Do Androids Dream of Electric Deathmatches?


Designer(s): ISamEI, uriquack Match Type: DM (for 2 players)
Featured in: Genius Invitational

In Do Androids Dream of Electric Deathmatches? (DADOED) players will issue a limited number of commands to their androids in a battle arena flying high in the sky, as the battle arena slowly turns to rubble.

Both players start the game with 2 bots, one in each corner. Every turn you will choose one of your bots to execute a command. You will specify the command, and the coordinate of the tile you are acting on. (Example: F1 East 3)


During the battle in the arena, there will be a spreadsheet with a shared list of commands you can use.

Each command is pooled and can be used by either player. Some can be used exactly once. Others can potentially be used repeatedly.

Each individual command also has a condition. If a command's condition cannot be fulfilled, then the command cannot be issued.

The types of commands are blue, red, green, and gold.

Blue Commands

Blue commands are movement commands. When a bot uses a movement command, it simply moves the designated number of squares. Each blue command in the pool can be used only once.

Gold Commands

Gold commands allow you to manipulate hazards.

Spread Fire allows you to spread a dangerous fire one space in any direction a fire is present.

Nudge Boulder allows you to move a boulder anywhere on the board one space in any direction. A nudged boulder will not roll, but any boulder that the nudged boulder contacts will (see hazards section). A nudged boulder can push bots.

When a gold command in the pool is used, it cannot be used again until all other gold commands have been executed. Then all gold commands in the pool are refreshed.

Red Commands

Red commands are a misc assortment of commands that do not move bots nor hazards.

Each red command in the pool can only be used once.

Green Commands

Green commands can be used repeatedly.

There is only one green command, the "Drop Bot" command.


As turns pass, more hazards will be present on the board.

Fire - Depending on the commands used, fire can slowly spread through the arena. Bots can pass through fire freely, but if a bot ends its turn in flames, it burns out and dies.

Holes and Boundaries - Every time a bot moves using a blue command, its starting tile will be shattered and form a hole. If a bot moves over a hole, or is pushed into a hole, it falls off the map and dies. Bots walking off the arena will also fall off and die.

Boulders - After entering a square a boulder is present in, the bot will halt and push the boulder in the direction the bot was moving. The boulder will roll, putting out all fire in its path, until it falls off the map. A rolling boulder will also push any bots it encounters along its path.

Pushing - When a bot moves, it pushes other bots in its path. For example, if Bot A move 3 spaces east, and Bot B is in the space 1 to the east of Bot A, Bot B will also be forced to move 3 spaces east.

If both the pushing and the pushed bot fall off the map, the pushed bot is considered to have fallen off first.

Destroying a Bot

As listed above and in the spreadsheet, bots can perish the following ways:

-Falling off the map

-Falling through a hole

-Catching fire

-Being Exploded/Exploding

When an enemy bot is destroyed, you acquire it in your reserves (its super commands remain the same).

On your turn, you can then execute the Drop Bot command to drop the bot anywhere on the board. It will now count as one of your bots.

Winning the Game

There are three ways to win the game:

1) If at any point you have at least 1 bot on the board and your opponent has no bots on the board, then you win the game.

2) If your opponent cannot execute any commands on their turn or refuses to, you win the game.

3) Both players also have time banks of 30 minutes tracked in 30 second increments. If a player's time bank fully depletes, they lose the death match.


Preparation (Super Commands)

Before the DM starts, you will assign each of your two bots a "super command".

A super command is chain of two commands that will be executed in sequence and only be used if both commands are able to be executed. A bot's super command can be used as many times as you like, and must contain at least 1 blue command must start with a blue command. The four individual commands that make up your two supercommands must be unique.

The first player to move cannot use a super command on their first turn. Blue will move first.

Edit: Your super command must include and begin with a blue command..

Clarification: Exploding: If your bot explodes then it now belongs to your enemy.

Clarification (text added): Nudged boulders: Nudged boulders can push bots.

Clarification Pool: The command pool itself is to the right of the board. Some of the commands in the pool are listed twice.

Clarification: Super Commands do not use up the commands in the pool. They are just separate commands

Addendum: Bots are now labelled A, B, C, and D.

Added text to "place boulder" entry:

Cannot place on enemy bot. Cannot place on top of existing boulder. (Can place on fire tile)

Boulder Scenarios:

Bot A pushing Boulder B will cause the boulder to roll and the bot to move into a boulder's space.

Bot A pushing Bot B into Boulder C will cause Bot A to move into Bot Bs space, Bot B into Boulder C's space, and Boulder C to roll.

Bot A pushing Boulder B into Bot C and Boulder D will cause Boulder B roll and push Bot C, and Bot C to push Boulder D and have it roll. Boulder B, Bot C, and Boulder D would all fall off the map.

Bot A pushes Boulder B into Boulder C. Bot A moves into Boulder B's square, Boulder B moves into Boulder C's square, and Boulder C rolls off the map.

Addendum: A boulder will never stop rolling (and pushing) unless it directly contacts another boulder or a rooted bot.

Edited added text to included rooted bots

Clarification: The boulder moves in a straight line in the direction bot pushed until it falls off the board or in a hole


At the end of either player's turn, any bot on a fire tile will die. Will edit when I get chance.

Let me know if you have been practicing with another interpretation and I may change back because the previous rule seems to imply to otherwise.

If your bot pushes another bot into fire, the bot pushed dies first.


Boulders on bots: You cannot place boulders on top of your own bots 😢

Self Destructing: Self Destructing will destroy the tile a bot is on along with surrounding tiles.
