Tactical Genius


Designer(s): ISamEI Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Genius Invitational

In this DM, players will try to win a skirmish by either eliminating all enemy units or reaching the end of the board.

Each player will begin the game with 40 points which they can use to create units.

Creating a unit costs 3 points, and when you create a unit you will give it the following stats.


A name will allow both players to track the unit on the board.

The name of a unit must be 5 characters or less. This only adds flavor to the game; you may not name your units in a way that will confuse your opponent.


There are 8 unit types in the game:

Axe, Sword, Lance, Beserker, Arrow, Gun, Magic, and Cannon.

Units have different type effectiveness against one another, different ranges, different base stats, and different skills.


You will give each unit up to 2 skills.

It costs 1 point to give a unit a skill. Melee units and ranged units can learn different skills from one another, and each type can learn a unique skill exclusive to it.

Each skill has a different range. They vary from stat increases to changing movement to deflecting attacks.

Some skills have increased or decreased priority, which means that they will "always" go first or last (if two attacks have the same priority, the tie is broken by the higher speed going first).


Every unit has 10 health by default. You can spend additional points to increase a unit's health. (1 point -> +1 health) with no limit.

Attack (Atk)

You can give a unit 0-5 points in attack.

A unit that has 0 attack will be unable to attack at all.

Defense (Def)

You can give a unit 0-5 points in defense.


Speed determines how the order of the actions each unit takes is resolved. You can spend an unlimited number of points to increase a unit's speed (1 point -> +1 speed)

You will also give your unit a decimal speed bonus.

The player with more garnets can give bonuses of 0.26, 0.24 0.22, 0.20, 0.18, 0.16, 0.14, 0.12, 0.10, 0.08, 0.06, 0.04, and 0.02,

The player with least garnets can give bonuses of 0.25, 0.23, 0.21, 0.19, 0.17, 0.15, 0.13, 0.11, 0.09, 0.07, 0.05, 0.03, and .01

This way no two units will ever have the same speed.

Stat Bonuses

Depending on a unit's type, it may receive a free bonus in a certain stat.

When you run out of points, you will no longer be able to create units.


The board will be located on a Google Spreadsheet.

The board has 10 columns and 3 rows. The first four columns are the green army's and the last four columns are the blue army's.

On the bottom, there's a chart with all units in each army. On the right is the order their actions will be resolved in.

On a turn, you can command EACH ONE OF your units to do one of the following (e.g., if I have six units I'll issue six orders)..

1) Attack!

Each unit has its own attack range. You can attack enemy units that fall within your unit type's range.

Damage is calculated as follows:

[Your unit's attack] minus [half the enemy's defense]

If your unit type is effective against the enemy's unit type, the above is multiplied by 2.

For example, according to this chart, Axes are effective against Lances, Guns, Magic, and Cannon and do double damage against them.

Any unit that has zero or negative health after an attack is removed from play and will not be able to take any turns.

2) Use skill

If your unit has a skill, you can use it in place of attacking.

3) Move

Your unit can move up one space, down one space, or forward one space if the column it would be moving into would be clear of enemies.

If your unit moves into a space where you already have a unit, the two will switch places and it will consume both of those unit's turns.

4) Idle

Your unit can do absolutely nothing if you wish.


After the command phase is resolved, there will be a short 5 minute reinforcement period where you can advance or place new units.

1) Advance

You may move all your units one space towards the enemy's side of the board if the columns your units would move into are all free of enemies.

The player that has the unit with the highest speed advances first.

2) Place Units

You may place new units on any unoccupied space on your side of the board. However, if you attempt to place any units behind an enemy unit, you will fail to place it.

You can have at most 6 units on the board at a time, and place at most 10 units throughout the game.


1) You reach the enemy's side of the board.

2) After the following turns take place

1) reinforcement 2) command - reinforcement 3) command - reinforcement 4) command - reinforcement 5) command - reinforcement 6) command - reinforcement 7) command - reinforcement 8) command - reinforcement 9) command - reinforcement 10) command - reinforcement

You've killed a total number of units worth more points than your opponent.

If this is a tie, then the player who has the most points remaining wins.

If this is still a tie, then the player with the most garnets wins.

Time Controls

Each command round and reinforcement round will be up to 5 minutes long. Once per game, a player can call for extended time and the time control will be 10 minutes for both players.

Clarification Green units will always attack to the right, while Blue units will always attack towards the left

Rule Change

Units that are capable of attacking will deal 0.5 damage at minimum.


You can use all skills on all units, even those that belong to your enemy

Rule change/correction

Covering Fire is high priority.


You can't spend points on units that are dead/have already been constructed


When you attack, you target a specific tile


Rushing can rush through allied units


Must move all units forward if you advance
