Clone Chess


Designer(s): ISamEI Match Type: MM (for 5 players)
Featured in: Genius Invitational

In Clone Chess, players will place and move chess pieces on their board so that each piece touches each square on their board exactly once.

Each player will be given a board.

At the beginning of the game, all player's 8 x 8 boards are empty and each square is worth 0 points. This game will be played out over 5 rounds.

(Board coordinates above)

On your turn, you do the following:

1) Move any existing pieces on your board. You move a piece by saying its starting location and end location (for example, King d2 - e3). Any piece you do not move is destroyed (and you lose the number of points the piece was worth).

If a piece passes over or lands on a 0 point square it becomes worth 3 points.

If a piece passes over or lands on a 3 point square, it becomes worth 1 point.

If a piece passes over or lands on 1 point square, it becomes worth 0 points.

At the end of this phase, a danger check is also conducted. If any of your pieces are "under attack" by any of your other pieces (falls under another piece's movement range) that piece is destroyed and you lose the number of points the piece was worth. If two pieces are attacking each other, then both are destroyed.

2) Place up to 18 power worth of pieces onto your board. They can begin their turn in any space you choose.

3) Clone up to 4 of your pieces onto any of your opponent's boards. Your opponent will receive a copy of that piece in its end position. If the clone would end up on top of one of your opponent's pieces, then the cloning fails. On the first round only, you may clone pieces you have just placed; but in all other rounds you cannot clone a piece you have placed. in the same round

If you wish, you may lock your board. This means that only the first piece cloned into your board by each player in the game will arrive onto your board (max 4 per round)

Power and Pieces

Each piece's movements are identical to how they would move in a regular game of chess

9 power - Queen - can move any number of spaces vertically, horizontally, or diagonally in a line. 6 power - Rook - can move any number of spaces vertically or horizontally in a line. 3 power - Bishop - can move any number of spaces diagonally in a line. 3 power - Knight can move 2 spaces horizontally and 1 space vertically OR 2 spaces vertically and 1 space horizontally. 2 power - King - can move one space orthogonally or diagonally. 1 poswer - Pawn - can move up one space. Attacks one space diagonally above.

Special Rules

Pawns do not promote in this game. If they reach the back rank, they will have nowhere to go. There is no such thing as en passent and pawns can never move two spaces up.

Knights are considered to "pass over" all squares they move over in an L shape.

You may "castle" if a king and a rook are in the same row or column, have not moved and no other pieces are between them. The king will move until it is adjacent to a rook, then the king and the rook will switch positions. Afterwards, you may move the king one space. The spaces the king moves over will be considered to have been "passed over" once and you can castle as often as you like.

There is no such thing as check or checkmate in this game.


Every round, players will know the board state of every player in this MM.

Garnet Spending

You may pay 4 garnets to remove a piece from your board (at any point during your turn). You will lose as many points as half that piece's power.


After Round 5, your score is calculated as follows...

Each player receives points for every square on their board (3 points, 1 point, or 0 points per square)

Each player who has uniquely the most of a certain piece (pawn, king, knight, bishop, rook, or queen) earns 18 points. You can earn multiple of these rewards. If multiple players have the most of a certain piece, none will receive the reward.

You lose the same number of points as the power value of the pieces that were destroyed on your board.

The player who receives the most points at the end of the game gains a TOL and 3 garnets.

The player who receives the second-most points at the end of the game also gains a TOL and 3 garnets.

If there is a 3-way tie or more, then no one receives a TOL.

EC is the player with the least amount of points.


Added how scoring works and changed "point value of pieces" to "power" for clarity


King can move diagonally.


Added additional clarifications to castling.


If multiple pieces end up cloned onto the same square, none of them will be cloned.

Rule Change

If you remove a piece using garnets, you will receive a penalty equivalent to half that piece's power (not rounded) in addition to paying garnets.


Locking a board only lasts for one round (you can lock as many rounds as you like)

Clarification Locking the board limits you to receiving 1 piece per player per round


If multiple pieces are attempted to be cloned onto the same space, or the space is already occupied, the clone does not go through

About Information

I will announce any pieces that were destroyed or removed from a board.


Moving/removal resolved in following order

1) Move pieces 2) Unmoved pieces removed 3) Pieces Destroyed
