Go Fish


Designer(s): ISamEI Match Type: MM (for 11 players)
Featured in: Genius Invitational

In Go Fish, the 11 remaining players will take to the seas and become fishermen.

Every round, you may catch a number of fish, in any combination. Each round you may also sell any fish you have just caught or have stored.

In rounds 1 and 2, you may catch up to 4 fish, in any combination.

In rounds 3 and 4 you may catch up to 3 fish.

In round 5 you may catch up to 1 fish.

Any fish you do not sell remains in your inventory for later rounds. Each fish has its own price chart, shown below and depending on the number of fish being sold, the price of the fish may spike or crash. The price of a fish is affected by the total number of fish sold by all players in a round.

The fish you can catch and sell listed below, and each fish has their own special properties.

Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout is a fish of many colors. If you sell all 5 fish in the same round, you will receive a flat $4.00 bonus.

9 or more fish: $1.50 6 to 8 fish: $2.50 3 to 5 fish: $4.50 2 or less fish: $7.00


Shark will be very upset if you fish them.

Whenever you fish at a shark, you must choose another player. If you fish multiple sharks, you must choose multiple players. It will be announced those players were attacked by sharks and lose $1. You cannot lose more than $1 from a shark attack per round.

9 or more fish: $1.00 6 to 8 fish: $3.50 3 to 5 fish $5.00 2 or less fish: $7.50

Sea Urchin

Sea Urchin is a valuable delicacy that hurts to touch.

If you fish any sea urchin during a round, then the next round you fish one less fish than you normally could (ouch!). The penalty does not stack.

9 or more fish: $0.50 6 to 8 fish: $3.00 3 to 5 fish: $9.00 2 or less fish: $12.00


Dolphin live in a pristine natural paradise off of Genius Island (that also happens to be near an oil rig, which is definitely perfectly safe. Nothing will ever go wrong for the dolphins).

9 or more fish: $2.00 6 to 8 fish $4.00 3 to 5 fish: $6.50 2 or less fish: $8.50


For the purposes of this MM, oil counts as a fish. You may take barrels of oil from an oil rig. If you take at least 2 barrels of oil in a round, you power your speedboat and can fish one additional fish next round.

However, if more than 30 barrels of oil are taken in the course of this main match, there is an oil spill. In that round, and in all following rounds the dolphins fished up are oily.

Oily dolphins are worth negative 1 cent when sold (but they still count as dolphins)

If you have dolphin stored and fish up an oily dolphin, all the dolphin you have stored become oily. You will not know you have oily dolphins until you sell them.

If more than 45 barrels of oil are taken in the course of this main match, the oil rig explodes, all players who took oil that round lose $45, and the MM ends early.

9 or more oil: $0.00 6 to 8 oil: $4.00 3 to 5 oil: $6.00 2 oil or less: $8.00


Every round, it will be revealed who sold what fish and for how much money (but not what each player fished up).

Ending the Game

If the game ends after 5 rounds, each player who sold the most of any one kind of fish receives a $6 prize. If you sold the most of multiple fish, you receive multiple prizes.

The game may also end via oil rig explosion, in which case no such prizes are awarded.

The player(s) with the least money are ec.

The solo player with the most money earns 2 TOLs and 3 garnets.

The player with the second-most money earns 2 TOL and 3 garnets.

If there are any ties for first or second place, then second place does not earn any TOLs.

You may have up to a 9-way tie. If there is a 10-way tie, no tols are given. If there is an 11-way tie, the player(s) who sold the least amount of Rainbow Trout are EC.

Garnet Spending

You may hire Fang Dongfin, a genius shark hunter. His pay rate is 2 garnets per round. When you hire him, any sharks who attack you will not make you lose any money.
