Crypto Crisis


Designer(s): ISamEI Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Genius Invitational

In Crypto Crisis, players will attempt to crack their opponent's word before you can crack theirs.

Before the game starts, each player will choose 3 5-letter english words. It must be verified by

Your words must be comprised of all unique letters, and cannot contain a Z. Then, your words will be transferred onto grids, in the colors red green and blue.

For the blue word... the first two letters of the word will be underlined

For the yellow word.. the first two letters of the word will be italicized

For the red word... the first two letters of the word will be struck through

If my words are study, ghost, and knife for example, they would would appear on the grids as follows:


Then, you may encrypt each of your words with up to three shifts each.

A shift may be up, down, left, right. The board wraps around, so if the top board was shifted left, for example, then the blue "u" would become a blue"y".

The underlines, italics, and bold will shift along with the squares. Examples of shifted boards below:

"study" shifted left 3 times

"ghost" shifted up 3 times

"knife" shifted right 2 down 1

note that the effects (strikethrough, underlines, italics) are shifted along with the highlighted tiles

for example, "K and N" were struck through and now "P and R" are.

So in summary: you will submit 3 words, along with up to 3 shifts each.

[word] [shift] [shift] [shift]

[word] [shift] [shift] [shift]

[word] [shift] [shift] [shift]....

The Merge

All the boards with your words will be merged. Effects will be stacked (strikethroughs, italics, underlines...). If there are multiple colors on a tile, the colors on that tile will change according to the color wheel (red + blue = purple, red + yellow = orange, yellow + blue = green, red + blue + yellow = black. Text color will be changed to white if a tile is black).

This will be your final board, and the only board your opponent will see when it comes to solving time.


Each player will receive both boards and attempt to solve their opponent's at the same time.

You are only allowed to guess once for every 30 seconds (even if your previous guess was correct). Both players will attempt to guess words in the same channel (#guess-words) which is in slow mode, keeping time. You will receive hints as the game goes on. Correct answers will be given a ✅ react by dealer. Incorrect answers will be ignored.

After 15 minutes have passed, each player's first shift will be revealed.

After 30 minutes have passed, each player's second shift will be revealed.

After 45 minutes have passed, the game will end and the player who guessed the most of their opponent's words in the shortest time wins the DM.

If no words have been guessed after 45 minutes, sudden death will be entered. The third shifts of all words will be revealed and the first player to guess a word wins. If five minutes elapse without any word being guessed, the player with more garnets is the winner.

Keep in mind that the hints refer to the shifts that took place on the original tiles.

Ending the Game

The first player to correctly guess their all 3 of their opponent's word wins the deathmatch.

If more than 45 minutes elapse, then the player who guessed the most of their opponent's words in the least amount of time wins the deathmatch.


You may not use computer programs or word unscramblers/anagram solvers. You may not use any notes (you cannot construct databases of common words and patterns to refer to), You may work with a number of 5 by 5 grids containing letters of the alphabet and may use dictionaries.

If both players come to an agreement, these rules can be modified. (Player 1 says: "I want both of us to be able to use any kind of notes" Player 2 says: "sure", then it's fine for their preference to supersede these rules)

Clarification: You can use a pencil/paper, just can't bring in notes you've created beforehand.
