The Genius: Three Houses


Designer(s): ISamEI Match Type: MM (for 10 players)
Featured in: Genius Invitational

In The Genius: Three Houses players will participate in two of three houses to earn gold coins.

Each player starts the game with 2 of each of the following tiles in hand, to be used in any house:

R1, B2, Y3, O4, G5, R6, B7, Y8, O9, and G0.

You may also trade tiles to other players to use in your 1on1s. Just ping to dealer to give someone a tile (it goes through if they accept it).

The houses you can participate in are as follows:

#mm4-house-of-wisdom, where you will seek to create the longest mathematical equation that makes 24.

#mm4-house-of-ice, where you will gamble on what tile a wandering snom will end up using clues given to you and other players.

and #mm4-house-of-law, where you earn points using number colors and pass additional laws governing the mm.

In your first submission, you will submit for two out of three houses in the game. These two houses will be the ones you participate in for the rest of the main match.

The player who has the most gold coins after 5 rounds wins the Main Match and earns 3 tokens of life.

The player who has the least gold coins becomes EC.

The House of Wisdom

In The House of Wisdom, players will compete in an auction to create a mathematical equation that fits the target number.

Every round, 4 random sign tiles of the below:

x (multiplication), + (addition), - (subtraction), / (division), ^ (exponentiation), ! (factorial), . (decimal)

will be up for grabs. You may choose 2 of these tiles to take and add to your hand.

Every round, you must also play 2 tiles in your hand. These will be used in your final equation. If you play an invalid tile, it will be replaced with the lowest tile that is in your hand. If you have one tile in your hand, you will be forced to play it and you will lose 1 gold coin. If you have no tiles in your hand, then you will lose 1 gold coin.

Final Equation

In the final round, you may play any number of tiles from your hand, but you must use all previous tiles you've placed.


📗 You may concatenate digits to form numbers; for example if you used a "2" and a "5" tile you can use the number 25.

📗 0s must be after a number. 040 is not valid ❌ but 400 is valid ✅

📗 A number divided by 0 is considered infinity, with all other operations conducted on it resulting in infinity.

📗 0^0 is infinity. Infinity operated on by anything is infinity.

📗 You may use any number of parentheses for clarity. (but use multiplication signs for multiplications)

📗 If a factorial cannot be computed by Wolfram Alpha, then it will be rounded to infinity. If an exponent cannot be computed by Wolfram Alpha, then it will be rounded to 0 or infinity.

You must rearrange all the symbols you took from previous rounds and all numbers you played in previous rounds to make the longest equation that equals 24.

The player who is closest to 24 with the longest equation "wins" the House of Wisdom.

For winning:

1st place: 100 gold coins and 3 garnets 2nd place: 80 gold coins 3rd place: 60 gold coins

Players who are tied split the reward for that placement (rounded down).

The House of Ice

In The House of Ice, understanding the life and death of melting rocks and the urgency of repairing snowmelt is just one part of living in a glaciated dome (really!).

Meet Snom:

Snom will begin in the bottom right tile of an 11x11 board. He will travel in a given direction until he hits an Ice Block. There are 11 blocks on the board

The locations of the ice blocks are invisible (and random!), but clues have been given out to each player, each giving them one location of an ice block. There is only 1 ice block in each row and column.

In the final round, Snom will move in the following directions, based on a non-random pattern.

1) Up 2) Left 3) Down 4) Right 5) Up 6) Right 7) ??? 8) ??? 9) ???



Every round, players may use up to 2 numbers to bid on 2x2 blocks.

For example I can use 9 to bid on block D1 (covering squares D1, D2, E1, E2).

Each player can bid on any block and you can bid the sum of multiple tiles by using them on the same block.

After every round, I will reveal who is leading on each individual square. If two people tie for the lead on any round, then all points on that square will be cleared.

At the end of the game, whoever has contributed the most points to a square will own that square.


100 gold coins and 3 garnets - to the player who owns the square Snom ends the game on 80 gold coins - to the player who owns the most orthogonally connected squares 60 gold coins - to the player who owns the largest clustered orthogonally connected squares, at least one of which is adjacent to the square Snom ends (the square Snom himself ends on does not qualify as "adjacent")

If there is a tie for a condition then the prize is split.

The House of Law

In The House of Law, players will take on the role of legislators.

Committing Colors

Every round, each player can commit up to 2 numbers of any color. The numbers committed are public.

R1 is Red 1, for example. B2 is blue 2, Y3 is yellow 3, O4 is orange 4 and G5 is Green 5. The numbers can generally be ignored. The colors are important.

Proposing Bills

In Round 1, bills governing the usage of the garnets in this MM have been pre-proposed.

Every round following, each legislator can propose 1 bill. The bills available to be proposed are on the spreadsheet here.

A bill that is voted down can be proposed again, but a bill that passes cannot.

Voting on Bills

The bills proposed for a round will each be revealed and put to a vote.

You can either vote twice on one bill or vote once on every bill.

Passing a Law

The vote tally on each law will be revealed (but voters will be anonymous).

If a majority of tiles are "Yes" , then the law passes. If there is a tie, no votes, or a majority is "No", then the bill fails.


There can only be 7 bills in the constitution at a time. If more than 7 bills would be passed, then oldest, lowest numbered-bill will be evicted. The oldest, lowest numbered bill will always be at the top.

A bill's number is the same as its row number.

Bills that are tagged with Immediately resolve "immediately" and are not added to the constitution. Bills are always resolved top to bottom (in the spreadsheet).


Each color begins by having a value of 0 points. At the end of the MM, colors pay out points depending on the laws.

The player who has the most points in House of Law earns 100 gold coins and 3 garnets

Every other player earns gold coins based on the percentage of the winner's points they have (rounded down).

For example, if the winner has 100 points, and you have 30 points, you earn 30 gold coins

If you have negative points, then you lose coins based on the percentage of the winner's points.
