Murder Mansion Mayhem


Designer(s): ISamEI Match Type: MM (for 12 players)
Featured in: Genius Invitational

In Murder Mansion Mayhem, the 12 players will try to assassinate other players in a suspicious mansion to receive TOLs. Each player will receive a secret identity and a target from the following list below:

"Captain Silver"

"Colonel Mustard"

"Don Bronze"


"Madam Platinum"

"Mr. Boddy"

"Mr. Gold"

"Mrs. Peacock"

"Ms. Scarlet"

"Ms. White"

"Professor Plum"

"Reverend Green"

Madam Platinum, Mr. Gold, Captain Silver and Don Bronze begin the game each holding 1 TOL.

Swapping Identities

In round 1 only, you may choose to swap identities/targets with any other player by submitting in your channel that you swap with them.

If that player...

-did not swap with or get swapped by anyone else, then you receive their identity/target and they are notified of their new identity/target.

-swapped with someone who also swapped with them, your swap fails and their swap succeeds

-is involved in multiple swaps, none of which are mutual, then all swaps fail

If a swap fails, a player will be notified that someone attempted to swap with them.


You can also try to throw your identity/target into the re-roller R1 only. All identities/targets in the re-roller will be randomly re-distributed to the players who attempted a re-roll. (You will not receive back your original identity/target if possible)

The Game

Every round, players can choose to go to the Study or the Attic.

If an alive player goes to the Study, they earn 1 point. If an alive player goes to the Attic, they earn 0 points.

After each round, players in each room and the points they earned will be revealed.


Every round, if you think you know which player your target is, you can submit your target player, and your weapon. You can only kill your target, and you must be in the same room as your target to kill them successfully.

Every player starts with 5 weapons, ranked as follows:

1) Revolver 2) Dagger 3) Lead Pipe 4) Candlestick 5) Machine Gun

Each weapon can only be used once in the game.

So for example I can submit "I kill Sam in the Study with the Lead Pipe."

If they are indeed your target and are in the room you specified, they will be killed and you inherit their target. If they had any TOLs in their possession, you receive them.

After each round, it will be announced which players are killed and with what weapon, but not who killed them. If someone attempts to kill you and fails, it will be announced that someone tried to kill you with a certain weapon and failed - but not who. (the weapon will still have been used)

If multiple kills are made in a round that form a chain (e.g. Uri kills Sam who kills Isa), they will be processed such that the players with the higher-ranking weapons kill first. If multiple players have equivalent weapons, then the player higher up on the chain will kill first (Uri will kill Sam before Sam will kill Isa)

The Machine Gun is a special weapon. It is very loud, so if you use it, you (the player) will be revealed as trying to kill. However, you can select up to 3 targets at once with to attempt to kill (only you will only succeed in killing your one target if they are selected).

If there is a full loop of kills with equivalent weapons, then everyone in that loop will die. (i.e. Uri who kills Sam who kills Uri)


If you are killed, you become a ghost. Players are considered to have become ghosts/been killed before they move, so if someone submitted that they killed you, it was successful, and you submitted that you "go the Study", then you would not earn any points.

However, you can still earn points as a ghost. In the afterlife, you earn 2 points if you go to a room in the round that has a minority players in it, (whether they are living or dead). Otherwise, you earn 0 points.


Each player begins the game with 2 questions. You may submit any game-related yes or no question regarding this MM to any player, and it will be answered truthfully at the beginning of the next round.

For example: "Sam, are you "Ms. White" or "Miss Peacock?" No.

"Did Dyno kill YAGPD?" Yes.

You can ask questions about a player's future actions in rounds beyond the next round. (You can ask questions about round 3, 4, 5 in Round 1, 4 and 5 in Round 2, and Round 5 in Round 3).

Example: "Will you kill Sam in R3, if possible?

The player you target will receive that question anonymously, and must "honestly" answer yes or no. If their answer turns out to be a lie, they lose 1 point.

You cannot ask questions about actions players do not have complete control over. For example - "In R3, will you kill Sam?" is not a valid question because it could be impossible for the player to kill Sam if they are dead, if Sam is dead, if the game has ended, or if Sam is in another room.

You may not ask questions that cover multiple rounds, or questions about information in resource channels, 1on1s, thoughts, confessionals, etc. You can only lose at most 1 point per round from lying. Different questions can be asked than just "Will you kill x player?"; the above are just examples.

You will know all questions asked to you, but you will not know who sent them.


After 5 rounds (five decisions of where to move/ and 4 of whether who to kill and where to go), the player(s) holding the TOLs earn 3 garnets each. If a player has any extra TOLs they must distribute them.

If there are no players left alive, then the next round will be the final round. After that, the player with the most points earns 2 TOLs.

If all living players hold TOLs and unanimously agree, they may secretly vote to end the game after the round is over instead of going the full five rounds.

Regardless the player(s), living or dead, with the least points will be EC.

Garnet Spending: You may spend 2 garnets per 1 extra question
