GP to play. Playing certain sets of Resource cards across the course of the game may produce Treasures.

All Resource cards, when played, will be moved to the Discard pile.

Action cards are playable cards that cost their CP cost in GP to play.

Treasure cards are cards with playable actions and passive effects that cost 0 GP to play. Treasure cards' passive effects trigger as long as they reside in your deck. Treasure cards cannot be purchased from the card shop. Each player may own up to 1 copy of each Treasure card.

All listed cards will be available for purchase from the card shop at least once during the Main Match, except for Treasure cards. Treasure cards will never be available for purchase from the card shop.


When playing cards from your hand, the order of play must be specified. A list of cards labeled by a number list in your submissions channel will suffice. You will play cards according to your order of play.

At the beginning of each round, players will be told the cards that are available for purchase for the next two rounds. During the 2nd 24h pregame period, players will be told the shop cards for the Pregame Shop, Round 1 and Round 2. This means on Round 1, players will be told the cards that will be available for purchase on Round 3.

Players may not purchase multiple copies of the same card within a round, with the exception of the Pregame Shop.

Except for the Pregame Shop, cards in each round’s card shop have a purchase limit. If you attempt to purchase a card that has exceeded the purchase limit, you will not purchase the card.

Players will send in a list of cards they wish to purchase, which in total may exceed the amount of CP they carry. You will purchase cards according to your listed order. If a card is unavailable or you do not have enough CP, you will not purchase the card and will attempt to purchase the next card on your list.

When selecting the card to take from the Discard pile, players send in an ordered list of cards they wish to take. You will receive the highest available card from the Discard pile on your ordered list.

In Round 1, you may not take from the Discard pile as an action.

At the end of each round, your decks, hand draw and starting currencies for the next round will be privately updated in your submissions channels.

If any played cards designate you as a target, it will be privately announced to you that they were played on you, but not who played them.

The Discard pile will be publicly updated at the end of each round.


At the end of the Main Match, players’ Glory scores are calculated from Glory points and any Glory cards that remain in their decks.

The player with the lowest Glory score will become the Elimination Candidate.

The player with the highest Glory score wins the Main Match and will earn two Tokens of Life (including their own).

If any Glory scores are tied, the tie will be broken by the number of Contraband cards owned by the tied players (lower amount wins the tiebreak). If it is still tied, the tie will be broken by the number of Treasure cards owned by the tied players (higher amount wins the tiebreak).

If it remains tied, the tie will be broken by Gamewide Tiebreak.

For every 2 Treasure cards you own at the end of the Main Match, gain 1 garnet.

Clarification: Purchase limits and the Discard pile are shared across all players.

Clarification: All card effects that "Gain" cards will be gained to the deck, unless it is specified that they're gained to the hand.

Clarification: Once destroyed, a Treasure may not be regained.

Clarification: You can own multiple Parasites, the one copy of each Treasure rule does not apply to Parasite. Also exception to the above clarification that once destroyed, players can still gain another Parasite.

Clarification: All players’ Glory scores will be revealed at the end of the Main Match.

Clarification: When you gain a Treasure after playing its requisite resources, you receive the Treasure card at the end of the round.
